Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 884.

  • i was in a long distance relationship up until a few weeks ago, and i know how impossible it can be, my gf was also very insecure, like she couldnt believe that i was going out with her, which was ridiculous cause she was sooo amazingly beautiful, every person has insecurities whether they are in their teen years or at the prime of their lives. all you can do is just tell her how amazing you think she is, not just on her looks but her good personality traits that makes you love her. make an extr…

  • Quote from Megatron: “ What do you mean?” i was quoting the dude above me, he said a memorial wouldnt do any good, but i was at the memorial in berlin about ww2 and it does do good, in my opinion

  • as lisa has said, us guys are oblivious at times when a girl likes us, i think its due to guys thinking that girls would never be into us, basically try and do a little flirting, be cute, and then ask him out, it doesnt matter at all if he is popular, if he says no, you can hold your head up high that you had the guts to go for something you wanted, not many people can say that. and if he does reject you, then its his loss, but you will forever have a crush on him if you dont go for it, i met th…

  • Quote from Sababah: “Sexual Child Abuse is about as low as you can go. We're not talking about the sheep here. Nor about wolves. The christian shepherds themselves are devouring the flock's lambs that they should be protecting. In ginormous numbers. No stain? The priests are the church, aren't they?” it is wrong to say that every priest abuses children, just because there have been cases of child abuse with a small majority of priests. by saying that all priests are child abusers is ignorant, th…

  • girls may go for the "bad boy" image sometimes, but in the end i would say the majority of women will settle down with a nice guy, you dont need to put a front on, just be yourself, if you are nice then be nice, girls will respect you alot more for it, and then you will meet someone who will be the girl of your dreams and will want you, for you. girls might go for the bad boy type sometimes, but its just because its new and different, but it gets old very quickly when the guy doesnt treat the pe…

  • ive seen this guy before, hes a credit to humanity.

  • Re: What Are You Drinking?

    kopite - - Health and Fitness



  • well to me he could be doing two things. first thing is, he is using you for a bit of fun, its natural to go back to the person you were once with to try and start something up again, even if it is just a hook up. if he is doing this i would try and get out of the situation as quickly as possible, because the feelings you had for him will resurface very very fast and it will hurt just as much as before. it would be different if you felt comfortable with the situation, but i thinks its clear that…

  • Quote from Paper Gangsta: “They should just build the same thing exactly how it was. Memorials are a waste. When you see the memorials about World War 2, do you think of our soldiers or Germany/Hitler?” well i was at the holocaust memorial in berlin, and it wasnt just the jewish people who were killed that i was thinking of, it was every person that had been hit in some way by WW2, and i think memorials are a perfect way for people to just think even for a few minutes about the innocent lives th…

  • i believe that any guy can get any girl, as long as they appear confident and are happy with the person they are. use your strengths, if you are shy then be shy, if you are funny then be funny etc. i wouldnt worry too much about it, your still pretty young, i didnt get a gf either until i was 19, i found that its when you stop looking for a gf then thats when you get one. as said above, its pretty much down to you making a move, a lot of women will not make the first move, so its up to you, just…

  • well i thinks its obvious you are not happy in this relationship. there is no reason why you still cant be friends with her family afterwards, like my sisters ex bf is a very close friend of my family still after nearly a decade after they broke up. you dont seem to be happy, and you seem to be just staying with her just so you can be close to her family, which really is not fair on either of you. i think you should sit her down and explain how you feel, like what is the reason as to why she act…

  • its not about what the cake is, or what gifts you get, it is the thought that counts, you should be thankful that your parents care about going to that much bother to get you a cake, no one will make fun of you if you just brush it off. like if people start to tease you then act as if you dont care, if people see you embarrassed then they might hold that over your head. try not to think about it and enjoy your birthday. btw, happy sweet 16

  • well it was very rude of him to say that about you, and if i were you i would not stay in a relationship where looks are all that matters to your partner, like he has stated that looks are all that matter to him, and that he doesnt care for you on a more emotional level and that is just not fair on you, if you develop strong feelings for him, it will just be that much harder for you later down road. i would talk to him first to see what exactly he meant when he said that. ofcourse this hole thin…

  • for me i would never be comfortable with an open relationship, and was actually offered to have an open relationship with my last gf, but i said no, because i feel that if two people are in a relationship then they are the only people they should be with. i have no problems with other people getting involved in an open relationship, as long as both parties are 100% comfortable with the idea.

  • well yes alcohol will help you loosen out more, but i wouldnt advise you be drunk every time you talk to her. maybe the next time ye are all out ask her for her number, or else maybe ask one of her friends for her number, and start texting, this is a great way of building confidence in talking to her, and if you can talk through texting you should have no problems in talking in person, find something ye both may like, examples: music, sport, school, art anything, then start talking about it. lik…

  • Re: Home Workout

    kopite - - Health and Fitness


    there is a great workout that my physio gave me to strengthen my back, you position yourself in the pressup position laying on your forearms, with your back straight in the air, you raise your leg up as far as you can and hold it there for 10 seconds, then do the same with your other leg, do about 30 or so reps a day and your back along with arms and abs stronger. and more defined.

  • that sucks dude im sorry, but you can do soo much better and you will find someone who will give you the respect you deserve. i know how hard it can be to find that connection again, but all you can do is keep putting yourself out there, try and get involved in some activities to help you meet new people, but dont worry too much, it will happen for you sooner rather than later. hope this helped

  • i think this happens with everyone, when they like someone but the other person wants to be just friends, i honestly think though that that is exactly the reason, they dont want to put the friendship at risk, sometimes this happens, ive been there many times, and all you can do is just try and move forward, you may not like anyone now, but thats not to say you wont like someone else in a month who will actually want to be with you, you have no idea what is around the corner and it is when you le…

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “Oh yeah trust is huge.. My only MAIN fear, is that shes now in the same country as her ex. But, she said shes not going to go back to him.. And that she gave all of his items back and cut it off.. I believe her, but my main fear is that they would get back together.. We been only together for a month, and she made the plans to go back to see him before we got together.. I trust her..” well all you can do is trust her, from the sounds of it, she would never cheat if she …

  • dont worry too much about it man, its just a dream, it doesnt mean that you would ever cheat on her or care about her less, its natural to have fantasies about other people, even if you dont do it when your awake it might manifest in your dreams. maybe you are worried about something in your relationship, sometimes our dreams take our worries and puts them in our dreams to help deal with them. whatever the reason, you have nothing to worry about, if you dont want to cheat on your gf then you won…