Don't tell me how stupid I am but...

    • Re: Don't tell me how stupid I am but...

      getalife wrote:

      Oh my gosh, how old are you????????
      I wanted a baby at 13, and it was just like this huge mistake after I had it... had to dump the damn thing in the dumpster......... lol JK!!! haha you actually believed I dumped a baby in the dumpster! FOOLSSSSS!
      But, anyway, baby Mercedes is sitting right next to me, 5 years old....... and she's just too damn cute :) worth every second of treachorous screaming

      Holy crap u had a baby at 13?!?!

      And to answer the question.... 1 just ask him what he thinks and consider what he says... (responsible answer) 2 tell him u know ur not ovulating when u r and make u getting pregnant look like an accident.... (irresponsible answer) choos wisely!!! :angeldevil:
    • Re: Don't tell me how stupid I am but...

      Don't. Just don't.
      Having a baby is not like taking care of a cat.
      A baby needs 24/7 attention. A baby needs love, stiabilty. Having a baby costs a lot of money. Do you have time and money for a baby? Don't you need to graduate from highschool? Having good grades is pretty hard when you're a mom and your child needs your attention. I am pregnant and it's so hard for me to find the time to study for exams already.
      Having a baby can destroy a relationship. Especially when you're a teen.
      I know you say your purpose in life is to be a mother, but why now? You've got TIME. Now it's time for you to study, have fun, be a teen. Don't rush into it, especially if your partner isn't ready.