High School Stereotypes

    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      it was really quite simple in my 6th form:

      geeks - stuck to their own corner, although weren't the complete outcasts you'd expect them to be

      norm's - Not really popular because they're basically one big group of friends who make up most of the year

      emo/stoners - i don't like to use the word emo because none of them act like the stereotypical emo, they just get drunk and stoned occasionally and generally stay in their one group
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      In my School we have:

      -Chavs: Some are okay, but the majority of them are twats.

      -Indies: The Outcasts if you will, Nobody really talks to them alot they kind of stay in there own group.

      -Greebos: Only a couple of them left. Alot of them turned Emo.

      -Emos: Deppressing to be around.

      -The Middle Line: People who really dont get any fuss from anyone. Generally Play footie at breaks and have lots of friends their the "Fine Line" between popular basterds and Loser geeks.

      -Geeks: Generally hang out in small groups or to the libary.

      -Wiggas: These ones are mainly chavs but they are white people who think they are
      black. Just makes me laugh.

      -Skets: Girls Who like to "Get around". They Confine to thier smoking area.

      -Dancers: quite snobby, allways at war with the drama crew to use the theatre. They never win.

      -Drama Crew: Consists mainly from the "the middle line" and some other groups who take Drama.

      -Losers: Yep just basicly the people nobody likes. Becasue they start from trying to be a "chav" fail at that then eventually hop to different groups. There very annoying.

      -Freshmen/Year 7s: All think there hard and big, untill the year above them sorts them out. This continues furthur up the years.

      Im in the Drama Crew, but most of the time "The Middle Line"

      same relli
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      I guess at my school each year has its own groups and not many of those groups mix years much.

      However each year generally has:

      The so called "popular" boys - they are generally all up themselves...they think the are the greatest and it often seems like the teachers favour them. =/ quite a few of them go down the beach regularly.

      The so called "popular" girls - some are okay, some try to be okay and some are really bitchy. They hang around with the popular boys alot and meet them at the beach.

      The loner people - I feel really sorry for the people like this. I mean, they just sit at a table by themselves at lunch and always look unhappy. In lessons people are overly nice to them to make the loners feel like they are being serious when they are just taking the miccy.

      The emos - Sit at one corner of the hall and all seem to date each other.

      The farmers - Mess around in lessons alot and don't really mind what people think of them. Although we all laugh at their jokes they can get on everyones nerves.

      The nice, clever people - I get on with all of them in my year although I don't hang around with them as such. They aren't all that fussed about having a boyfriend and all get on with oneanother. Everyone seems to like them and i think they are the popular people in their own way.

      The quiet people - they aren't actually that quiet at all when in a group together. Generally sit with the nice, clever people.

      My group of friends and our group we sit with - I really don't know what to call us. Some of us have boyfriends, some of us don't. Some of us chat with the "popular people" some of us don't. Most of us have other friendship groups outside of school. We just like to laugh and have fun and we don't mind doing our best. We tend to stick up to the "popular people" if they put us down. We all get on fairly well although we have our odd tiffs.

      The "would be popular boys" - generally get on with the "popular boys" and often sit with them but are mainly alot friendlier and more aproachable. I think they are alot like our group in many ways.
      I can't really think of any other groups.
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      I have actually seen many stereotypes, but mostly the usual ones.
      I have seen:
      -Band kids
      -Choir kids(ME!) =]
      -The goths
      -The punks
      -The emo kids
      -The preps
      -The wanna be ghetto kids
      -The 'real' ghetto kids
      -The losers
      -The geeks/smart/nerdy kids
      -The stoners
      -Random kids
      -Quiet/loud kids(I don't know how they fit into one, but I guess it does work a little.)
      -The obnoxious kids

      There's nothing really new about that..
      I guess I'm called the Choir/emo/goth/skater/punk/obnoxious/quiet/loud/loser kinda kid. Lol. There's a lot of us, but normally.. We're just friends with everyone. =] I'm good like that. Lol. Not really, but that's okie.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ILikePenguinz: Forgot one. ().

    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      So, as I was searching random things I came across this post. I figured why not, lol.

      At my school, there are quite a few different stereotypes. Here goes the list.

      Sports people
      Drama People
      Choir People
      Orchestra People
      Band People
      Yearbook/News Paper People
      Debate People
      Forensics People
      Wanna Be Gangster

      I fit in with the debate group, the smart group, the over-achievers group, and the sports group.

      You get grouped into all of these groups that every school has, based on who you associate with.
      At my school, the debate people are also the jocks. Many of us play sports, and consider our debates to be one of the hardest of "sports" out there.

      I do find it funny though that based on region in the country, you can tell a difference in how people group others based on their interests... and how the different groups are catagorized, and treated throughout the country.

      Much like the saying, "You are what you eat"... in our world today, you are who you hang out with. This isn't anything new... in fact this has been around for centuries... but every generation seems to bring new meaning to the fact, that who you hang out with, is who you will get labled as.

