How to create a server on Moparscape!

    • How to create a server on Moparscape!

      Note : - If you want any kind of HELP/ASSISTANCE regarding the Moparscape Server Making, you will have to REGISTER AT OUR FORUMS and make a post here or a new thread at Moparscape & Runescape section and only then someone will be able to help you. Please click the Register link to register and then once done, come back to this thread.

      Notice 2: If you register, put "Mattster" as your Referral thing. (Without the " ") Thank you :D

      For all the people who want my help, I can't give it, Yes I know the guide has fallen apart but I have no time on my hands to help people currently. When I get sometime I'll run through my guide and update it and maybe even make a clearer video guide. IF I can be arsed... Also if you have a compile error don't come to me, that's one thing I didn't learn.

      Update(07/01/08):: Video Tutorial >…scape-video-tutorial.html

      Purpose: This is a simple tutorial that will explain how to edit a private server. Here are the chapters we will cover in this ultimate server guide:

      Difficulty: 2
      Assumed Knowledge: Know what a router is. Know what a computer is. Know what the internet is. Know how to read. Know what an IP address is. Know the difference between an internet IP address and a computer/gateway IP address. Know how to use a keyboard (possibly, not entirely required), and finally you need to know how to click with a mouse.

      Chapter 1 ~ Getting a server source and setting up your server for running to the public and editing.

      Chapter 2 ~ Setting up a no-ip for your server!

      CHAPTER 1:

      First off we need a server source(Choose your own I so pose):
      Most Widely Used!

      Find More Server Sources Here!

      We may also need Moparscape v3.2:

      Download MoparScape 3.2 w/ Aryan installer

      Next, you will need to open ports in Windows Firewall and/or the firewalls offered by McAffee, Norton, or other full-system maintenance suites. For Windows Firewall, open its settings file in the control panel. Click on the "Exceptions Tab" and then click "Add Port." Add the following port: 43594. (If you'd rather not open a specific port or have to worry about Windows Firewall disabling access in any way, you can disable it entirely.)

      Now we will need to make the rule for your router, by doing this you need to go into your router. You can do this by going into Internet Explorer (or whatever internet client you use for the Internet), and then type in the address bar A window should appear up asking for your 'Username' and 'Password'. The default for most routers are:
      Username= Admin
      Password= password

      If you are unsure of how to work your router then click the link below. If you do goto the link below it won't say anything about 'moparscape'. I suggest selecting any game because it really doesn't matter and when it comes to parts like naming the port and adding the port number just check this guide and add them instead.
      For router help go here!
      Then you need to make a new rule and fill in the blanks with this information:

      Name: "Check 1 below"
      IP address: "Check 2 below"
      TCP Ports to open: 43594
      UDP Ports to open: 43594
      Inbound Filter: Allow All
      Schedule: Always

      1 = Any name you want the server to be (I.E.Moparscape).
      2 = The IP address of your COMPUTER; not the Internet.

      To find the IP of your PC you can do this.
      Open Command Prompt(If you don't know how to open Command Prompt then the fastest way is to goto the Start Menu click Run.... and then when that opens type in cmd and press enter)
      When you in Command Prompt type ipconfig
      Your computers IP is there :)
      Close command prompt once you've entered your computers IP in the new rule.

      Then save it. Okay now you can save settings after the rule is saved. Every router is different. Don't forget to check the link I offered to help you with your routers!

      Now your server rule is nice and good. Now we need Java to get your server's compiler and run server to work. You can download the newest Java at this link:
      Java SE Downloads Page

      NOTICE:[B]You may have to be a member to download this file! Don't worry it's free! Oh and if you don't want to put any personal details in then lie! It's simple![/B]:

      Now, click JDK 6u3 Download (Click the latest one, in this case it's JDK6u1 but it may be updated now)

      After this, it will come up with a security warning:

      You will now get another security box (shown above), just click yes to that again. Now, download the Windows Offline Installation for Multiple Languages (if you are not using Windows, then try downloading the offline installations for some other Operating Systems):

      OR SAVE

      Okay, before we can fix the compiler and runserver, we need to set out variables. Fastest way to do this is:
      Start Menu> (Right Click) My Computer > Properties

      Code changed to latest JDK file since last check
      Ok now find the variable called "path" in the list in that new screen open. Rename it to "PATH" and then for it's variable value (erase old one):
      And add this

      Source Code

      1. "C:Program FilesJavajdkx.x.x_xxbin"
      You will also need to set a variables called "classpath". Make a new variable and give it the name classpath. No add this in for it's value:

      Source Code

      1. "C:Program FilesJavajdkx.x.x_xxbin"
      Where it says 'jdkx.x.x_xx' you must change the "x's" to your Java version. You can find this by going to: My Computer > All programs > Java

      Ok now go into your server source (if you don't have a rar uncompressor you can download WINRAR) at this link: WinRaR.

