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  • Re: cutting

    Trillium - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Quote from xXxnicolexXx: “i do want to, but with who. there are too many sketchy/shady people.” You can with me. Anastasia's post was great, and you can use those things to help you prevent cutting. I've used them before, they can help a lot. I would just like to throw out there that since you say you want to talk to someone, you can talk to me. You can PM me this problem of yours. I can promise you I'm not a sketchy/shady person... and that I'll listen to you and maybe we can figure out some wa…

  • Aww I got a love note once. Well, as someone said, just write how you feel. Another really good thing to add is why you care about the person, and your hopes for the future. Add things that make it special, like address it to a nickname if the person has one, or an inside joke you two may have. Something to make it memorable.

  • Easy question, and the answer is difficult to an extent. Every girl is different, but for the most part some of the common signs are if they look at you for a long period of time, if they smile at you, parts of them brush against you (like if you're sitting next to each other and your legs or arms touch, and she doesn't move hers away), if their friends look at you as well. Then the obvious is flirting of course. If you have a girl you're thinking of who might have a crush on you, does she do an…

  • I agree with Jennifer here. I'd also like to add that you can't let what she's done in a past relationship affect your judgment on whether you want to date her now. Think about the future. When you're older, and you meet a girl you want to date, will you pass her up just because she's had another boyfriend and they had sex? So she's done a few things, in time, you'll do a few things. But that shouldn't affect how you should think about her. It's normal that it may be in the back of your mind, be…

  • It's fine that you want to be friends with him right now. Perhaps he could use one. Just add him on facebook and start talking. Just say something like "Hey I heard you broke up with your girlfriend, and thought you might like a friend right now." There's no harm in it. You have a boyfriend, but you know he won't try anything on you because he didn't before, so you don't have to worry about that. You want to re add him, there's no real harm in it other than reconnecting with an old friend. I say…

  • She obviously likes you. All those things point to it in extreme ways. Now for those days she doesn't even look at you, well perhaps she just had a bad day, something's going on at home, or some friend drama. That can really get to a girl to the point where she won't even think about her crush, which in this case is definitely you. Perhaps you should start telling her things you would tell a best friend, and see how she reacts. If she really is interested (which i doubt she isn't) she would be w…

  • I don't see a point in telling him if your embarrassed. If you feel guilty about lying to him about it and you're going to be concerned about whether or not you should tell him and it's going to get to you, then it's no big deal if you do tell him to get it off your chest. But overall, I don't see a point as you said.

  • As has been said, reassure her. I am one of the most insecure people about this sort of thing. One thing my ex didn't do after a while, was reassure me. He did for the first few months of the relationship, but after a while he forgot. So one thing you have to remember is to keep up with the reassuring, or else she's going to think you've lost interest. It may be repedative at times, so don't just say it day in or day out. But once and a while say, "Oh your hair looks pretty today" or "Have I eve…

  • well, to make a explanation of why they may be acting like this, their sexuality might have just turned on. we are teens, and as our hormones kick in we joke about sex, and then eventually we get the opportunity to have sex and we get that urge to try it. whether or not we give in to those urges is another thing. your friends just seem to want to give in to the urge. it's not the smartest thing, especially since they are reacting the way you say they are, but you can't really change that. but if…

  • Re: I have friends but

    Trillium - - Friends and Family


    Well, are you trying hard enough? Is what you're saying that you don't see them outside of school, so it's hard to connect with them inside? Or that you have no memories with someone so it's hard to call them a "best friend"? Well, you can't really just go shopping for a best friend. First step to a best friend is to make a friend, then go through experiences with them to gain their trust, and so you know in your mind they won't "bail on you". A best friend doesn't come in a week or a month, it'…

  • gunshot wound. i just have a feeling it's gonna be that in one way or another. i'd prefer it being in the line of duty or something though.

  • Perfectly said. You need to voice out these issues with them. Otherwise, gone unsaid they will remain an issue. There's not much more I can say or advice, as Nigel has said it all. The overall thing is, talk to them. Kindly of course, otherwise you won't be getting through to them if you explode like you want to. That would just create more problems for you. Another option I'd like to suggest though is, could you explain the situation to a friend and stay with them? It's just something else to t…

  • First off, no it is not your fault if she kills herself if you leave. Do not put that on yourself. If she really really cared about you that she would not use that as a threat to keep you. It's just not right. Now, I think your mother is right. You said you planned on transferring to a school closer to her right? Remind her of that. That is a much better long term plan for the both of you. Doing what your girlfriend is suggesting now will put a huge strain on the relationship, and eventually rui…

  • so cool, has tons of friends, likes the wrong guys, loves to go shopping, smart Jenna is sooo hot! She's a genius but she acts like a blonde to make life more fun! All the guys are in love with her and she has really high morals. She's occasionally attracted to the wrong guys...ex: PLAYERS AND ASSHOLES! But her heart is always in the right place. I love her! i dont know why i like you so much...(actually i do, everyone loves Jenna) I can honestly say everything except the part about liking assho…

  • Well, you need to explain to her how you feel about all this. Don't have her come back and all of a sudden you're dating some other girl. Send her an email, not a text, explaining her everything, that if she doesn't want to talk to you, or at least make an effort than you two should decide to end things between you two. I say email because you can be more specific, say what you wrote in your first post. Perhaps she'll want to try a little harder, and then you two could work it out. But if not, i…

  • It's normal to miss your uncle, I mean, look at your first paragraph: "He and I used to have a really close relationship, I could talk to him about anything and everything, and I felt comfortable doing so. We would always joke around with each other, and I was at my Aunt & Uncles house just about every weekend." You were comfortable with him, he was someone to talk to, and of course you miss THAT. Perhaps it's not that you miss him, but you miss having someone to talk to about things. He was lik…

  • Well, from what it sounds like, the guy is using his suicidal behaviors as a way to keep your friend. I think the best think for you friend is to talk to him and say, "I can still be here for you as a friend, and help you through this, but as a friend." If he wants to move on he should, and though this is a tough situation for him, he can't let this guy manipulate him into staying in the relationship. He needs to get through to him that things are over, and that he's the only one in the relation…

  • Yeah, he likes you too. It's just a different way of saying it, perhaps he was shy about actually saying "I like you too" but it means the same thing.

  • Is it unlike him that he would go out of his way to write a note saying sorry over not seeing you? Or saying i love you? Or both? It somewhat seems that he likes you if he did that, just for not seeing you. But it would help for you to explain more as to why he wrote it. Did you show him you were upset you didn't see him, or did he do it out of his own free will? If it's the second, I'd have to say just by that I'm leaning toward that he likes you. But a bit more info on him and his normal actio…

  • Honestly, I've been thinking about this for a while. I read it, and thought for a few hours, then read it again. I think the only thing that you can do is wait it out. Your father seems stubborn as hell and like he's not going to budge. These are family affairs which involve the adults. I know you want to get involved, and I was like that too when my grandfather's estate had to be taken care of, and some cousins tried to cut me out of everything, but one thing I learned from that is, you can't d…