Keeping conversations going with that significant other...

    • Keeping conversations going with that significant other...

      alright so i have a girlfriend she top notch and everything. I only have one problem. Conversations... I run outta things to say. Let's just get a big list going here of discussion topics. I don't care if its the weather, or what the Pope's middle name is. Make sense? alright go.
    • Re: Keeping conversations going with that significant other...

      i am not an expert in these thing but you could talk to your girlfriend about her problems ask her if she wants to talk about something or if shes worried about something i know girls love it when someone is there to listen to everything they have to say its a girl thing! like me i love it when my friends are there to listen to me and if a boy listen to your problems then its even better!
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]