Search Results

Search results 181-200 of 200.

  • Wow- this guy is clearly suffering and all you people can do is rip on him? Ouch. Don't worry, buddy, it will be okay. I'm positive there are local outreach programs in your community- you'll find people that really know how to help you get over this. Or, if you are really sure you want to do the suicide thing, try volunteering your services for the army. You could help detonate IED's in Iraq by headbutting them. Then you'd be doing some good and have almost guaranteed success in your suicide. G…

  • You need a way to beat your anxiety. Try this: every time the anxiety starts to get too high you should run until you are too exhausted to worry/pass out. Hopefully this will allow you to break the vicious cycle. And even if it doesn't, you'll get in really good shape and maybe even become an olympic athlete. And then what would you have to worry about? Oh yeah, you'd worry that during an olympic race your pants would fall off and 2 billion people would see your charlie brown. Well, good luck.

  • Best advice I ever got about overcoming depression- join a cult. Do your research first, make sure it isn't one that will make you kill yourself (defeats the purpose of joining to prevent suicide or steal all your money. You get a lot of attention and instant friends. Then, when you feel better you can change names, move across the country, and hope they never track you down.

  • You've got to used to the idea of not being with her, and it will be hard to do that if you keep hanging around her. I'm sure it makes you happy while she's there, but then you feel even worse when she's gone- overall its hurting you right now. Keep some distance from her for a while. When you've got your emotional equilibrium back you'll be able to deal with being around her.

  • 3rd option! Ron Paul still has a chance! Don't let the 2 party system hold you down! I like exclamation points!!!!!!!

  • Re: Fox Hunting?

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    I think anything that has been banned by hitler as being too cruel should be banned everywhere. But then again, I've never been fox hunting so how would I know? Shut up you idiot! Tally Hoooooooooooooo!

  • Uuuh hello? Video games. And stripping. Not both, though. Nobody wants to see gamers strip.

  • Re: hands and parkour

    catateface - - Education & Jobs


    I'd try climbing gloves. Like for mountain climbers. They protect your hand but usually leave your fingertips exposed, and they have a material on the palms that produces a better grip than your own hands.

  • Hey, have you guys ever seen the show ninja warrior (called sasuke or something in Japan)? Its a huge crazy obstacle course that tests agility, endurance, balance, speed, jumping power, etc. I frequently wonder what athletes would do best there. I think gymnasts and NBA players would do best.

  • I think each sport produces athletes with different strengths. An NFL player would, physically, make a fantastic rugby player... for about ten minutes. NFL players generally produce greater power for brief periods. Rugby players have better endurance. But overall I would have to agree that gymnastics and upper-division mixed martial arts produce unbelievable athletes.

  • Sometimes mood and health are very closely linked. I used to have serious bouts of depression from time to time and didn't know why. Then I starting making sure I worked out (ran or lifted weights) regularly and that I ate decently every day. Things got a lot better. I still have serious issues, but it cut back on the depression for me. Just something you might want to try.

  • When mixed martial arts was banned in the US the contests were held in private. With no controls people frequently died or were permanently injured. When MMA became legal fights had to have medical screening, doctors and EMTs on hand, regulated officiating, etc. Since, in the US there haven't been and deaths or permanent injuries as a result of MMA. Prostitution is not legal in most of the US (it is legal in parts of Nevada). Women are subjected to horrible circumstances, STDs are spread, and a …

  • Re: Gay Marriage

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    Wow, assaultrifle, that was a very clear and succinct way of stating option 3's position. Would you mind if I used your answer verbatim (I'd cite you as the source if you wanted or not if you didn't)? Also, you clearly have a very good way with words. If you are interested I think that the option 3 movement could benefit from having you review the verbiage of our literature. I know that option 3 may initially sound so ridiculous as to make it appear to be "trolling" but when you consider the rea…

  • Re: Gay Marriage

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    In my local community option 3 has been gaining popularity very quickly. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a single gay person even cum to one of our meetings or rallys. I haven't heard any objections from the gay community so I really haven't had ANY feedback. Any response to option 3 from the gay community? Has anyone ever heard this being discussed in the gay community?

  • Re: Apocalypse

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    cats will never organize. Question: Will there be zombie dogs? Because otherwise, I don't think zombies could be the end of the world.

  • Re: Gay Marriage

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    I think its worse in prison. You can't go bowling afterwards. I'll try to find the specific poll for you. I understand that you'd be dubious of a Gallup poll. Granted, with a typical 5-7 point error of margin it could be the case that as few as 5% or the general American populace feel this way, but just because a point of view isn't widely accepted doesn't mean it isn't correct. And of course it isn't lawful, but neither is gay marriage at this point. Laws can change and frequently do. Things th…

  • I've actually been diagnosed with a few different psychological disorders and, at first, I was terrified. Its weird thinking you're just a normal kid and then some psychiatrists say, "hey kid, you're crazy, take these drugs and stuff." I guess I'm don't fit the definition of insane that you do, I can tell what's real and what isn't. I just sometimes didn't behave the way society expects people to behave. But I take all the right pills, so I can function in SoCieTy. I think the LABEL insane is so…

  • Re: Gay Marriage

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    I can say that no, I did not make up option 3. The idea of marriage for love is actually very recent and, I would contend, not at all natural to the human condition. Rape, on the other hand, is a fundamental part of both nature AND the human condition. I should note that option 3 doesn't push for rape at all. If you don't want to get phreaky, that's fine. You'll just go to prison. The only aspect that I can think of that is honestly objectionable is the fact that if you go to prison you get rape…

  • Re: Gay Marriage

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    Most people think that this is an issue with two sides. 1. Let gays marry. 2. Don't let them marry. I support (as do many others) option 3. Force everybody, be they gay or straight, to marry someone of the same sex. And if that someone ever decides they want some nasty, you gotta give it up to them. Or the police will put you in jail. Where you gonna be givin it up anyways.

  • Re: Apocalypse

    catateface - - Debate and Discussions


    Two words: Dog Uprising