How do I temporarily "disable" my desire to get a GF?

    • How do I temporarily "disable" my desire to get a GF?

      I am 16. I am fond of studying Maths and Computer Science. The problem is, that I don't have time to get a girlfriend because I want to get a good high school education, go to university and get a well-paid job that I like. I plan to get married at around 30, the time when I expect to have my own house, be completely mature and life-experienced. However, if I get a girlfriend now, I won't be able to concentate on my studies as much as I can and thus can fail the university entry exams. I have this desire for 4 years and every day it gets harder and harder not to think about the opposite gender, and I am afraid that if I don't act now, I will go crazy. So, the question is, is there any way I can temporarily turn off the desire for opposite gender in my body? If it is possible to take medicine, what exact pills can you take?