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  • Re: 28 months and counting.

    Heather - - Teen Sexuality


    Life will go on.

  • Re: The Eye Test

    Heather - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Deep Down You Are Intuitive eye-9.png You're the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don't let on to how much you know. You can tell so much from someone's facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you're being lied to. You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you're being read. You know when you're being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You…

  • You Are a Kitten kitten.jpg You are playful and sweet, but you also treasure your alone time. You're pretty independent, and you resent anyone trying to tell you what to do. You don't get bored easily. You are quite good at entertaining yourself. Deep down, you are quite sensitive and intuitive. You are less standoffish than you seem. Are You a Puppy or a Kitten? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!

  • Re: Old Music Appreciation Thread

    Heather - - Music


    [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • You Are a Flirting Genius flirt-2.jpg You are an amazing flirt. You know how to charm almost anyone. You've got the moves and words down. You are both witty and charming. You know how to flirt when the time is right, but you also know when to hold back. You rarely send the wrong signals. You have your flirting under precision control. Are You An Expert Flirt? Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet

  • You'll Have 2 True Loves birthday.jpg Calm and understated, you struggle to express your love with words. Over time, your partner learns to recognize your passion by the actions you take. You're good at wooing someone slowly, without them even realizing it! Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2 You are most compatible with people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of the month. What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!

  • Re: your wishlist

    Heather - - Fashion


    carrie_underwood_ring.jpg Yes please.

  • Your Ideal Best Friend is Fun fun.jpg You have a little trouble breaking out of your shell at times, and you need a little coaxing. You are really a fun person yourself, but you are sometimes reluctant to let loose. Your perfect best friend is outgoing and friendly. You're happy to be around a social butterfly. A fun friend will recognize you for the treasure you are. You are the perfect complement to a total extrovert. What Is Your Ideal Best Friend Like? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes …

  • Re: -sigh-

    Heather - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Izzie :): “I'm not reeeeally that bothered but I hate being single :p It makes me laugh when people say "your young, enjoy life before you get boyfriends and stuff" What do you expect me to do :p” Enjoy your friends, your family. School. Boyfriends complicate things.

  • Re: -sigh-

    Heather - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    You say it like it's a bad thing. You're young, enjoy life.

  • Quote from DeaExMachina: “I was out along the beach today and a couple were sitting up on some rocks below a peer. Well, she was sitting, he was kneeling under her skirt eating her out.” Oh boy.

  • A Walk to Remember. Nights in Rodanthe.

  • You Are a Geek geek.jpg You definitely have some nerdy ways, but you've evolved into something way cooler - a geek. You are free spirited and quirky. You're proud of who you are, and you've got style. You may not fit in completely, but you don't have any problems socializing. You're witty, smart, and very knowledgable. You believe that everyone should embrace their inner geek! Are You A Nerd or a Geek? Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!

  • This probably isn't a good idea. If he's still into you, chances are you'll mess around, and then you'll have to pretend everything is strictly platonic when his girlfriend comes to visit. It'll end up being an extremely mess situation, that you don't want to get yourself involved with. For your sake, don't house share with him.

  • Re: My hoodies, my best friends..

    Heather - - Fashion


    Got a hoodie for my birthday. Aeropostale. Dark green. Love it.

  • Jerry, I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you it's rainbows and butterflies. Long distance will be one of the hardest things you will ever do. You have to be committed. There has to be trust. You have to make time to talk to each other even if you have busy schedules. And try and see each other as often as possible. But when it's good, it's amazing. If you decide to do it, I wish you the best of luck.

  • Re: Webcam problems.

    Heather - - Technology and the Internet


    I already tried that.

  • You Are French Fries french-fries.jpg You are friendly and easygoing. People can't help but like you! You are always welcome wherever you go, and people crave you more than they'd like to admit. You are extremely fun loving. You try not to think about responsibilities whenever possible. You are rich in personality and spirit. You have a lot to offer, but you never let it go to your head. Are You French Fries or Onion Rings? Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist

  • Re: Single?

    Heather - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Recently single. Hating it so far.

  • You Are Open impossible-1.png You're never quite sure what direction you want to go, and that's a good thing. You are willing to travel any number of paths, and your destination is often unknown. You believe that it's impossible to plan well, and you try to remain as flexible as possible. You're happy to be one of the pack or fly solo. You're up for an adventure any way you get it. The Impossible Figure Test Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My!