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  • Quote from joaopires: “thank you, btw, i wasnt talking about sex =/, just talked about being a gf. anyway...there's nothing more then i can do, just w8” No problem. Give her time and be her friend. Notice how I am not saying best friend. Cuz some best friends end up just that. You have to be patient, but at the same time show her that you want her as a girl.

  • Quote from Readingfreak: “I feel utterly terrible. No one cares about me at all. I get made fun of and mocked, and for what reason? Don't know. I am so tired now. Tired of living...of having to put on a mask to look happy each day. I have no friends. No boyfriend or girlfriend to talk to. Family doesn't care either. I am the one who fades in the background. I am the nice girl in your 9th grade class that you won't remember four years from now. I am the girl who gets laughed at because her mother…

  • Best bet for you is to give her the time she asked. Go slow man. Don't try to get her as g/f or fuck her in 2 weeks. I honestly think you are rushing it and that is why she told you what she told you. Treat her as a friend, be cool with her, know all about her. And make sure you choose your words. Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You want her as a girl. She said she wants time. Don't go bragging and say, yeah I had 10 girls, I fucked 8 out of 10 and I've had sex everyday. Choose your words careful…

  • Quote from jesss: “i feel extremely stressed out:( because yesterday my mom came back from a CAT scan and when i saw her face, immediatly i knew something was wrong, i tried to talk to her but she ran upstairs and took a hot bath for an hour. i was worried but i didnt make a big deal out of it (as to not upset my sisters or brothers). later that day, my stepdad told me to go to my room and shut the door. i automatically started to tear up when i saw the look in his face. he slowly told me that "…

  • Re: I deserve a medal!!!!!

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from woodz: “last night my girlfriend came over, and you know, we have been having some issues over the past month an a half and since ive been back in chicago for 2 weeks our sex drive has been lower then normal. it used to be every other day, now its only been once since ive been back!!!!!! so obviously ive been sexually frustrated, and last night she came over and we were making out a bit and stuff and so i asked her "sooooooooooooooooo... was wondering... could i get a blowjob?" and it…

  • Re: Is it safe?

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Pranit: “I have readed about a guy that he lost virginity at 14. As doctors says any guy get prepared for sex at the age of 18. and a girl at the age of 16. harmonally they get ready at specific age. and before this age isnt it hazardous for them to sex. I just want to clear this things for who are below harmonal age. So you please give comments is it sate to sex before harmonal age.” I don't understand the question. Are you asking if it is safe to have sex at a certain age? If it is,…

  • Quote from jesss: “okkk guys.... ummm yeah i know i was REALLY over reacting when i wrote this. so sorry if i seemed like reallly worried about it. Its just because with me, when i was that age, yeah i knew about sex but i guess i didnt really pay attention to it...idk maybe im the weird one, but i wasnt like her. i didnt really take time to think about if it was normal at that age, so sorry if i acted a fool but i understand and agree with what alot of what you guys wrote, about it being normal…

  • Re: I totally dominate.

    username #88 - - Video Games


    Dominate what?

  • Quote from nogodknowgod: “If you any of you believe in god then what the heck does 'he' or 'it' have to do with right and wrong?” Good question.

  • Quote from tishausa: “how I offer a girl for sex? ;)” Offer? As to get her to have sex with you? Or you wanna be a pimp?

  • Kids How are you kids? I am so tired today. Anything fun. By the way. I have received plenty of comments regarding about my forum. I have not created a personal forum as of yet. Maybe one day, but as for now, no. I do not have an official forum. I do not have the time to get into it. And for an upcoming and growing forum, the Administrator needs to be dedicated. So kids, I have no official forum. I only have a small forum community forum that I get around to every now and then, but if people wan…

  • [B]Your Mind is NC-17 Rated[/B] dirty-3.jpg [B]Post it now![/B] facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg su-40x40.png [B]Your Mind is NC-17 Rated[/B] You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap. If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you!

  • Re: how often do you...

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality



  • Quote from CutieMcWhiskers: “She is not convinced that the letter will be enough - it's very hard to make out and he did not sign it with his name. Would there still be any of his fingerprint evidence on it if the letter is a year and a half old... or would they not bother with any of that? She had read a lot about reporting rape online and has seen the very low statistics. She also doesn't want him to become angry at her again and then nothing happen at the end of it all. She can't bear to go t…

  • Re: I have proof....

    username #88 - - Friends and Family


    Quote from angelxx7: “The guy that I have feelings for has a girlfriend, and I have a significant amount of proof that he has cheated on his girlfriend. What should I do with it? Yea, I'm in a bitchy mood. :|” Hee Hee. Sorry, but guys that cheat do not have committed relationships. How old is he? Is he in his early 20s? If yes, then we don't look for permanent one on one relationships. So, go after him, but don't expect to be in a "loyal and faithful" relationship. Take it from me. :D

  • Quote from Laboon: “So me and my girlfriend had sex without a condom on thursday, she is on the pill, and her period ended about a week ago. I used withdrawal but i know there is still the possibility of getting sperm in her, so whats the chance that she got pregnant? Thank you!” First of all, answer me this. Didn't it feel good feeling the wet and tight vagina of your girl raw with your peepee, and her juices on your peepee? Don't lie.:D As far as your questions goes, there is no need to worry …

  • Re: condoms?

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Linda: “No thanks. When users post wrong information, I like to correct them. What if someone actually believed her wrong information? I'd feel guilty if I knew the correct information and didn't give it out. Clearly I'm not the only one saying that they are incorrect. I'm not 'trying' to make myself look right, when I AM right. Her doctor could be wrong, what makes her doctor right? It goes both ways. When websites, condom facts, and plenty of websites say that she's wrong, odds are …

  • Re: condoms?

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Linda: “Where do you get your information? Go read the back of a condom box. If they're used correctly, they're 97%-99% effective.” You seriously need to back off and lay off some of the users. Just because you are a support leader, which does not mean anything, does not give you the right to "try" to make yourself look right. [B]jessiegirl522 is trying to give information to other users she obtained from one doctor. Your doctor could be wrong. What makes your doctor right? Not you or…

  • Re: Male Contraceptive Pill

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from terron: “Scientists invent first male contraceptive pill - Telegraph Who'd go for it once the kinks are steamed out? If not, why not?” This is not news to me. This is only the beginning of THE ANTI CONDOM REVOLUTION. Remember kids, say NO to condoms. Say YES to birth control pills.