Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 554.

  • Quote from Journal: “Protein shakes are actually bad for you, and if you want to keep very healthy then just drink juices, milk, and water. Of course you can have it every once in a while, but not after every workout.” I hope you're referring to some brands recently being found to have large levels of heavy metals as opposed to some stupid "huurr too much protein kills you" or "duurr it's roids and will shrink your balls".

  • Re: Milk or Orange Juice?

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Llivio: “orange juice for the win both are pretty healthy, but I guess that orange juice has more vitamins” Orange juice: C Milk: A, B1, B2, B12, D, K It's also got a tonne of minerals and a macronutrient mix that is actually pretty decent.

  • Quote from Spaceman Spiff: “The problem is that meth is far has a profound effect on one's mental health and leads to bizarre, paranoid, dangerous behavior, heightened aggression and permanent short-term memory loss...and yes, it is deadly. I'm aware that tobacco is also potentially deadly, but tobacco smokers are capable of leading normal, productive lives, whereas meth addicts are not. It's one thing to smoke tobacco for 40 years with the risk of maybe possibly getting lung canc…

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Are you referring to the conspiracy theorists or the government?” Despite my admittedly ambiguous word choice, it must be obvious given the context in which it was said, right?

  • Milk.

  • Re: Milk or Orange Juice?

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    I think it should be noted that the OP was concerned with which one was better for him, not "hay guise what do you like to drink?"

  • Quote from woodspirit: “i think we dont even know that half of what our government does behind our backs” But that's just the thing. None of that matters. Conspiracy theorists can spend all the time they want trying to prove the government's doing something dodgy, but libertarian political theory already shows that they're acting immorally right infront of our eyes.

  • Quote from Klose: “Lifting weights and going to the gym is where its all at. I got sexy results from it no other sport would get me.” Gotta get dem zyzzthetics brah.

  • Quote from BadaBing: “It's not hard to think why they think that such as the disgusting, decietful, lieing behavior of MP's in the expenses scandals last year which no one has gone to prison over...” I think it's ridiculous that society finds occurances like this so terrible but completely ignores the fact that government by it's very nature is immoral. I mean the government routinely steals billions if not trillions from it's citizenry without a word of opposition and then it's all OMG THATS SO…

  • I think the applicability of wrestling to self defense depends a lot on the situation at hand. Sure if it's just one on one taking them to the ground is great, but if they have any mates around defending yourself with wrestling is a great way to get your head stomped in by 5 of their friends while you're still trying to choke them out or something.

  • Quote from Spaceman Spiff: “Weed, yes...hardcore shit like meth, no.” Why not? All the reasons pot should be legalised apply to harder drugs, and then some. I mean better quality control isn't going to be a huge issue with pot, but could concievably save many lives that would otherwise have been lost to overdise in the case of stuff like heroin.

  • All for drug legalisation.

  • Quote from Spaceman Spiff: “I ain't even mad :confused:” IAintEvenMad.jpg

  • Don't be an idiot. Just work the whole thing.

  • Re: Milk or Orange Juice?

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Why is everyone saying orange juice when it has no macronutrients other than sugar, probably mediocre amounts of vitamin c (not to mention that milk generally has plenty of other micronutrients), and we don't even know if it's straight juice and not some crappy water + sugar + a bit of juice mix?

  • Re: Milk or Orange Juice?

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from RenegadeHunter: “So Frosty pretty much just water” If you're looking to lose weight, ideally.

  • Re: Milk or Orange Juice?

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Are you looking to lose or gain weight? If gain, the milk, but preferably full fat. If lose, ideally neither, since you should be trying to avoid drinking your calories.

  • Re: Anyone the same?

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    As long as you can eat some vegies, you shouldn't do too bad having them and meat. Especially if you can eat fruit and a variety of meat.

  • Re: Immigrants

    Frosty - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from ripburn: “It gives them more oppurtunities and chances to get a better life. However, i don't like that they are taking our jobs.” >Implying there's a fixed quantity of jobs >Implying that locals have a right to a job beyond what is specified in their employment contract anyway

  • Quote from Jenni: “Technically, each country has it's own beliefs on what age is safe to drink at. My beliefs aren't the same as every country out there.” Well obviously only one is right, and a bunch of politicians writing up differing legislation has no impact on it.