Search Results

Search results 61-80 of 181.

  • If spending time with her really mattered to you, you would do it, either that, or find another way to do so. My final thoughts are, don't rush your relationship. Savor it and the time you do spend together. Also, it really isn't the end of the world if you spend time apart. For some reason most teenagers in new relationships think it's the worst thing ever to be away from the person they're dating.

  • My boyfriend and I both work between 30-40 hours a week, and I also go to school. If we can find time to see each other, the two of you can as well. You could request a day off from work and spend the entire day with each other. In the mean time I'm sure you could still manage to see each other for at least a couple of hours in a day once or twice a week.

  • Um, I think then perhaps that's too soon to even spend the night together in a nonsexual way, let alone if you were to even have sex together. Why rush things? I've found that the faster a relationship moves, the faster it falls apart.

  • How long have the two of you been together and how old are the two of you? If you do invite her over, make sure you explain to her that it's just to spend more time together, not to have sex. If she thinks you want her over just for sex she might feel pressured into it and then later regret it big time.

  • Were you told why a test came up positive? Also, did they do a urine test or a blood test? If it was a urine test and it came back negative, that doesn't mean you're not pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are a lot more sensitive than the urine tests that doctors give. It's incredibly rare to get a false positive(it only happens if the woman is going through menopause, recently lost a baby, or has ovarian cysts), whereas false negatives are quite common. A woman can be pregnant and test negative if …

  • My dear, you're 13, chances are it wasn't actually love at all. Besides, if he's engaged at 13 and has been previously, that shows he's completely immature and doesn't take relationships seriously(but what 13 year old is capable of doing so?) which is a sign that you're better off without him. It's really not possible to have a serious and mature relationship at your age. Just let it and him go. One day when you're older and more mature, you'll find a great guy who you will love and who will lov…

  • The first thing you have to do is a take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant than you need to weigh your options, as well as discuss it with your family and the father.

  • Quote from Kase: “Well actually, some girls are very fertile, and there have been cases of females getting pregnant just by swimming in the same pool as another male. That said, this is very rare...and your case simply isn't very plausible at all. ” I would suggest that you check your information again as well as its source as that is not possible, nor does it even sound logical. In order of a female to get pregnant by swimming in the same pool as a male so many factors would have to occur. The …

  • Re: How much do you weigh

    onyxeyes - - Health and Fitness


    I'm 5'6" and around 110. Usually 108-110.

  • Re: small chested...

    onyxeyes - - General Advice


    Everyone should be proud of their breasts.

  • Quote from flyingcupcake: “Because I've never slept with a boy and I don't know who the father is.” That's obviously not true. You need to sit down and have a conversation with your parents about this, as well as the father if you figure out who that is. Talk with all of them about it and make a list of pros and cons for all of your options. Listen to the input that they give you and try and understand what they're saying. However, don't forget that ultimately YOU have to decide what to do.

  • When was your last period and how long are your cycles typically? The chances of you being pregnant depend on if you had sex around the time of ovulation or not. It is possible to start getting symptoms 1-2 weeks after conception as usually the fertilized egg implants after 7-8 days.

  • Quote from firebender: “Yes buy a test , that will be the best. But... If you are pregnant and you do abortion, I think you won't be able to have children again. There is a very big chance.” That's not true. However, having multiple abortions does lower a woman's future fertility, but having one abortion doesn't mean you won't ever be able to conceive again. To the OP, if you've had your period than you're very unlikely to be pregnant. The whole " had my last period but my friends told me u usua…

  • Re: 10 months

    onyxeyes - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Today is my 28 month "anniversary".

  • Re: Tattoo ideas?

    onyxeyes - - General Advice


    Quote from littlemisscie: “So in my option, if you can't think of your own idea, you arn't ready for a tattoo. It should be something that means something to you, not to everyone else.” Agreed. Only get a tattoo because there's something meaningful to you that you want permantly attached to you, not just because you want a tattoo.

  • Re: Measurement

    onyxeyes - - Health and Fitness


    Height? A bit over 5'6" Weight? 110 Bust ? 38" Waist? 24" Butt? 34" Wrist no idea

  • Quote from Arsonist: “I am not starting any drama. I am 20, as I said in another thread. My husband is 19. We have been together for two years on March 17th. We have been married for 1 year on March 15th. I am a paramedic. My husband is an EMT and will be going through school to be a firefighter within the next year, and as soon as that is over, he will be starting school to be a paramedic. I am in school to get my BA in EMS. We make enough, that really isn't your business, I have already told y…

  • Quote from Arsonist: “First judged, now threatened, nice.” The "threat" isn't just towards you. Anyone that continues to be dramatic in this thread would receive an infraction. I was actually trying to help you to receive more appropriate responses.

  • Again, stop with the drama. However, you stated in another thread that you're married, I'm highly curious about somethings that I would love for you to answer. How old are you, how old is your husband, how long have you been together, how long have you been married, what kind of job do you have, how much do you make, and how much does he make?

  • Stop with the drama or this thread will be closed and infractions handed out.