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Search results 61-80 of 91.

  • spend all day on webcam to your girlfriend and when your mum asks what you're doing say, "I'm showing my girlfriend my penizzzz go away, I need to hammer out the stress I'm having not being able to get out of the house" haha lame

  • Re: My Dilemma

    Pretzel - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Suck it up and use it for all it's worth, so what if you pull an older bird, i bet they'll love it

  • Re: Pregnant @ 13.

    Pretzel - - General Advice


    You silly slag.

  • Re: GCSE's

    Pretzel - - General Advice


    I found my GCSE's piss easy, you've got to get a good balance between each subject. Don't revise for an exam you've got in 6 months time, revise for those nearest. Work out a system. And coursework is the easiest, you have the whole internet at your fingers lol. Seriously, everything should be there in your textbooks, you just have to read it.

  • Re: sigh

    Pretzel - - Dating and Relationship Advice



  • When someone tells you they only see you as a friend you should respect that. Do you seriously want to ruin the friendship by making a move or whatever? You're going to have to either wait until she changes her mind, or just accept that you're friends and that's all.

  • Getting engaged and up the duff at 16 is a bullshit idea. That's your life fucked up. Anyways you're better off without this lame dude. "Something about your past" you say? Well you dated this guy for 2 years and I'm guessing it's something before this period? So you were what? 14! Naive and young. If it is something that happened during the 2 years then he's an ass because he's managed to put up with it until now or you lied to him and he's just found out. It's just guess work because you "not …

  • Not, unless it's like a couple of months younger then maybe. I just prefer the older dude, I'm sure when I'm 50 I'll think differently

  • personality, with a bit of something to look at

  • yeah, just get to know her, show her that you would make a much better boyfriend than her current haha. But don't overdo it, you don't want the angry boyfriend chasiing after you.

  • You're still a young 'un my dear (haha I sound so old) There's loads of time yet, you'll get one don't worry

  • Ask for her msn/aim/myspace whatever, that's how I've got to know this guy, we started talking via MySpace, just random comments then he asked for my MSN, (tbh I had been waiting forever to ask for it), now we're always talking, we see each other twice a week, if that, but we're really close because we talk on MSN, just build it up, ie, ask for her myspace, then a few days later, ask for her MSN then finally ask for her number. It might sound lame but I think it's one of the best ways to go abou…

  • is that you on your avatar?! urgh, the guys at your school must be pretty fugly if you're the best looking.

  • Re: I wanna try drugs!

    Pretzel - - Health and Fitness


    You're stupid

  • Quote from andreaG: “A guy feels happy whenever the girl he likes is around. He would do all kinds of stupid things to extend the time or would talk her into staying a little while longer...stuff like that. ” God, I hope that's true lmao, so if any other guys (thanks sooo much them above :D) care to read the whole thread do you agree with the thing I've quoted. I'll give you a for instance; A guy leaves one of his friends to come and stand with you to chat and wait until you have got a ride home…

  • Quote from jonathanL: “I laffed at the ego responses. I go to school with a bunch of poor people that look like crap, of course im the best looking in the school... im nearly 7 feet tall for gods sake (7'1 in shoes)” Ew, you sound like a giant hahahaha

  • OMFG how fucking conceited are you?! "I'm the best looking person in my school" for fuck sake get over yourself and pull your big head from up your arse. You're thread title is the very reason I and many many other girls avoid "full of themself" pratts like you. Seriously wake up and smell the roses.

  • Re: It Hurt

    Pretzel - - Teen Sexuality


    Did it feel like you needed to take a dump? You dirty bitch haha

  • Yeah yeah there's probably a thread about this somewhere on this site but I'm a lazy ass and can't be bothered to look for it so shhh Anyway, What are the tell-tale signs that a guy is into a girl? I want to know subtle signs, strong signs whatever Also what are the tell-tale signs that a guy isn't into you? Yep, ta, thanks

  • 1. How do you kiss? Like what do you do with the tongue and all that, tell me all you know. Whatever you do don't ram your tongue down her throat for the first or possibly second kiss, and always always always make sure your breath is fresh, I made out with a guy and my mouth tasted rank for ages afterwards cos of his bad breath haha 2. What am I suppose to do and say around her? Ask her how she is, what she likes doing, get to know her a bit better so that if/when you go on dates you know how t…