Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 869.

  • Quote from DREAM3R: “Yes, haven't done anything except weed for couple years. haven't smoked weed for a week and a half but it feels like a lifetime. ” Good for you, man. Even though I am a big fan of green, it can be quite the demotivater if used frequently.. so I am very proud of you. :]]

  • Quote from DREAM3R: “I fell for the "Your life sucks, you have nothing to lose"” That is sadly always the case.. have you gotten better?

  • Quote from mle: “It's good to hear someone agree with me. A lot of the time I'll hear "Why don't you try it just once?" but I know that if I try it then the thought will always be there that I could do it again.” I fell for the "try it just once thing" and it made the last 7 years of my life absolutely miserable. Some people can handle the shit, others lose themselves to it.. either way, it is never worth risking it.

  • Quote from mle: “I haven't tried anything. I think it's easier not to get into that kind of thing if you don't even try it. I'd rather not fill my body with drugs that will just fuck up my body and my head.” Hold on to that.

  • I have had my first same sex encounter when I was 11 or 12.. my first time having sex with the same gender was when I was 13, maybe 14 (and have had sexual relations with many females afterwards).. but my first actual relationship with another woman was when I was 17.

  • Quote from DREAM3R: “same, except I haven't done coke.” Never start it. It took me years and years to kick that habit.

  • Instead of the list of what I have done... here is the list of what I have not done: PCP Meth Crack (I have done cocaine though)

  • Well, I have always felt like the person you are dating should become one of your best friends.. so I guess you can say it is like a best friend you have sex with, but it is incredibly intimate.

  • A romantic relationship with another female is actually quite an emotional and sensual experience. Women tend to be run by emotions, so put two of them in a relationship with eachother and it can end up being incredibly meaningful and romantic. The sexual encounters seem to be more emotionally driven rather than driven by horniness.. but really it is pretty much like any other type of relationship. It all depends on the people involved.

  • Re: Acne

    Saradactyl - - Health and Fitness


    Sugar can be a major cause of breakouts, so try to cut down on soda and junk foods as mentioned before. Also, it is summer.. so the heat is likely to cause one to sweat and therefore your skin is bound to get very oily which will lead to break outs. Things such as having your hair in your face or resting your face on your hand can cause break outs in those certain areas because of the oil that comes from both of them. What many of my friends do, as well as myself, is we buy these facial wipes th…

  • Re: Alejandro video

    Saradactyl - - Music


    Quote from xNerRadx: “She's not the only one lol.” Of course she isn't. According to the conspiracy theory most mainstream musicians are in on it, however.. if you look at all the major ones, I find that Lady Gaga to be the MAIN one. Rhianna and Beyonce (who represents demon possession with her transition from Beyonce to Sasha Fierce) are two major recent ones, but according to all the concepts of the conspiracy Lady Gaga seems to pretty much be The Illuminati personified. It is so intriguing, h…

  • In an electric wheel chair.. I would list more, but that would require too much thinking and I bet that is probably the weirdest place outta all of them.

  • Re: Alejandro video

    Saradactyl - - Music


    Quote from Batgirl: “^That really annoys me, tbh. The whole anti-religion in that video is due to the point she's putting across of how many ditch religion or blame god for their pain resulting from love/relationships.” I have always been curious about how you feel on the whole "Lady Gaga is the poster child for the Illuminati" rumors going around.

  • People often ask if my younger brother Matt and I are twins.. so I guess we look a like, however.. people think all gingers look the same. Andrew and I however have no similar features.

  • Quote from justsomekid1: “well idk it's not like other friends more like dating or inbetween or whatever. and no I don't try to be in a relationship with all guys that are my friends just one I feel affection for really.” I wasn't assuming that at all, hun.

  • You can have a close relationship with others and it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic.. maybe I am having trouble understanding the exact situation.. when you say "our relationship isn't really like friends"?

  • What Linda said is very accurate. You keep taking stimulants throughout the day, they may keep you up at night. Whenever you take amphetamines with energy drinks it really enhances your speed, making you stay awake longer and what not. Either take the pills or drink energy drinks, don't do them both together.. even though it seems like a good idea, you are speeding up your heart to quite a dangerous rate. It doesn't mean that you are going to have a heartattack right then and there, but it does …

  • Maybe you just aren't attracted to guys?

  • Re: Tim Burton

    Saradactyl - - Films, TV and Books


    I used to really like his style.. his movies lately seem to just be lacking what they used to have and just give off the impression that he is trying too hard.

  • Well. I really enjoyed having sex with a girl, but afterwards I felt like I did something terrible.. because I was at an early age and it was really looked down on.