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Search results 41-54 of 54.

  • Ill do it... But casually...

  • Im not 100% sure that she likes me back though. Ill wait for more signs, but I dont know how to flirt more with her, and give her more clues. Do you guys know any ways to leave big clues?

  • Re: Masturbation Hurts

    Jungletoe - - Teen Sexuality


    Im 13 So yeah, Im young, but Ive gone through puberty early. Its not a prostate issue either. I talked to some guy about it and he said that it tends to hurt on the first try. And hell no, I wont tell my parents that I masturbated.

  • I meant more of the pre-going out stuff... I dont get the whole asking somebody out that youve known for a while thing. Do you tell the girl you like her, and if she isnt creeped out then your going out? Whats the difference between asking a girl out and telling her that you like her?

  • Re: Parents Porn

    Jungletoe - - Teen Sexuality


    I looked at my dad's most visited websites, and porn hub was one of em. It just happened a few days ago, and Im still confused as to whether to be disgusted or happy lol And that porn was some hardcore s***... Its so odd though because he's "Mr. Christian/Catholic/Extremely Conservative". He even said that people who watch it are "big fat old pervs"... Atleast I have some leverage now

  • Masturbation Hurts

    Jungletoe - - Teen Sexuality


    I masturbated once (to actual ejaculation) and it hurt like crap. It felt okay afterwards, but during the orgasm it felt like somebody was shoving a knife up my penis... Also, I have lost all sexual interest in masturbating since then. I should also mention that Im a male. Thanks, Jungletoe

  • I used to get these too.... What I do is go into a bathroom and start humping everything that cant make you actually ejaculate. Then sit there and take deep breathes. It works. If you masturbate too often then itll make you wanna do it more, kinda the opposite of what you want to happen.

  • Ive just recently got the courage to ask people out, and Im sooo lost. Can somebody please make me a timeline of a relationship/crush in a boy's perspective? Just a list in order would be fine. Please list: -Started "Liking" -Started "Loving" -Telling her you like her -Telling her you love her -Asking her out -Breaking the touch barrier -Sex -Kiss -Hug Please add any other thing to this list if necesary. Thanks, Jungletoe

  • Re: problem

    Jungletoe - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    She might also be uncomfortable with her family knowing that she dates (as weird as it sounds). Some families are just like that though... Ive known a few.

  • Ah you guys are so lucky...

  • Thanks so much... But how can I say it? Ive already established a sensitive personality... Just Im not a "ladys man" (lol) or smooth...

  • Quote from sharxbyte: “just tell her... If she rejects you, try again in three weeks or so... After a few rejections, ask if there's any point in continuing or if you are doomed to wander alone for the rest of eternity. If she dooms you, ask again in another three weeks. Then pretend you aren't interested for a month or so. Or ask her if she likes creepy guys, then ask if it would be creepy if you gave her a random hug, then hug her, then say she smells good, then walk away. Optional: Tell her t…

  • Quote from Purpleaye: “To be honest with you, i think it would be better for the girl to know; it eliminates confusion and paranoidism which causes huge amounts of stress for both parties. If you tell her, it would feel better for you emotionally and mentally, it also creates the possibility of you two being together ! Good luck (:” But you can still be together if she doesnt know that I like her beforehand, right? And if I do tell her, how should I do it? Through a friend, text, or just verball…

  • First post! Anyways, I've been rejected enough times to ponder this question. Is it better for the girl to know if you like her when you ask her out, for her to be completely clueless, or for her to hear a rumour about it? When she knows: -She can prepare her responce -She either confronts or evoids you When she doesn't know: -Shock/ Suprise When she has clues of it: -Mix So, before I ask my new crush out, what do you think is the best way? Thanks, Jungle