Looking for a trainer?

    • Looking for a trainer?

      Do's and donts; Trainers hve their own style, but keep this checklist in mind.

      Good trainers should:
      • Understand your goals and explain how to reach them
      • track your progress by taking notes
      • offer constructive criticism
      • challenge you
      They shouldn't:
      • Bully you or put you down
      • Ignore injuries or cause you pain
      • try to sell you products
      • have roving hands
      • be continually late for your sessions
      You should:
      • Be prompt
      • five 24 hours cancellation notice
      • speak uup if something does not feel riht
      • ask questions but remeber you hired them for their expertise
      You can find a trainer at your gym and community center and through reputable organizations such as the ACSM, NSCA or the CSEP. Be sure to ask potential trainers for references and call them beofre you make your descsion.
      You dont have to belong to a gym to get a trainer. In fact, the trainers program is based on having a bench and a set of dumbells at home. Personal training can be home based, online or over the phone.
      Trainers shouldn't prescribe you on a diet unless she/he is a registered dietition or a clincal nutritonist. Otherwise your trainer should reger you to one.
      Trainers shouldn't work with ill clients or rehabilitate injuries unless they have a specific qualifications.And even in that case, they should be taking you to the docotors.
      You should move on if you dont look forward to themcoming; if they've injured you; if you relize theyre not paying attention to you; if theres a lack of focuse; if you feel like you're not getting your moneys worth; if you feel like you're not seeing results.
      [SIZE=1]Sexy lady, I'd rather see you bare your soul[/SIZE].:wink: