Search Results

Search results 361-380 of 461.

  • Re: DAMN i want this bra!

    morphine - - Fashion


    so do i. come on now, what if i get knocked over by a bus and have to go to hospital and take off all my clothes. better have nice underwear on just in case!

  • Re: Tea or Coffee?

    morphine - - Health and Fitness


    I love tea. But I love coffee more. Coffee all throughout the day. Tea in the evening though, because coffee keeps me up.

  • Re: DAMN i want this bra!

    morphine - - Fashion


    ^la senza do a's and b's. they do like every size!

  • Re: DAMN i want this bra!

    morphine - - Fashion


    i am now the owner of the bra set in the first post. go me! I LOVE IT

  • Re: Piercing

    morphine - - Fashion


    personally, i hate eyeborw peircings but if you want it, you should get it. ear stretcher would look hot.

  • Re: Quizzy

    morphine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What was your last piercing, and who went with you? er i think it was my tongue, a few years ago. my friend hayley came with me. Your phone is ringing. It's the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? hello? Have you ever been so bored that you started drooling on yourself? hahaha no Do long distance relationships work? no i don't think so tbh. Heroin? oh, please. If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do? deal with it. keep the baby. Do you drink liquor straig…

  • Re: Some work to be done.

    morphine - - Fashion


    new pic is much better.

  • Re: favourite movie?

    morphine - - Films, TV and Books


    Fight Club American History X Requiem For A Dream

  • Re: Cut marks

    morphine - - General Advice


    they don't really go away, but after a long time they go white and tehy're not as noticeable.

  • Re: Cheryl Cole's 'Fight for this Love'

    morphine - - Music


    i love this song.

  • Re: Passing the time..

    morphine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. Have you ever slept on a rooftop? nope 2. Cappuccino or coffee? cappucino is coffee you freak. 3. Why do you like the music you do? lolwhat. 4. Abercrombie or Urban Outfitters? URBAN OUTFITTERS 5. Have you ever written a poem? like for school english i spose. 6. What grade are you in? none 7. Who is the stupidest person you know? hmmmm 8. When is your birthday? jan 1st 9. Do you get motion sickness? i used to, don't think i do now! 10. Last time you cried? not sure. 11. Have you ever been on …

  • Re: Big boobs

    morphine - - Teen Sexuality


    awesome. c's for the win.

  • Your Surfing Habits are 70% Female, 30% Male If we had to guess, we would guess you are a woman. You use the internet to keep up with friends and family. You are likely to get online to communicate and share information. You are also to research things that directly effect your life, like health and travel.

  • Your Independence Level: High You are extremely self reliant and autonomous. You are definitely into doing your own thing. But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it. You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly.

  • satanic.jpg You Are a Satanic Horror Movie There's no one scarier than the devil, and even just thinking about him (or her???) makes you shiver. You are obsessed with the idea of evil, and unlike your typical horror movie, the devil isn't someone you can just kill at the end. Even if you aren't religious now, it's likely that you come from a religious background and still think of the world in those terms. Your favorite movies explore the idea of satanic influence... stuff like Rosemary's Baby, …

  • monster.jpg You Are a Monster Mask You are dramatic, outgoing, and bold. What ever the occasion calls for, you bring it... and bring it in style. You are confident in your decisions, and you hardly ever second guess yourself. You just go for it. You have many friends, and you find it easy to fit in. You can keep a conversation going when everyone else is at a loss for words. You are very comfortable with yourself. You present yourself in a real and honest way... even if you're wearing a mask. Bl…

  • witch.jpg You Are a Witch Like a witch, you are often misunderstood and unfairly judged. You are not as sinister as you seem. You are intelligent and spiritual. You feel very connected to the world - both the dark and light sides of things. You tend to keep to yourself, and because of this people tend to think things about you that aren't true. You would just like to be left alone to do your own thing. You have no intention of harming anyone, even though you could if you wanted to! Blogthings - …

  • You Are a Yellow Pumpkin You are funky, fun loving, and outgoing. You embrace your weirdness, and others truly appreciate your quirks. You believe that life's too short to be insecure. You're comfortable in your own flawed skin, and you encourage others to be the same way. You are always noticing the fun little details in life that everyone else ignores. Even if you aren't an artist, you have an artist's eye. You have a flair for finding hidden gems. You always have a new restaurant, band, or m…

  • Re: How open are you

    morphine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 43% Open You are a fairly open person, but you also like to maintain your privacy. You definitely will tell all (okay, almost all) to your closest friends... But strangers and acquaintances only get a peek into your life.

  • Re: What did you last munch?

    morphine - - Health and Fitness


    bakewell tart