High School Stereotypes

    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      I will proudly say I'm not in any one group. Most people think I'm weird, but thats because I'm not really in one group I just hover around a few of them. I'm typically really shy, but once I get past the initial shyness I'm really friendly and lovable. I have lots of friends in many different groups, from emo to pothead to jock to band geeks.
      I'm Proud to be an American.
      Pro-Choice Before Conception, Pro-Life After.
      A person cannot help what they Feel, only what they Do.
      You will never find proof of a god... because it's Faith
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      im was in a mixture i suppose..?
      i was sporty, rebellious a dumbshit and one of those people that will just talk to anyone. that was my group. mainly all girls, all the guys just hang out together doing stupid stuff on the equipment.
      we did have the emo's.
      the try hards.
      the sluts.
      the retards.
      the nerds.
      the failures and so on
      but stereotype didn't really matter everyone just hang out with everyone.
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      The try hards?

      I can agree, we all kind of fit into more than one stereotype, and everyone is different...
      As for why no one has said "don't label," I think it's natural and necessary to label, it's a thing we automatically do in our minds, like learning from experiences and applying them in decisions.

      Ok, Bailey brought up a really good point. What do you guys think, were stereotypes and cliques worse in middle school, as underclassmen of high school, or as upperclassmen? I personally saw this kind of thing in middle school, but who knows, let's hear from everyone.
      Hey. My name is Jay.
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      I get who you mean... My school's full of them... :)

      At my school there's...
      Chavs - Lots of the bastards, some are alright, but an overwhelming majority of them deserve nothing but a slap in the face.
      Footballers - A lot of chavs in here, but most in this "group" are alright to talk to.
      "Emos" - I say "Emo", and I mean the real deal, depressing people, listen to good, but very depressing music, and are themselves depressed, very emotional and cut themselves due to overdoing it on the booze and drugs. Again some fit into some other groups.
      "Band kids" (As they've been called) - All awesome people, and all fit into other "groups" too. They just generally go on about music, play music, and are all very funny.
      Stoners - A mix of everyone in here, from Chavs to Emos and even a few "Band kids", so some are complete twats, and others are well alright just with a bad (in my opinion) habbit.
      Wannabe gangsters
      - Pretty much all chavs... All think that they're hard and that they're gangsters because they overdo it on the rap and grime music, and because they start on people with no reason and use words like "blud" and "merk" etc... Quite funny to stand up to and watch theit reactions.
      Sluts - Again, more or less all chavs... All they do is chat about boys, make-up, sex, drugs, booze, and the majority jack lessons. All stuck up cows who think the world loves them when in reality they only like eachother.
      Nerds/smart kids - These kids are in pretty much every other "group" except Chavs and Wannabe gangsters, just the odd ones out because they're more intelligent than the rest. There are even some smart stoners.
      Geeks - I suppose you could put me here... This lot just talk about computers, film, TV, music, games, books, life in general... Quite a lot fit into the smart kids
      and a fair few are "band" kids.
      "Popular kids" - These lot are generally nice people, so are pretty popular, but the main reason they're so popular is because there's so many in this "group" and they all like eachother. There's lots of people in this "group" that come into just about every other one too.
      Casual - I'm definately here. Just people who don't try to be labeled anything, and aren't fussed if they are. Can fit into any group really, there are stoners, smart kids, band kids, and some people are called chavs just because of how they dress. The group I hang with don't try too hard in school but we take it seriously, and in our spare time just chill out in town or the beach and keep outta trouble. As the name suggests... Pretty casual.

      Referring back to wannabe gangsters, am I the only one to notice that the people who really could hurt you badly, or really do know people that would fuck you up, just generally keep it to themselves and don't brag about it? To be honest, I find it hilarious when the wannabes piss the wrong person off and end up getting the shit kicked out of them.

      Another thing... Some people are labeled Chavs purely because of their choice of clothing... Labeling people by their clothes is pretty pathetic in my opinion. Chavs are just people who live to make other's lives a misery because they think it makes them big and clever. The majority do where sports clothing etc. but I find it out of order that people are automatically deemed a chav for wearing a hooded top or something....
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      MyNameIsJay wrote:

      Ok, Bailey brought up a really good point. What do you guys think, were stereotypes and cliques worse in middle school, as underclassmen of high school, or as upperclassmen? I personally saw this kind of thing in middle school, but who knows, let's hear from everyone.

      In my opinion underclassmen of high school are the worst as far as cliques / stereotypes go. I think it has a lot to do with that during those first two years of high school people just want somewhere to fit in, so they're willing to stick with just one group of people. Also, as you go through high school, people develop different interests / personalities but still stay friends with some of their old friends, so it makes intermingling of the cliques more common. Thus, making the actual cliques a little less noticeable in the upperclassmen.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]We've been treating love like a battlefield
      For far too long.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      At my High School we had:

      - trash kids [look like trash, are trash]
      - the smart kids
      - the rich kids who thought/knew/know they are better than the others
      - sports freaks [often over-lapped with the rich kids]
      - regular kids
      - emo kids
      - emo look-a-likes, but weren't emo. [ie. they didnt act emo. they just had the look, and they didnt pretend to be emo either]
      - blacks, well they arent black. they have aboriginal status from the government, but they dont look any blacker than me. serious.
      - assholes
      - sluts
      - wannabes
      - popular

      i fit into the emo look-a-like stereotype, but i also crossed into the rich kid status too. so i was like rich emo looking... get me?!

      and now at university:

      - popular
      - quiets
      - regular
      - stoners
      - pingers
      - rednecks
      - northern beaches [from the northern beaches of sydney. they are stuck up shit faces who dont like anyone except their own kind, and they go home EVERY weekend]

      i fit into the popular/stoner categories. im the go to guy for weed and everyone at my university knows me. im not even kidding. if i go to the bar at my university, i will know at least 90% of the people there!
      Australian | 20 | University Student | Epic
      (818): dude you made out with his girlfriend and stole his credit card to buy more drinks.
      well when you put it like that, I sound like a terrible person.

    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      In my School we have:

      -Chavs: Some are okay, but the majority of them are twats.

      -Indies: The Outcasts if you will, Nobody really talks to them alot they kind of stay in there own group.

      -Greebos: Only a couple of them left. Alot of them turned Emo.

      -Emos: Deppressing to be around.

      -The Middle Line: People who really dont get any fuss from anyone. Generally Play footie at breaks and have lots of friends their the "Fine Line" between popular basterds and Loser geeks.

      -Geeks: Generally hang out in small groups or to the libary.

      -Wiggas: These ones are mainly chavs but they are white people who think they are
      black. Just makes me laugh.

      -Skets: Girls Who like to "Get around". They Confine to thier smoking area.

      -Dancers: quite snobby, allways at war with the drama crew to use the theatre. They never win.

      -Drama Crew: Consists mainly from the "the middle line" and some other groups who take Drama.

      -Losers: Yep just basicly the people nobody likes. Becasue they start from trying to be a "chav" fail at that then eventually hop to different groups. There very annoying.

      -Freshmen/Year 7s: All think there hard and big, untill the year above them sorts them out. This continues furthur up the years.

      Im in the Drama Crew, but most of the time "The Middle Line"
      I love Three Things 1.Sandwiches 2.My Bass 3.Making Films