Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 561.

  • You Are a French Vanilla Jelly Bean You are a down to earth person. You believe in who you are, and you don’t need to change. You are very stable and steady. You think it’s foolish to fall for trends. You don’t like to shake things up, but you aren’t boring either. You are deep and interesting and even exotic. You are a popular person. People appreciate that you’re real with them. What Flavor Jelly Belly Are You?

  • You Need Friends to Be Happy You are a friendly, social person. You seek out connections and relationships. Being close to others is very important to you, and you don't like discord. You feel great when you're cooperating and working with others. You enjoy belonging to a group. Nothing makes you feel worse that feeling alone or alienated. You want to be liked by those around you. What Do You Need to Be Happy?

  • You Are In Stage VI You may not be in your 20s, but you are in the early adult development stage. You're trying to figure out the relationships in your life - including romantic relationships, friendships, and family relationships. You crave intimacy, but you also want to maintain your independence. It may be hard to keep certain relationships alive. You'd like to have a tight circle of friends, but you're finding that as you get older, that's getting more difficult. What Stage of Development Ar…

  • You Should Climb Mount Everest More than anything else right now, you need an adventure. You need to push yourself and see what you're made of. You feel like your life has been stagnant for too long. You think it would be good to get away from it all. You need that change in perspective that changing your geography brings. You crave a big victory in your life, and nothing would make you feel more victorious than climbing Mount Everest. What Should Be On Your Bucket List?

  • Your Brain is Creative You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. What Pattern Is Your Brain?

  • You Are Devoted Whether your favorite object is a wedding ring, engagement ring, or other ring, you are serious about commitment. Once you've bonded with someone, that bond can't be broken. You love unconditionally. Of all the types, you are most likely to wear the exact same jewelry every day. You cherish your jewelry that much. You are old fashioned and loyal. You carry yourself with class and grace. The Jewelry Test

  • Your Walk Says You're Approachable You are intelligent, thoughtful, and even philosophical. You like to go unnoticed for the most part. Other people see you as humble and down to earth. You don't put on airs. You are cooperative, easy going, and liberal minded. You are accepting of new ideas, and you truly believe that you can learn from people. You are a kid at heart. You love to have fun and believe that life is for living. What Does Your Walk Say About You?

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from DomGTR: “the first” xx

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality


  • The Coen Brothers Should Direct the Movie of Your Life You can't help but see the darker side of life. You are drawn to eccentricity. You have a sharp wit, and your sense of humor can be a bit extreme. You tend to shock people. You are an unusual character, and the people you hang around with are equally quirky. You may be weird but you're also quite lovable. You are definitely unforgettable. Who Should Direct the Movie Of Your Life?

  • You're Not Sarcastic At all Sarcasm isn't for you, and you really don't appreciate it when people get their snark on. You still have a great sense of humor. You just prefer a silly joke to a sarcastic one. You sometimes have trouble knowing when people are mocking you. But you do know you don't like it! How Sarcastic Are You?

  • You Are Blush You are demure and understated. You like to look good, but you don't like to make a fuss about it. You prefer a natural look, and you don't like to seem like you put too much effort into your style. You prefer classic pieces and a minimal beauty routine. You feel like you are able to be confident without a lot of make up. You believe that beauty is skin deep. Nothing is as beautiful as the glow you get from being happy. What Kind of Makeup Are You?

  • You Act Like You Are 21 Years Old You are a twenty-something at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up. The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them. Almost spot on!! What Age Do You Act?

  • Relaxation Feels Like Home to You You believe that your home should be your sanctuary. Life is stressful enough in the outside world. You take it easy when you're at home. It's the place where you feel like you can truly be yourself. You are the type of person who has deep hobbies and interests. You treasure your alone time. You could spend all day at home if you had to. You always can find plenty to do around the house. What Feels Like Home to You?

  • You Crave Adventure You don't need a lot to be happy, but the same old thing won't satisfy you. You need to get your blood pumping and your heart racing from time to time. You life for adventure. It's somewhat easy for you to get stuck in a rut, but luckily you are good at shaking things up! You can find thrills in even the most boring situations. It's all about perspective. What Do You Crave?

  • You Are Chocolate Pudding You are both mature and playful. You have two sides to your personality that are constantly dueling it out. Part of you likes all of the finer things in life while part of you is just like a big kid. No matter what side you choose, you are always adventurous and dramatic. You take life by the horns. You are up for fun of all kinds, and it's hard for you to say no. You tend to go until you drop. What Flavor Pudding Are You?

  • You Are Most at Home in the Living Room You're the type of person who always feels relaxed at home. In many ways, it's where you're at your best. You love to chill out at home. You are not the biggest homebody in the world, but you appreciate the time you spend there. There's nothing like having a few friends over to watch a movie or just talk in your living room. You are proud of the home you've created, and you love to share it with others. What Room Are You Most At Home In?

  • Re: Corsage or no?

    Brighteyes - - Fashion


    From a female point of view, you guys have got it absolutely right (must be a first!!) a small bouquet of flowers will be perfect.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality
