Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 348.

  • Re: what flower are you?

    Amy. - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are a Carnation carnation.jpg You are down to earth and grounded. You tend to be more traditional than trendy. Your confidence gets you through anything. People trust you and are very loyal to you.

  • Re: Blonde or brunette? (PICS)

    Amy. - - Fashion



  • Re: beeing muscular, is it good?

    Amy. - - General Advice


    personally i don't really like muscles. a little is alright.

  • Re: Are you a virgin?

    Amy. - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: im still a virgin, HELP!!!

    Amy. - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from xNerRadx: “You've go insecurity issues. You seem like the type of girl who would fuck a guy because he told you he loves you. Please don't be the dumb bitch to do something like that.” this. you are only 15, there is no need to rush.

  • Re: Gettin into a girls pants....

    Amy. - - Teen Sexuality


    the girl doesn't really get a say.. you are a bit of a creep.

  • None of Your Needs Are Being Met one.jpg Needs not being met: Physiological, love, safety, esteem, and self-actualization needs While it may seem surprising to you, none of your core needs are being met. You are not getting enough fuel to keep you going, and it's hindering every aspect of your life. Go back to square one. Work on getting enough rest, eating right, and even exercising. To be happy and fulfilled, your physical needs like food and sleep need to be taken care of.

  • You Are a Pumpkin Mask pumpkin.jpg You are quiet and a bit shy. You like to observe first before getting yourself in the mix. You are a big thinker and ponderer. You have many great ideas, and you will show them to the world when you're ready. You may be a bit of a mystery, but there's nothing too terribly scary about you. You are very accessible. You aren't the most friendly person in the world, but people seem to naturally want to be your friend. They can tell you're something special.

  • You Are a Monster Movie monster.jpg Nothing makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up like a menacing monster, whether that monster comes from a lab or outer space. You like horror movies with a lot of action and destruction. Of course you want the good guys to win in the end... but not until many people die first. You appreciate the creativity involved with imagining the ultimate monster. The idea of an evil that is capable of anything both delights and frights you. Your favorite movies…

  • You Are a Vampire vampire.jpg Like a vampire, you can be a bit cold and heartless at times. You are very calculating. You think with your head, and you know better than to follow your heart. While you are as thick skinned and resourceful as a vampire, you aren't necessarily as evil. You can easily manipulate people into doing what you want. Whether you actually choose to manipulate them or not is a different matter.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Amy. - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Lingeries store

    Amy. - - Fashion



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Amy. - - Teen Sexuality



  • saw.

  • Re: The eye test

    Amy. - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Deep Down You Are Intuitive eye-9.png You're the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don't let on to how much you know. You can tell so much from someone's facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you're being lied to. You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you're being read. You know when you're being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You…

  • You Fall for the Guy or Girl Next Door Type You think that people make love too complicated, and what you want in a partner happens to be pretty simple. You're content with someone who's nice, attractive, honest, and normal. So how come that's so hard to find? You are fairly traditional, and you value security in relationships more than most people. It's important for you to find someone loyal. When you find the right person, you don't expect much from him or her. You're just happy to be togethe…

  • Re: a 7 year old explains sex

    Amy. - - Teen Sexuality


    hahahah!! :rofl:

  • Re: Do you smoke ?

    Amy. - - Health and Fitness


    sometimes when i drink.

  • You Are "Across the Universe" across.png You are spiritual, deep, and at peace. You try to keep life in perspective. You can't help but realize how small you are in the universe. You're just thankful you exist. You tend to be a stream of consciousness thinker. You just let your thoughts flow, even when they don't make sense initially. You trust your intuition to guide you. You know that whatever is in your heart is right and true.

  • You Are Gold gold.jpg You have a strong appreciation for the finer things in life, and you're the first to admit that you're a bit spoiled. You can be a bit flashy and flamboyant at times. You may claim that you don't like attention, but you secretly love it. You are a bit of a snob, and you wouldn't be caught in a fast food restaurant or a Wal-mart. You may or may not be rich, but you act like you are. You can't stand trash culture or anything low class... especially when trashy people wear gol…