help with blood in my semen

    • help with blood in my semen

      Recently I have been finding blood in my semen when I masturbate. I am not currently sexually active (I have been one year ago), and I don't masturbate often. I used to see blood in my semen but it wasn't much and I would stop and it would go away. 2 weeks ago it happened 3 days in a row so I stopped for a week. when I masturbated again, I found dark red strands of blood in my semen. I stopped for 3 days and today when I masturbated, all my semen was blood red. I also noticed chunks of blood or something. It scared the SHIT out of me. I'm pretty sure that I don't have an STD, but I'm still worried. Any ideas what's happening?
    • I think what is happening in your case is that the bleeding that gives rise to the blood has nothing to do with masturbation. That means that when you stop masturbating to avoid provoking it, it actually continues but you don't see the result. Later, when you do masturbate, the amount of blood you see is greater and some of it has had the chance to congeal.

      The odd instance that starts, and resolves, spontaneously shouldn't ring alarm bells but what you describe is an ongoing(chronic) condition and you really should see a doctor. Depending on the medical setup where you live, if you suspect it may be an infection, you could also try a sexual health clinic. But one way or another you should be seen by a medic.