Search Results

Search results 101-106 of 106.

  • I know this sounds kinda crazy but I get urges to be alone in darkness. Not daily or weekly but from time to time I isolate myself and I just sit in dark room or closet hugging shotgun and drinking Gin. Sometimes I get anxious during those times. I know people around me get upset and maybe a bit worried about me when I sit there all my own drinking and hugging gun. I also talk to myself. After those periods I am usually kinda nice towards others and its like big huge stress has been lifted for a…

  • Quote from HeyCameron: “But I am also opposed to imperialism and "world policing". Especially when our interventions often consist of clumsily imposing democracy on places that have little experience with it and without respecting the country's existing institutions and traditions or propping up weak, violent, and corrupt governments that the people have no faith in. ” Lets see if USA is not world police then China or Russia will step in or in some cases like Chad French will. No action is actio…

  • Good idea was to leave that shithole to revel in bloodshed as they seem to want to. Bad idea was to arm them so they can arm Islamists everywhere. But since we know that nowadays great american majority supports Islamist terrorists (reason you elected Biden) I dont know. This is what you wanted all along right?

  • Climate Change

    Snowfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Aspen: “There is already a lot going into green hydrogen, that could replace a lot of fossil fuel power ” Hydrogen anyway is not a source of energy by any means. It is however a way to store energy. Hydrogen you see doesnt exist in its elemental form anywhere on earth. You first have to consume lots of energy to manufacture free hydrogen that you can burn. So big question is where do we get our base energy to do so. And second big question is how much we actually can afford to pay for…

  • Climate Change

    Snowfox - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from maseb: “My brother and I asked our dad to plant a tree to help combat climate change. We have a nice open spot in front of the house and will plant a white birch. If more of us did this it would help take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. One tree doesn't sound like much, but if we all did this, obviously you'd have to have somewhere to plant one, or encouraged our family and friends to plant one I think it would have a positive effect. What do you think? ” Helps as long as said t…

  • Minä rakastan sinua Finnish