Pedophilia: how much do you know?<approved>

  • Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    This is a controversial subject, and i may get crucified here, but Im a pedophile. HOLD IT THERE! I'm not a child molester, and i never have(or will) act on whatever sick fantasies reside in my head. That's where they are staying.
    more about myself: I'm 17, male, and a junior in highschool. i have normal(and not so normal) friends, I enjoy sports, art/photography(clean stuff) and hanging out. I'm making this post to inform the general public that there are some of us "evil sickos that should be locked away forever" that aren't so bad, are mostly normal, and don't want to hurt anyone. The only reason I am posting this as private is because the vast majority of people who knew who i was would probably hunt me down and lynch me or some other gruesome thing...

    Most people don't realize that this condition is somewhat like homosexuality. sure, i can avoid situations where I might start fantasizing, and I can hold myself under control and not act on anything. but its not like I can just stop being turned on and attracted to them. I'm not an exclusive pedophile(thank God) which means that i still find girls my age attractive. I find it sad, and scary that because of people who WOULD hurt kids, that people like me are constantly pestered. whats interesting is that i was never abused, and i have had a pretty good childhood, compared to many. so contrary to popular belief, its not caused by that.

    I know that the laws are there to help and protect kids, but some of them are plain twisted. did you know that me talking to my (now)15 year old best friend about me being a pedophile, is a sexual offence?!?(she was 14 when she first found out)
    just me describing the problem to her is 'lude and lascivious conduct with a minor of 14 or younger '
    and if anyone were ever to find that out, and want me in jail, they could press charges, and all that would show up on my record is just that: 'lude and lascivious conduct with a minor of 14 or younger '
    my dad was unfairly charged as a sexual offender, and being new to the country at that time, he didn't know how to defend himself. i was about 2 then, and i fortunately don't remember it. AND NO the charges didn't have anything to do with me!

    because of that hes faced much harassment, and we have had to move more than once because of it. every time we move, he has to re register(during the trial, they lied and said he wouldn't have to register) and within a week of each birthday, he also has to register. THE TRIAL WAS 16 YEARS AGO, AND THERE HAS NOT BEEN ANY REASON SINCE THEN TO EVEN SUSPECT HIM!

    so what is my goal in all this? i just want to be treated like a person and not live in fear.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    You cannot help your attractions. It's like being gay, they cannot help liking another male. You cannot help liking younger girls/guys. I do not agree, but I understand you cannot help it. I'm just glad you see that and hope you don't act on it. Is fantasizing as far as it goes? Some people will try to cyber with them. (I was in a chat room.....alot of people...)
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    I think peadophillia is a condition like any other mental condition. As much as I hate the sick people that do things like that I can understand that they have a problem and if they had the choice wouldn't like children. Governments should of course lock people away that are a dangr to society but I also think they need tratement more like a mental instatution than a prison.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Sharxbyte wrote:

    Most people don't realize that this condition is somewhat like homosexuality.

    sorry i dont agree with that, homosexuality is a lifestyle but i would class pedophilia as more of a mental illness, even if its not your fault. Its just wrong imo even if u dont act on your feelings its wrong to be sexually attracted to an 8 year old.
    soory just my opinion
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Starflip wrote:

    sorry i dont agree with that, homosexuality is a lifestyle but i would class pedophilia as more of a mental illness, even if its not your fault. Its just wrong imo even if u dont act on your feelings its wrong to be sexually attracted to an 8 year old.
    soory just my opinion

    You are correct, and incorrect. Homosexuality IS a lifestyle, BUT it is also a condition. Tellin someone who is only attracted to people of the same sex, to go and like someone of the opposite sex, Is like telling you or I to go like someone of the same sex.. It just won't work.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Starflip wrote:

    sorry i dont agree with that, homosexuality is a lifestyle but i would class pedophilia as more of a mental illness, even if its not your fault. Its just wrong imo even if u dont act on your feelings its wrong to be sexually attracted to an 8 year old.
    soory just my opinion

    Now that I think it doesn't make much sense to class it as anything. Everything about us is just the way our brain is/works so everything is basicly a mental illness. Also i'm not homophobic but in the sense that we are here to grow up and have kids homosexuality is wrong. Plenty of gay people will understand that.