Embracing a new culture.

    • Embracing a new culture.

      I am happily married to Lala, a beautiful Filipina. We’ve been a couple for 5 months already. Well, thanks to AFA! They are the reason why I met Lala and eventually get tied to this wonderful woman. She is truly amazing. It is true that AFA has good wives, and Lala is one of them.

      Even if we’re living in the States, Lala is making our home into a Filipino setting. The atmosphere is impressive and loving. I did not know that Filipinos are hospitable and very family-oriented. They do everything to be good partners and create a happy home.

      Embracing a new culture is very exciting. Though some are weird but I find it fun and pleasing. This is one of the best experiences I had so far. Embracing the Filipino culture is important for me. I married a Filipina and I need to learn their culture so that she’ll know I appreciate her so much. It’s not that difficult anyway.

      What about yours? Anyone here with the same experience?