      Ok... I think I have done enough ramling on, about randomness for the night...
      Gosh Darn it... my debate self took over... i wrote a lot more than I wanted to lol... =)
      "Save a Tree, Kill a Policy Debater"-History Repeats Itself"-Improvise, Adapt and Overcome"
      --I have the BEST debate partner in the world... Eli.--
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      ok im from ireland so i cant really talk about the different cliques in high school apart from what i see on tv!!! in ireland, yes there are the different social clliques, although not as extreme as in america, we have the jock types, the nerdy types, the normal types, kind of people who just dont belong to certain category and get along with everyone!!! altho we have these genres of people, they all interact with each other, like i was apart of that normal category, and had nerdy friends and jock friends, but if i was in america, i could be put into the jock category, because i played rugby, also into the nerdy categeory, because im quite bright, an emo because i listen to alot of rock!!!!!
      the point im trying to make is that, no person in the hole world gives a damn about what social clique you were in at high school!!!! it just doesnt matter, and it is usually the people who were picke on at school, that become really succesful were as the bullies, usually end up working at a fast food joint!!!!!! just saying there is no need to be a jackass when you are in school!!!!
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      at my school we got

      preps-stuck up,rich,smart ass,know it alls,and kiss asses
      skaters-stoners,pretty cool
      gangsters(all r wanna be's)-smell like shit,cnt fight,in the way
      goths/emos-they hang with the band ppl or my group,pretty cool
      fat rednecks-smell awful,spit dip on ur shoes and dnt realize it,no1 likes them xcept preps
      my group-none like us,we all hav long hair,we fight other groups(they start it),were known as assholes,dickheads,losers,failures,douchebags etc,we normally keep 2 ourselves unless the skaters,goths,or emos hang with us
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      well in ireland, there are divisons, but not as severe as in america, like everyone has their own cliques, but they also mingle with people from other cliques, like i would consider myself to be a wide variety of stereotypes, like i am a jock, play rugby and soccer, i dont play any gaelic games, which is were the most "jocks" would be, but i also consider myself to be a "normal kid" and a "smart kid" kind of "hippy kid" but not hippy in the sense ye would be thinking of!! i think there should be less divides in our school life, otherwise someone will snap like soo many kids do and kill a few people in their schools!! like nobody in life gives a crap of how popular anyone was in school, like sooo many jocks, will end up continueing to be jackasses to people who are less of a physical presence than they are, why bully the "nerd" like i cant understand it, can anyone tell me why you would be a jackass that everyone hates and bully everyone, like it just shows that persons lack of self asteem and have to bring everyone else down to their level!!
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      I dont know about anywhere else but this is how it works in my school:
      #1 preps - football players, volleyball players, cheerleaders (evil bitches of the world)
      #2 losers (Me)- drama dorks, creative people, music people, liberal, open-minded people
      #3 emo kids- who basically just act that way for attention
      #4 goth kids (also me)-never want to do homework, have great taste in music and dont care about anything which is pretty sweet.
      #5 (i dont mean this in a racist way) Asian kids- really awesome people, who are usually really smart and funny
      #6 Smart kids - have no lives, read all the time, and think they're better than everybody else.
      #7 overly religious people- (I go to a catholic school) they have no lives, get perfect grades, and can make it into any college they want cuz they conform to other peoples beliefs. they will most likely died old lonely virgins who never had any fun cuz they were so worried about jesus and hell that they forgot to have fun
      I think im a loser and kinda goth. hate the preps and the smart kids. love goth kids they make me laugh. REALLY HATE THE OVERLY RELIGIOUS CROWD. I have nothing against Christianity it's just that when it becomes obsessive then its unhealthy for anyone within a 100 mile radius of the person.
    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      I fit into the following high school stereotypes:

      Jocks/Cheerleaders - As the name says, the jocks are cheerleaders. This group owns the school, and is typically the smartest and brattiest people. I fit into this, but I try my best not to be snobby.

      Richies/Preps - I also fit into this one. I'm not filthy rich, but we ain't struggling either. This group of kids typically wears Abercrombie, American Eagle, Forever 21, drives the best cars, etc.

      Country Kids - I am vverrryyyyy country. I ride four wheelers, horses, dirt bikes, go mudding, hunt, fish, you name it. I don't really hang around this group of people, but I fit in with them when I do.

      We have literally a bazillion sterotypes at my best. The best one to be in is the Richies, the worst one to be in is the Stoners.
      ---There is no hour of life wasted that is spent in the saddle.

    • Re: High School Stereotypes?

      Cowgirl wrote:

      I fit into the following high school stereotypes:

      Jocks/Cheerleaders - As the name says, the jocks are cheerleaders. This group owns the school, and is typically the smartest and brattiest people. I fit into this, but I try my best not to be snobby.

      Richies/Preps - I also fit into this one. I'm not filthy rich, but we ain't struggling either. This group of kids typically wears Abercrombie, American Eagle, Forever 21, drives the best cars, etc.

      Country Kids - I am vverrryyyyy country. I ride four wheelers, horses, dirt bikes, go mudding, hunt, fish, you name it. I don't really hang around this group of people, but I fit in with them when I do.

      We have literally a bazillion sterotypes at my best. The best one to be in is the Richies, the worst one to be in is the Stoners.

      Rather be a stoner than a nerd.