Anyone want to help? thanks.

    • Anyone want to help? thanks.

      Okay, so the description of this category is "if it doesn't fit into any of the other categories". My problem is, at the moment, I fit into all of the above.

      I'm in love with this guy, and have been for 4 years. We dated for 6 months before he broke up with me, a year and a half ago. Ever since then I've felt so low and upset. I'd do anything to have him back, even though when we do text or call or just chat, he's normally really nasty to me. I either want to get over him or win him back, but I'm currently stuck in this place where I just feel sad. ALL THE TIME. Even when I'm trying to have a laugh with my friends its still lingering in my mind. I hate crying in front of people, but when I get home and I'm alone, or before I go to sleep I can't stop myself. Its horrible. But I don't want to tell anyone, I feel stupid. he's just perfect though, even when he's being mean to me I still just want him back. He's smart and goofy, and funny. I just feel like I need him. When he's not around everything is just boring and.. Bleak. I need some help please, because this constant sadness is only getting worse. I've self harmed once, at the start of all this. It wasn't bad, just a small cut, but the pain made me realise not to do it again, I felt really stupid to have resorted to that. I don't know, I just need someone to talk to. :(. I've also got a lot other crap going on, and you know when you just feel.. Utter shit..? Yeahh, pretty much how I feel.

      I just wanna talk to someone.. So if anyone is nice enough, it'd be awesome of you. Thanks. :).
    • Re: Anyone want to help? thanks.


      I understand how much hurt you be feeling as one time or another we all experience this or something similar to it.

      I know you want him back really badly, however he broke up with you. He also treats you bad when you two talk or text on the phone. That is not a good sign and I think you know that in some level.

      The best thing you can do for your own well being is to let him go.

      You know, we cant control things or people. But we CAN control ourselves and chose to let go.

      It might not feel good at first but in the end you will be intact.

      Self injuring yourself wont bring him back or wont make him fall in love with you so why do it? It will only make things worse for you because instead of dealing with one issue you will have one more to deal with, and who wants to have that happen?

      I know its going to be hard to do but you have to let go and you can start that process by not calling him or having any type of contact with him. Instead of isolating yourself go out with friends. This wont make your pain go away but it will alleviate it. If you trap yourself in your room your thoughts of what could had been or what could be will drive you mad. So try to be with people as much as possible and who knows in the process you might find someone else that will love you back.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: Anyone want to help? thanks.

      Hi Jasonmrazlover,

      I have a friend who is going through exactly the same as you, in fact it's quite spooky that it's almost identical! :)

      It can feel flipping terrible i know, i've been there as a shoulder to cry on. But what i said to my friend i will say to you. At least you made it that far! I have crushes and do nothing about them and feel stupid and wonder should i have done something or not? So in that sense, although its only a slight compensation, you have a good position, because although it hurts now, at least you know you tried/are trying and you will never have the regrets and the wondering.

      As to the current situation. Hmm. Never having been in the situation myself i don't really know the best thing to say. But, maybe distance and a date with someone else is whats needed?
      I'm not suggesting go on the rebound :D But sometimes knowing that it's not the end of the world and that there are soo many more (and better!) fish in the sea helps.

      Let me know how it goes for you,
