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  • dude then start talking to her.... and get to know her.

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Hitman: “this is total bullshit story” lol haha yup tell me about it, but it's a nice to give an advice.....

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    seriously I don't think she's thinking what you're thinking.... dude forget those fantasy you have and just enjoy the movie. I bet it's gonna be good.

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    oh yeah forgot about that yeah as what woodz mentioned that's a crime cause your underage and shes adult... agree stop thinking sexually.

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    dude it's all on your imagination don't imagine things.

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    lol.... then don't come out of your room. don't watch the video. you know it's all to your own decisions....

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    try to avoid it..... If you do it even once you can't say you'll never do it again.... Anyways I don't think she's not going to make a move anyway....

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    lol it can't be help if the situation is like that but trust us never do anything with your stepmom! just go to the bathroom if you need it..... We can't be much help but we are warning you don't do anything that will make your dad be mad of you..... You'll commit a sin to your dad even if he doesn't find out......

  • mmmm sounds weird yeah... I suggest that if you don't feel anything towards him you should stay away. If you feel something for him then let it develop. But try to infer what he wants from you and don't do any rush decisions. Get to know him more I guess.... But the bottomline is try to analyze his feelings for you. It sounds like he was just teasing you but if he really meant all those things he had done for you then he's sounds swee and caring. Goodluck.

  • Re: dads gf

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    Don't do anything, it will just cause commotions..... you'll be in an awkward situation with your dad. And you'll commit sin to put it in simple lol.

  • Your Friendliness Score is 83 (Very Friendly) You are an amazing friend. Anyone who has you as a friend is incredibly lucky. And judging by how many friends you have, there are many lucky people in this world! You can talk to people easily, and you often turn strangers into friends. You are also a good listener. You are there for your friends when they need to vent, without judgment. Overall, you have a genuine interest in people and their lives. And your friends can tell. Taking time for your f…

  • You Are a Banana You are mellow, easy going, and a total softie on the inside. People find it really easy to get along with you. You suit most tastes. And while you're very sweet, you're not boring or ordinary. You have an attraction to the exotic, and you could show up anywhere... doing almost anything! You are spirited, energetic, and a total kick to be around. You're also quite funny. Your sense of humor is on the goofy side, and it fits you well.

  • People Envy Your Compassion You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain. People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.

  • You Are Snow Magical yet potentially destructive You are well known as fun to play with People anticipate your arrival but then are quickly sick of you You are best known for: your serenity Your dominant state: reflecting

  • Re: Embarassed!

    kidaroundtheblock - - Teen Sexuality


    Well most teen these days have already done the deed so up for not belonging on that category. There is nothing to be ashamed. I think you should save yourself to your tue love... Just because everyone around you have done it doesn't mean you need to. Don't feel bad nor left out cause you are not losing something valuable.... Don't be embarass ok. Hope you feel better..... In my opinion it is much worth it and deserving for you to wait until marriage. But hey that's just me. Hope you find Mr. Ri…

  • You're welcome.... Lol I'm answering here like a have had a relationship or something.... I think you'll be alright but you know, don't rush everything there is plenty of time and as well as girls. So chill out and enjoy your teenage life....

  • If she doesn't like you anymore then let her be she doesn't deserves you..... You need to move on though. But like you said you could get girls but then again you're in love with her.... Aw men love sucks huh.... Anyways hope you can recover and don't worry, she'll wake up one day and realize she likes you, well not if you find your true love first then it's her lost....

  • Argentina is a name of Corned Beef in the Philippines. And it is near Chile.

  • What Your Pizza Reveals Your appetite is pretty average. You don't go overboard - but you don't deprive yourself either. You are a very picky pizza eater. Not any pizza will do. You fit in best in the Northeast part of the US. You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods. You are generous, outgoing, and considerate with your choices. You are cultured and intellectual. You should consider traveling to Vienna. The stereotype that best fits you is gee…

  • Your Mind is Purple Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense. Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.