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  • Try to make yourself orgasm first to experience what it is you are searching for. Masturbate yourself and just find methods thats you like the best.

  • Re: Subhumans

    Stjowa - - Music


    I cant believe I just watched that...

  • Re: Drivers Permit Test.

    Stjowa - - General Advice


    Quote from plax77: “when coming to an 4-way stop intersection at the same time as another person the one on the right goes first. That question was on every test i ever took bout driving” Me too! lol Just practice a lot and you will know what to do and pay attention while your parents drive too

  • Re: I'm scared.

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    This story isnt to believable. If it is real do what I said and confess your feelings for her and edit her name from the posts. There is an advertisement forum if you feel compelled to advert other forums.

  • Re: I'm scared.

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from plax77: “holy shit you posted this on a lot of forums :eek: i searched her name and found this exact same story on like 7 or 8 pages” Reason why you dont use name. Also this is in the wrong section.

  • Re: I'm scared.

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Nothing we can do anymore. You can ask for them to be deleted or edit her name out of them.

  • Re: How I know.

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Talk to your ex girlfriend and try to figure out if she still has feelings for her. You can start by spilling your guts out to her telling her that you still have feelings for her and it might make her more open into telling you that she still likes you or it may freak her out because she really didnt have feelings for you. But nothing ventured nothing gained right. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  • I do

  • Re: cant date

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Spend time with her in school and webcam with her. If you or she doesnt have one buy one for yourself and or her. You can watch television shows on hulu with her over the webcam so its like you are right there with her. You can watch her expression to the parts you are watching and you can talk over the phone or have a webcam with a mic so you can communicate without having to type every second. Maybe you and her can talk to her mother into letting you come over once a week for a few hours. Like…

  • Re: Advice?

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Just talk to her! Next time you see her say something to her and just talk a little. Every time you see her just talk. Soon you will get to know her and will be able to ask her for her phone number and take things from there. Just go and talk!

  • You could date him and give it a try because he is a person that you can be yourself around which is a great thing in a relationship and then he would focus on you instead of other girls. But if you just want to be friends and not in a relationship like that just tell him you dont want him all over you but you can really stop him from hanging out with a different person though. The best thing to do is to just talk to him and let him now that you dont like him talking you all over and that should…

  • Tell him about the other day when he asked if you loved him and that you said no let him know you really do like him and have feelings for him and would like to have something with him. Let him know that you have been hurt before so you want to take it slow and not jump into anything and to just go nice and slow but to that you would like to have something with him. GOOD LUCK!!

  • Why dont you find this girl yourself. Find her number in his cell phone and call her and see what she has to say. It is in your and her best interest because if she is dating him then you know not to mess around with him. If you can not get ahold of her then you could break off al sexual relations with him until he can answer you truthfully about his ex girlfriend. But he still can lie to you but once you find you he is lying then you know not to listen or believe him anymore. You could also jus…

  • Doing from butt to vagina can cause diseases. Always go from vag to butt and dont go back.

  • Re: getting hard

    Stjowa - - Teen Sexuality


    Maybe you should see a doctor

  • Re: bad choices while drunk

    Stjowa - - Teen Sexuality


    I dont drink either

  • Tell her I am praying for her mother!

  • Quote from ComplicatedMind: “Those aren't bad at all...Here's one of my experiences... 5 months...Suddenly, one random day, she ignores me on MSN, put I love you to her ex-bf, puts pictures of her making out with him all over Facebook/MSN, then that next morning they are fucking in the bathroom near our morning homeroom. We haven't talked since and that was 9 months ago. No goodbyes, no reasons, nothing. She was just horny I guess and I was too innocent.” Sorry to hear about this

  • Quote from Lynnywinny: “It's so reassuring there's someone on here who can tell exactly what all teen girls are thinking. There I was thinking I was bi and all I was trying to do was attract boys!!! I will be forever grateful to you for putting me straight. Seriously, If you don't like it then don't read the fucking threads.” Lol I know right Quote from Liam: “I'd love a bisexual girlfriend.” lol... Nice liam.

  • Re: What's your console?

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    23 voters.... 10 voted for a PC.... Something is wrong there