Does this seem like a good apology to you?

    • Does this seem like a good apology to you?

      Good apology? 4
        Yes, it is a good apology. (3) 75%
        It is an alright apology. (1) 25%
        No, it is a bad apology. (0) 0%
      These are the same people mentioned in: I really really really screwed up... -- LiveWire Teen Forums

      I really screwed up and it may cost me one of my best friends, whatever shall I do? - Yahoo! Answers

      I wish I could send this to you, Tosha, Leslie, and Kate all at once, but I am unable to do so (sorry). I know you probably hate me for my beliefs (and that Gaia/LiveWire post; which I removed, because it was immoral). We all crossed the line in that "debate", and not one of us was thinking clearly, especially me. I do admit, I do sometimes (strongly) dislike gay/lesbian/bisexual people, however, I am trying to not hate them as much.

      Now then, Tabby (I'm not sure if I can even call you that anymore, since it's kinda...ya...), I know that this "little" transgression is probably the worst thing that has happened to you recently (other than you not being able to see me due to my recent suspension), so it must be quite hard for you to cope with.

      Anyway, I want you all to know that I hope we can put that debate behind us and continue to work together to ensure a better, safer community.

      Sincerely and respectfully,
      Kevin McDonald