Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 461.

  • white

  • Have you ever had a near death experience? Not too near, but I did cut my artery open once. :| How much time do you spend on Bzoink each day? What the hell's that? 0 minutes. Have any of your friend�s parents split up? yeah Did you go see Despicable Me? nope Are fractions hard or easy for you? never have to do them. so hard Is there anything you need to catch up on? i need to catch up with some friends? Do you know anyone who�s really, really short? meeee haha How many digits of Pi can you remem…

  • You Are a Kidney Bean You are an adaptable person, and you are easily influenced. You are open to change. You know how to fit in anywhere and always are a welcome addition to any group. You are tender hearted and easy to break through to. You don't have much of an exterior shell. You'll soften for almost anyone, and you give others the benefit of the doubt. You believe that people are basically good.

  • You Are Free Spirited You don't like to be tied down. You like the feeling of the wind in your hair and a day with no obligations. You know that life can't be all fun and games, but you try to enjoy yourself as much as you can. You try to life without rules or expectations. You take each day as it comes. You're happy to get on a road that seems interesting, even if you aren't exactly sure where it's going.

  • You Are Real You are naturally comfortable with yourself, and your authenticity shines through. You think that flaws can be beautiful and that mistakes can be learning experiences. You have trouble getting along with people who lie, even if they're only lying to themselves. You connect best with uncomplicated and generous types. You're past wanting or needing any drama in your life.

  • Re: The Purity Test

    morphine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 47% Pure You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure. You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear!

  • anyone over the age of 12 knew what you meant?

  • dom is gross.

  • yeah, for some unkind and cruel reason known to womankind...we get horny around the time of our periods. WHY IS THIS? hormones or something? anwyay. nature is a bitch.

  • Oh wow. Hahahahahaaaaa! Ok sorry; I would say just pretend like nothing happened. It's not like you need to have a conversation with her about it...just carry on. It might be awkward for a while but you'll get back to normal in the end.

  • white, red stripes.

  • Re: Boys boys boys..

    morphine - - Fashion


    yeah haha this was the same. it was blimmin hilarious.

  • Re: Boys boys boys..

    morphine - - Fashion


    LOL one time i saw a guy like with exactly the same thing. Me and my mum were in this really quiet hostpital waiting room at the time, he got up and his ass was basically in our faces. hahaha, me and my mum looked at each other and both had to try SO hard not laugh! it looked really ridiculous. i like the low jeans thing, but not that fucking low.

  • You Are iPod nano You are a modern person, and you find new technologies to be fascinating. You are artistic and colorful. You love finding new ways to express yourself. You love music, but you are a visual person as well. You can find an album cover as inspiring as a song. You are very influential. Your friends tend to like bands you listen to, and you always like to show them your latest discovery.

  • white with blue stripes.

  • Re: Is my chest... normal?

    morphine - - Health and Fitness


    i wouldn't notice anything wrong with your chest tbh...:confused: you're just thin.

  • Re: Getting an epidural. :/

    morphine - - General Advice


    If you're THAT worried about it, then it'sprobably best not to have one. But as Linda said, the chances of anything going wrong is slim. I know a few people who've had epidurals and they all said it was not big deal and AMAZING because you feel no pain. My mum's had 3 kids and with my youngest brother she had an epidural and said it was the most amazing thing, having gone through 2 previous childbirths. She also told me when I had children to seriously consider it haha. You can't see the needle …

  • of course. who doesn't?! (other than you...)

  • bran flakes

  • Re: What Bag are you carrying ?

    morphine - - Fashion


    MASSIVE BAGS ftw i love massive bags, i can carry all the shit i want.