Britney Spears & Kevin Federline-Chaotic?

    • Britney Spears & Kevin Federline-Chaotic?

      The pop singer and star Britney Spears and her husband Kevin Federline, made a decision to use their personal video footage as material for a reality show entitled - Britney & Kevin: Chaotic.

      But what could be seen as a perfect money-making opportunity looks a little more complicated than that. For instance, Spears has often been quoted complaining about the paparazzi and the deep interest in her personal life. So why has she chosen this venue to air so many of her personal moments?

      Here are some GirlShrink theories...
      1. Britney may feel as if she is regaining control of her life by feeding the public information about her life that is "truth" instead of the magazines and entertainment shows feeding half-truths to the public.

      2. She may have something to prove to others as well as herself about her relationship with Federline. Many people have pegged him as someone along for the ride...but perhaps through her personal film footage she seeks to show the world just how Federline fell in love with her - just as she fell for him.

      3. She may be so deeply emotional about her love for Federline, that she really doesn't care about "revealing" herself to the world through their personal videos. She could just be living in the moment, and letting down some of her guard.

      4. Creating the show and then watching it come together is sort of like re-living those exciting and new feelings when you first fall in love. Also, the show will always be a piece of their personal history. Something they may want to give to their children etc.

      5. Britney is young, spirited, and wealthy. She has the desire, opportunity, and means to make something like this show exist.

      6. She appears to be tired of the rigors of being a "performing" pop star. The road can be grueling. She seems very ready to fall in love, have children, and be taken care of by someone who cares about her and not someone she is paying to care for her.