Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 941.

  • Re: Boys... which do you prefer?

    MME1122 - - Fashion

    Post makes a girl look fake..and like a whore. Ha. Eyeliner is kool though, thats all my girlfriend wears.

  • Re: Control.

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from cedric: “in control, until they wake up of course” W00T! *high five*

  • Aw come on no more idea? Third page already =[

  • I like dad gets them from work, at&t uses them because theyre good quality and built well. I also have a dell, they're good.

  • Ha..I was stalking. I'm too lazy to copy everything.

  • Quote from theinspiration: “get a dildo with your name written on it o and jewelry is always nice” psht..been there done that. +rep Quote from Most Vicious Pitbull: “Give her a ring.” not marrying her.

  • Re: Control.

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Eh, I kinda like both. I don't care much either way... And i just realized I missed a word in of the options...

  • So with Christmas and all I've been thinking about gifts for my girlfriend. I might've made a thread before about getting her art classes, but that was a while ago and I wanna do something else for Christmas. We're I'm looking for something super crazy expensive, I was thinking around one..maybe two hundred. I'm spending a lot on two other gifts for my family... Anyway, I was thinking of getting her a giant teddybear. Not like insanely big, like 4 feet tall or something. Shes a…

  • Control.

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Ha. It's kinda kinky. My girlfriend likes it when I'm 'in control'. So what do you consider 'control'? Do you like it? Talk about it.

  • Re: Sex with a midget.

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Bahaha...I probably would..I looooooove short girls. If my girlfriend doesn't grow in 2 years she can legally be a midget.

  • Re: Will I grow anymore? :(

    MME1122 - - General Advice


    Generally your height will be between your mom and your dad's, but you could be taller. If you're a guy you might be closer to your dad. Sounds like your body will still develop a bit..guys are also later then girls.

  • Level 1 ( ) smoked a cigarette ( ) smoked a cigar ( ) done drugs ( ) kissed a member of the same sex ( ) drank alcohol SO FAR: 0 Level 2 (x) been in love (x) been dumped (x) shoplifted ( ) been fired (x)been in a fist fight SO FAR: 4 Level 3 ( ) snuck out of a parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back ( ) been arrested ( ) made out with a stranger ( ) gone out on a blind date SO FAR: 5 Level 4 (x) lied to a friend ( ) had a crush on a teacher (x) skipped school ( ) sl…

  • Re: Feet !

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    I love girlfriend has tiny little feet its amazing. Hands are awesome too... Quote from Phuck Buddy: “i like footjobs too :)” Yes..they kick ass

  • If it was me I wouldn't want anything, thats how I am. The best gift would be to just hang out with her =]

  • Quote from NYKid=];1035222: “lol yea they are i got people who could hook me up with boxes of em tho lol” Aw you lucky bastard..ha I had like 3 people that said they would hook me up, that never happened

  • I depends on the girl. I would stay with my girlfriend...absolutely no question. But idk how I would feel about a different girl.

  • Quote from bat3996: “were just going to spend time with each other and talk...cus thats how we roll and me, thanks, but my alarm sounds even when its turned off, just doesnt call police..its confusing. No way to like completely disable it.” Aw...waste..get a quickie! That kinda sucks..I have one but its never turned on. ever. but the doors bee when you open them..its really annoying.

  • Quote from NYKid=];1035178: “grab some condoms too stupidest thing you can do is get her pregnant..” Ha...oh yeah that too. Ya know those things are harder to get a hold of then i thought...

  • Ok...well if i were you id bring a key to ur house just in case anyway. as far as seeing, unless theres like absolutely no moon you should be alright..your eyes have to adjust to the dark. and just bring a small light..tapee it to ur handle bars or watever. as far as screens..just look at em every house can be different. In mine, there are little clips on the sides, on like the top of the piece that slides. its not the lock. if you pull those the window swings forward, just be careful not to bre…

  • Quote from Nickturtle1337: “arlight, heres mine kinda mean but *Delete there myspace form your page, delete there facebook, phone number, any pictures you have of them, this way you wont remerber them, and if you don't remerber them, you don't think of them, = getting over them. bad method if you still want to stay friends :D” Quote from jon93971: “Try not to see them as much. Also if you find yourself thinking about them you HAVE to make yourself stop. think about other things. this has worked …