I miss her so bad. Should I reach out?

    • I miss her so bad. Should I reach out?

      I miss my ex-girlfriend so bad. It feels like a hole that’s the size of her is missing inside me. We broke up recently, closing to 3 weeks, and we haven’t talked ever since. Well, there was that time when I tried messaging her but she shut me down by saying I’m reaching out too soon. How soon is soon, anyway? Looking back at our relationship, she and I always had a thing for timing. Whether it’s making our relationship official three months after the romance date tour or us giving our relationship another go, timing was always a crucial matter.

      I’m so torn right now between talking to her or waiting for another time. When are you supposed to reach out to your ex after your break up? I’m not trying to reach out because I want to get back together just yet. I’m reaching out because I want us to be at least on speaking terms. I still think we have another chance. If we’d be on speaking terms then we could at least work out things. I don’t know. I really, really miss her so much.