Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 181.

  • My boyfriend and I aren't officially engaged, but sort of are. We have a wedding date set etc. We decided on it right before our 2 year anniversary, and won't get officially engaged until later this year, after we've been together for 3 years.

  • You say he's not perverted, but he is. The mere fact that he's 21 and trying to establish something with a 15 year old is perverted and wrong. He hasn't tried anything sexual with you, yet, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't in the future. There has to be something wrong with him if he's chasing a 15 year old. Can you say pedophile and possible statutory rape in the future?

  • Re: In love <33

    onyxeyes - - Fashion


    Quote from stratosfear: “Eugh, I really hate them.” Agreed. I think they're hideous. :-/

  • Quote from captain_kurenai: “ @ onyxeyes: We used to have a period like that too, and then when workloads started piling on we just didn't have the energy to talk anymore. We'll txt sometimes though ... random short msgs usually. Like last one I sent him was "I was fighting this boss and he said 'Chaos beckons' and for some reason I looked at my phone thinking you would call. I did that everytime I fought him too :o" ” We've pretty much been like this our entire relationship, except the first th…

  • None for me.

  • 1. Name: Nichole 2. Age: (Bold Your Selection) - - <13 - 13<16 - 16-25 - 25-35 - 35-50 - 50-65 - 65> 3. Nationality: American 4. What mode of purchase would you prefer for your clothes? (Bold your selection) a. Online - - yes - no b. Readymade clothes (Bold your selection) - - Branded - Non-branded - Both Are you loyal to any particular brand? No c. Getting clothes stitched/tailor-made (Bold your selection) - - yes - no 5. Customer issues: a. Is it easy to get the clothes you want? (Bold your s…

  • Re: for the wiser people

    onyxeyes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from JennyColada: “I think that you'd actually be suprised at how many people go through these types of feelings. Having "baby fever" really is common. The important thing is to realize the difference between a desire and a good idea. Wanting a baby now doesn't mean that you should have a baby now. It's fine to feel close enough to your boyfriend that you want to start a family with him. Those feelings will do you well someday. There is so much in your life that is still left to do for you…

  • Re: I'm Late

    onyxeyes - - General Advice


    As stated, take a pregnancy test right now. That's the only way you can know for sure.

  • I hate not being able to see my boyfriend at least once a week. Lately I've been seeing him about 1-3 times a week, which is the most it's been in quite some time. However, I can't go a day without talking to him and we text pretty much all day long.

  • She's probably just feeling insecure and worried that you might want to leave her for one of the other girls. Honestly, it's pretty expected that she might feel that way if you had feelings for her and 4 other girls at the same time. After finding that out about you she might be afraid that you're a "player."

  • I personally don't think you should try and pursue anything with him. Not to sound rude or anything, but if you're only 13 you're not going to be anywhere near being on the same level as him. Being friends with someone is different than being in a relationship with him. If he were to break up with his girlfriend and the two of you did date, the age difference would be much more apparent than if you were just friends.

  • Re: Ladies

    onyxeyes - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I'd break up with him and never speak to him again.

  • Re: Pregnancy Problem ! :O

    onyxeyes - - General Advice


    Be sure to keep us updated!

  • Re: Experienced? Or not..

    onyxeyes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from JennyColada: “I didn't, not even a tiny bit. It also didn't even hurt that much, so I might just be weird.” One of my friends was the same way. It wasn't until her 5th+ time having sex that she bled and her hymen tore. I thought it was odd.

  • Be more confident and try and get a "I'm just as good as any other guy" attitude. If your doubt yourself, those feelings will be reflected through your actions and can often times be off putting to girls.

  • He's her older brother, he's obviously not going to want his (presumably) 15 year old sister having sex. He's looking out for her and trying to warn you not to take advantage of her or hurt her. I think you should respect that.

  • In that case, I'm pretty sure he already knows you like him. You could possibly discuss with him having a committed relationship, and see how he feels about that.

  • Being that in another thread you said you have a boyfriend and you think you might be pregnant, you shouldn't even think of pursuing anything with this guy!

  • Quote from JennyColada: “Are you planning on memorizing this and telling it to her, or are you trying to write her a note? Doing the whole "listen, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time" seems a bit stupid. If it were me I'd be like "well duh, we're talking now, why do you need to take five minutes telling me you want to talk." Being straightforward is generally the easiest thing. It saves time, and insiuating how you feel can really just lead to confusing for all involved. I'm a li…

  • Maybe then the problem is that you didn't change. It's possible that they matured a bit(though it's also doubtful) and you didn't and therefore they lack being on the same mental wave length with you now.