      Ok now you can right click the compressed source and click "extract here"),
      and now when in your server source, right click compile.bat and click "edit". Then erase everything in it and put this in it's place:

      Source Code

      1. @echo off
      2. title Compiler
      3. "C:ProgramFilesJavajdkx.x.x_xxbinjavac.exe" -cp . *.java
      4. pause
      Ok now save it and right click runserver.bat and erase all of that and add this:

      Source Code

      1. @echo off
      2. title Runserver
      3. set java="C:Program FilesJavajdkx.x.x_xxbinjava.exe"
      4. java -Xmx1024m -cp .;./jython.jar;./MySql/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.jar server
      5. pause
      Ok now we have a working source!

      CHAPTER 2

      Ok this is fairly simple how to set up a no-ip for your server. Go to no-ip:


      First of all, log in:

      If you do not have an account, register one.

      After that, click the 'add' button on the side panel as shown below:

      Now fill out the appropriate fields:

      As you can see, add in the name you need. Now choose the redirect address. After that, add in your external IP address with is shown at the upper left-hand side of the screen. When you are done with that, click the 'Create Host' button. If you are port forwarded (if you have a router), then this should work. Enjoy!

      PS - If you need any kind of help or assistance, please REGISTER, and reply back to this post! Thanks

      Most common error:
      'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
      Press andy key to continue . . .

      Get that, or anything related to Java in the runserver.bat or compiler.bat then check the codes.. The path in the batch files don't match your personal computers path.

      The post was edited 7 times, last by Matt ().

    • Re: How to create a server on Moparscape!

      i dont undeestand this is soo confusing.... the website dont work :confused: :mad: :confused: that

      IP address: 2
      TCP Ports to open: 43594
      UDP Ports to open:
      Inbound Filter: Allow All
      Schedule: Always

      1 = Any name you want the server to be (I.E.MyScape).[/glow]
      2 = The IP adddress of your COMPUTER; not the Internet.

      Then save it. Ok now you can save settings after the rule is saved. Every router is different. Check with the manuals for yours to fully understand how to open the ports. If you cannot find/have a manuel, go to this address:
    • Re: How to create a server on Moparscape!

      oh its free??? well i dont have router what i do then?? or i can i do it??

      EDIT: i had my own server worked for about 10 mins 3 ppl joined it then it went offline bc i logged out??? i need help on that part and now when i try going in says error or if i try going on the runserver and runmopar it says cant read it :(
    • Re: How to create a server on Moparscape!

      k i got the server bit, i typed in my host name ( and ip is, what do i do with these on moparscape? this is confusing, can you help me by any chance?:confused: i typed host name on and ip was in there already i didnt have to type it in, what do i do now? i downloaded java 6 dont know if its the right one because the one in your picture isnt on the page any more please help
    • Re: How to create a server on Moparscape! make it run all you have to do is go to the server source and run the server after all that stuff above...mattster you need to change some stuff like...all the jdk1.6.0 is old now it updated and now it jdk1.6.0_01 i found out all by self lol...long server is up 22 hours aday and it owns lol..mattster change all the jdk1.6.0 to jdk1.6.0_01 for that new update they did :D no problem :D
    • Re: How to create a server on Moparscape!

      :) Hey pal, thanks worked perfect..althought. i decided to switch to a "Empty Server" Now if you don't mind I would like help from a PRO scripter/coder, if you can help me i will send you my of the problems is that i can't edit my stats or do ::char and edit my charecter? any suggestions thanks mate :)
    • Re: How to create a server on Moparscape!

      Argh:mad: , sorry pal I accedently created a new forum..if you can't find it my Reply was...Thanks mate helped..but i decided to switch to "empty Server Source" i have a few problems..A)Can't edit char by typing ::char? B)I can't aggust my stats..position..and alot more..any suggestions? If you don't mind..Add me on msn? (decline or accept, before i post my msn):)