Dangerous Nights, an AU fanfic part two

    • Dangerous Nights, an AU fanfic part two

      Well, it wouldn't let me post the entire thing in one post, so here's part two.

      Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of it's characters. I do, however, own my plot.

      “Hey, hey, are you finally awake?”

      She tried to open her eyes, but the light above her was blinding. So, she put her hand above her eyes, shielding them, and asked, “Sango, where am I?”

      “Don’t you remember?” said her friend in a small voice, “you were…attacked,” she choked this word out, as if it was difficult to say. “That was last night. Oh, Kagome! I was so worried! They said that you had hit your head really hard. And that you were bleeding. And then you wouldn’t wake up, I was so scared! Oh, I’m going to make Inuyasha pay for this!” Sango had thrown herself on the bed and was crying into Kagome’s shoulder, hugging her.

      Kagome patted her friends back, noting that there was an IV in her hand. “Sango, it wasn’t Inuyasha’s fault. And besides, I feel fine.” A slight lie, that last part. Her head felt like it was going to explode.

      “Somehow I doubt that’s true,” said a young brown-haired doctor, walking in. “You have a pretty bad concussion, so I’d expect you to feel pretty sore and have a killer headache right now.” Well, he was right about that. She felt like she had been thrown into a dryer for about a few hours. And she felt nauseous. “But other than that, you’re fine. Just a few bad bruises on your back and wrists. Thank goodness we didn’t have to put stitches on that cut on the back of your head. It was bleeding so badly that we thought we might have had to, but, once we got it cleaned up, it turned out to be smaller than we first thought.” He smiled.

      “How long do I have to stay here?” she asked.

      “Well, I’d rather you stay again tonight, just for observation. You worried us, you know. You were out for quite a long time.”

      “What time is it?”

      “Six in the afternoon.” Wow, she had been out for a while. Next to her, Sango had stopped crying, but was still lying next to her with no apparent intentions of getting up. Right at that moment she wished that they would all just go away. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep. Plus, the light was killing her.

      “Who wants coffee?!” came the sing-song voice of Sango’s fiancé, Miroku. Hmm, more like who wants the loudmouth to shut up?

      “Oh, Kagome! You’re awake! I’m so glad. We were worried about you.” He sat the coffee down on a table and came to sit in the chair next to her bed.

      “Yeah, but I feel really tired, like all the energy just disappeared right out of my body. Actually, I feel like I’m gonna be sick too. Not sure though,” she said, leaning back into the pillow and cupping a hand over her eyes.

      “That’s normal,” said the doctor, “Actually, I think it would be best for you two to come back later, now that she’s woken up. She needs her rest. Which means,” he said, raising an delicate eyebrow, “that she needs peace and quiet. It’s part of the healing process. But first I need to ask her a few questions. Just to make sure that she doesn’t have any serious brain trauma. And I want to schedule a MRI as soon as possible. We did one when you first got here, but I’d like another as a follow-up. Just in case. Your head was hit pretty hard so I want to take all precautions.”

      “Completely understandable, doctor. And after you’re done with her, I’d like a chance to speak with her. To take her statement about last night,” said a husky voice at the door. She knew that voice…it was…that cop. From last night. What was his name? She knew she had heard it. Ah, yes. Kouga. That was his name. She removed the hand from over her eyes. She hadn’t been able to see him clearly last night, but today she could see him perfectly.

      He was quite attractive. His ebony hair was pulled behind him in a pony tail. She couldn’t tell, but she thought that, if he let his hair down, it would probably fan out around his shoulder blades. She found herself wondering what it would be like to run her fingers through his hair. It looked silky, and soft. Wait, what? She gave herself a mental shake. She was not thinking this about a complete stranger…who had saved her life.

      “Um, thank you.”

      All eyes turned toward her, but all she was looking at was his icy blues. They were quite refreshing to look at, like the postcard with the picture of the Caribbean her mother had sent her when she went on vacation there. Very expressive too. She could tell this was a man that communicated as much with his eyes as he did his mouth. Maybe more. And right now he was looking at her, smiling not only with his delicious looking lips, but with those entrancing eyes.

      “You’re welcome. I only wish I could have caught those men last night. But I’m sure you can help me with that. You must have gotten a good look of at least one of them, right?” he said hopefully, smiling at her heartbreakingly kindly.

      “Actually…no. I’m sorry,” she said, looking down at her lap. “The streetlight was broken. All I remember is that he was really tall. And muscular,” she said, wincing at the memory of being shoved against that wall. She heard footsteps walking toward her and felt his hand cup her chin gently, making her look up at him.

      “That’s more than enough, sweetie,” he said, looking into her eyes. She could feel herself starting to blush. He had called her sweetie. And…hey! Wait just a minute! She hardly knew this guy. Granted he had saved her life. But it was his job. He was kinda hot though. And it wasn’t like she had a boyfriend. But there was no way she was going to be acting like some lovesick schoolgirl.

      Someone coughed, and she realized that they were still staring at each other. And she noticed just how close their faces were. He released her and turned around to look were the cough had come from, at the door. Was he blushing? Or had that been her imagination?

      “Kouga, I’m surprised at you. Couldn’t you at least have waited until you were off the clock to start flirting with her?” a playful voice said. This one was familiar too. Was this the girl from last night? The other cop? She couldn’t remember much about her, besides her voice. She looked past Kouga and saw a petite girl with long red hair pulled into two pigtails standing in the doorway. She was wearing a police uniform much like Kouga’s.

      “Oh, come on Ayame. Since when have you been a stickler for the rules?” Ah, so that was her name. Was she his partner? Did she like him? She felt a small pang of jealousy.

      “Oh, I’m not. I just thought you’d like to know that that monster has killed again. Right near here too. Chief wants us to take a look at it,” said the petite girl. Was it her imagination, or did he just growl?

      “Again? When is this beast going to stop?” he sighed and turned around. “Well, sweet, I must go now, but I will see you soon. And, perhaps even after that if you would allow me to escort you to dinner once you’re feeling better.” He had an endearingly sweet and hopeful look in his eyes. She heard a snort, presumably from Ayame.

      “I’d love to,” she said looking up at him and smiling. He smiled back and got up, following a smirking Ayame out the door. Just as he walked out the door he turned back and winked at her. And then he was out of sight.

      “Well, um, you get your rest Kagome. I’ll come back a little later to check on you. Oh! But first those questions.” The doctor was clearly a bit uncomfortable. He sat down in front of her and asked her simple questions like what day it was, who she was, what she did for a living, and a few math and history questions to make sure she still had her wits about her. After proclaiming that she was fine he rushed out, promising to come back later.

      Next to her on the bed, Sango had yet to move. She would have forgotten that her friend was there had it not been for the small amount of available space on the bed.

      She looked at her friend to make sure she was still awake, only to find her smirking at her. She looked at Miroku and saw that, he too, was smirking at her.

      “Oh, no,” she said, dread apparent in her voice.