when Hermione met Draco

    • when Hermione met Draco

      Harry,Hermione and Ron were now living in the woods,...having abandoned Hogwarts, faithful to Harry's desire to track down Voldemort, the three of them were practially outsiders in their oen world,...run-aways..
      Harry's determination could in no way be curbed, Ron was for the first time elated that he was doing something...but Hermione...
      Every night,she would stay wide awake, sleep had left her just as she had her enitire prospect!
      She ,the best student in her years, had left all her ambitions, all her possibilties,to be with Harry,...and yet there was something else.
      The name etched on her heart, was another reason for her insomnia!
      How he had looked at her the day she told him, of her decision...
      All the memories came flooding back to her...the day he had kissed her right after the Yule Ball, when he had told her that she was the most beautiful girl in the whole magical world to him!...and the day right when she had held him in his arms,when his dad got imprisoned...how Hermione was caught between Harry, her best friend, and Draco,her love!...how just looking into his hazel eyes had made all her problems go away,...in the blink of his tears,...
      Hermione laughed when she recalled fighting with him over Pansy !
      And even Moaning Myrtle! Hermione mused over what love had done to her, that a smart girl like she had actually fell for such sordid possibilties ! No body..least of all Pansy or ..(laughes to herself) Myrtle, could come between what She shared with Draco,...
      A rustle in the leaves shocked her!
      She was working on a spell to try to get Harry become an Animagus, ...right now...in her thoughts,the wand was lying at her feey.
      Hermione quickly picked it up, and stood up, erect!
      Alert, her ears pricked up, she inched slowly, towards the Pine tree, ...she caught a glimpse of a silver something, a weapon,no doubt !
      She hurried on. Her ears following the sounds.
      It dazzled again.The silver object.
      Then suddenly, her wand shot out of her hand, and with a jolt she realised she had been Disarmed!!!
      But by who?
      Apprehensive, she turned on her spot, and came face to face with her Disarmer!
      Bruised, blood splattered over the right side of his face, a fire burning in his eyes, yet those hazel eyes and silver hair was all Hermione needed to recognize her love by.
      Draco Malfoy stood before her, his eyes, burning, his body language aching to hold Hermione in it!
      The fear she had felt, had slowly given way to excitement, the burning passion, seemed to emanate heat from her body itself.
      "Draco!" she whispered.
      He remained silent, ...he stormed towards her and before she knew it, his lips were on hers,and she was lost in a long-awaited kiss...
      "Oh god you smell good!" Draco breathed in between kisses.
      "what are you talking about? I havent had a decent shower since last...how long has it been?"

      Then the sadness, again...the sadness