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  • Re: Anal masturbation

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    Just because you want something in your ass, doesn't mean you're gay. It means you like things in your ass. Anyhoo, I don't really have any ideas about bigger things.

  • Re: Strange Fetish

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    Even if you were the only person to have this fetish, I'd consider it more "normal" than almost any other, so don't worry. If you don't mind me asking, do the heartbeats get you going sexually, or is it just nice to hear their heart? If it's the latter, then I'm sure there's a good portion of people that share it as well.

  • Re: Anime

    Alucard 117 - - Films, TV and Books


    Code Geass is one of my favorite anime, and Death Note is also very good, though nowadays, it's a bit commercialized. Fullmetal Alchemist is very good, and I'm currently watching FMA: Brotherhood on Adult Swim as each episode premiers, as the original anime diverged from the manga's plot about 10-ish episodes in, and Brotherhood remains faithful to the manga's plot, as the original anime did not.

  • Fahrenheit 451. It's quite disturbing with all the parallels to our (America) society nowadays. I refer specifically to America, as I don't want to speak of countries I don't know enough about, but I digress. The point is that I can definitely see our society go the way that the one in F451 did, with everyone plugged in to radio, TV, or the internet, and wanting everything at light speed, and everything concrete, with no abstract thinking.

  • Re: Southpark!

    Alucard 117 - - Films, TV and Books


    I think the Facebook one takes on a rather mundane issue, but is certainly a very good episode. They've certainly gotten past the rut they've had for the last few seasons. Some of those episodes were quite abysmal.

  • It's bad because you're bringing physical and potentially psychological hurt to yourself. You can leave scars, and other physical maladies, if the actions continue. It's also better to find some other way to heal your mental wounds besides wounding yourself physically.

  • Yes, I have thought about the topic quite extensively. As a disclaimer, I will state that I am a deist, so any opinions are disregarding heaven or hell or anything like that. Anyhoo, I believe there are two main reasons to live: furthering my genetic line, and bettering/furthering the human race. There might be more, provided I give it further thought, but those are the main ones, and definitely will remain constant unless I have a radical shift in beliefs.

  • Re: G-Star Raw Denim (brand)

    Alucard 117 - - Fashion


    Well, the back of the first one isn't good, though the front isn't bad. The second one just sucks. And paying any more than 20 bucks for either shirt is ridiculous.

  • Ironically, the first poster is one who has yet to lose their virginity. I would have lost it a good 2 years ago given the opportunity, however, even now, I do not have any opportunities to do so, sadly.

  • Re: Premature Erection?

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    There's really not a thing called a premature erection. However, even if there was, you don't/wouldn't have it. There was something sexually arousing in front of/near you, and your penis responded accordingly.

  • Those guys who say they don't care, they're saying it due to the fact that, "it's hot". Regardless of how attractive it may or may not be, it is still cheating to kiss anyone, despite their gender, while you are with someone else. Unless it is like a familial kiss on the cheek, or a cultural custom, it is cheating.

  • Re: More complete Poll on Sexuality

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    What exactly is the difference between queer and gay?

  • Re: Boy foot fetish :)

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, first, I'm going to answer your question. I do not have a foot fetish of any sort. I also do not think many people on here have such a specific fetish as just teens' feet. I applaud you for speaking so bluntly on your personal life, but it could be offputting for some. I would try to be more subtle, but if this is working for you, go for it!

  • Re: my penis size

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    That seems a bit large for your age. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you are telling the truth. Provided you are, you are very large for your age, outclassing most adults, since the average for an adult is around 5 and a half inches long. I'm not sure what the statistic for girth is. I myself am around 6 inches perhaps more. I think you're going to find you are indeed bigger than a lot of people, both on here, and in real life.

  • I would say bisexual. You say you enjoy the male form sexually, and you also enjoy the female form in the same way, with the ability to form a relationship with a woman. I wouldn't say you're extremely bisexual, but you do have some bisexual tendencies. I don't think you should be so quick to label. I labeled myself a year or two ago, and then I thought I was a different sexuality, and now I think I might be what I initially believed. Like people before me have said, just do what makes you happy…

  • I don't exactly think it's always a good thing or a bad thing. It depends on how the person acts. If they force sex, or make it obvious they're mad they're not getting sex, it's not ok. However, one doesn't want to have too low of one, since then the other partner might be the over bearing one. I myself would prefer a partner with an above average sex drive, though definitely not at porn star levels.

  • Re: I'm out

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    Congrats on coming out! You definitely have more balls than I in that regard haha

  • I prefer it to have some hair, not a huge bush, but also not completely smooth. It rarely looks good, to me at least, to be at either exteme.

  • I've not had sex yet, and I do want to, regardless of my age. Some people shouldn't have sex too young if they're not truly ready, or if they're not even willing to take basic precautions against unwanted pregnancies, etc. Those who are responsible, I say have fun. Live it up while you can.

  • It's distantly possible that it's his religion that's doing it. I honestly don't know what to say.