I probably sound pathetic but skdjdk

    • I probably sound pathetic but skdjdk

      I have absolutely no idea why it's come to this.

      I'm a pretty feminine 15 y/o, get assumed gay etc, and have come out as bi. I've had this girl best friend since last easter, and we've grown so so so close - I love it. The issue is, as I'm sure you've already guessed, is I've fallen for her, and she couldn't be more uninterested. I try to hide it, but she sees through it when I'm down about it, and I'm usually only down about it when she's going on about whatever guy she's on is fit etc. It kinda hurts to hear it, but I get over myself most of the time. I've outright told her, and this was a couple months ago. She didn't take it well and ended up suggesting we stop talking for a few weeks/months for me to get over myself. I think it was a pretty stupid suggestion considering we live within a 10 min walk from eachother and the walk to school is an hour+, so my mum drops us both off -it would basically put her out of a lift and someone to take her dog on a dog walk with (most people live north of our town, nearer the school, we're both pretty south).

      This has all lead to me really bottling up how I feel and only occasionally letting it out in outbursts of tears to other close friends. I don't know how to get over her, and I'm struggling to keep positive about it all.

      Weirdly, and I don't think it's linked, but around easter last year, just after I started getting to know her, I had a really rough patch of my life, a kind of mid-teen crisis if you will, and it led to me being referred to councillors for suicidal feelings, and got admitted to hospital at one point (not because I'd tried to do anything, just because school were apparently concerned for my wellbeing). That's all in the past know, but its been coming up here and there recently..
