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Search results 21-40 of 48.

  • depressed

    5l4ck - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    edit: this post has little meaning at all so feel free to ignore it.. i just wanted to leave my anger out of me somewhere and this seemed to be the perfect place. sorry for troubles.. bah.. for some reason the post i wrote before didn't get posted and now i cba to re-write whole post again. I'm simply VERY depressed and want to move away from my parents.. I know this makes no sense since my parenty are not THAT bad to me, but right now, i wish i lived alone. How hard is it to move away from pare…

  • Re: Foot Fetish

    5l4ck - - LGBT


    ugh, sorry, but hell no for some reason i can not imagine why someone would like feet, no matter from what perspective i look at it - but not judging anyone, just don't understand it really

  • grey with brown writings

  • it's hard to "approach" people and start a convo, but maybe just try to stick with and follow some school mates around? like when you have a break in school, join them and listen to their convo and sooner or later they will talk about things that you have some knowledge of and you will be able to add your bit to it. Also whenever anyone talks to you, show them that you are interested in a convo, just ask anything that comes to your mind, smile, joke, whatever - don't be quiet and shy as people w…

  • weed and alcohol i guess? also stopped on weed as i used to only smoke it when i was drunk.. and when smoked weed while being drunk i usually just "passed out" also ate 7 bread pieces with weed butter or something after already being drunk and smoking 2 joints.. worst idea ever, took me 2 days to sober up again :s

  • well, i don't know how old are you and what school level you are on atm, but yeah.. reading your post reminded me of my elementary school times. Like you I was also bullied and all the usual stuff because i was always silent and well, didnt drink and smoke like the "cool" kids did. But i had patience and just kept on taking the insults not caring what others think. Guess what? I came to high school and things totally changed. I'm now one of the most popular people in my class (not because i woul…

  • can say from personal experience, happened to me 2 weeks ago We have a dance coming this year and well, obviously all girls and guys were nervous about who would dance with who. I didn't really care about it THAT much, as i didn't see any reason for a rush. However, I kept getting asked whether i already had a girl for dance or not so it started to annoy me (heard that question like 10 times per day). Then i finally started thinking about it and well.. out of nowhere came a girl and simply invit…

  • I used to be like that, had nearly no friends at all So i can feel ya man But luck has changed recently, probably because i changed my way of thinking quite a lot. I take every opportunity i get to hang with people anywhere, i often ask them to hand with me etc. and that way they actually got to know the real me and out of nowhere i became about the most popular "kid" in my class. Sure most are not my close friends, but they would hang out with me and a few are really close friends of mine. So i…

  • Well, I don't think there's any reason to fear rejection - kissing is something normal for relationships and considering the two of you have been together for nearly a year, I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to finally kiss you

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    5l4ck - - Music


    1. All that Remains 2. Bullet for my Valentine 3. Disturbed 4. Avenged Sevenfold 5. Underoath

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    5l4ck - - Music


    Avenged Sevenfold - Welcome to the family can't get it out of my head for like a week now

  • to me it looks like there's not much you can lose anymore, if they are limiting you on so many things, they are, in my opinion, kinda ruining your teenage years - those are supposed to be "the best" years of your life when you are supposed to go out and party, have fun with friends and just generally chill. I don't know what you will do or anyone else would, but i know i would try to rebel in this situation. Probably not for any price, but i would clearly tell me parents that the thing with weed…

  • Well, don't think you are ugly at all, have seen many guys who look waaay worse and had GF's then again i'm in pretty much same situation as you, 19 and not had a gf nor kiss yet, but can blame myself for that - had plenty of chances to get a gf, but i was not confident enough or was simply too picky when i noticed a girl was trying to aproach me, oh well.. good luck, i'm sure you will find one when you will least expect it

  • meh, depressed enough to write here again.. just came from vacations, was there with my school and few other schools. As always, got along very well with everyone, made loads of friends etc. was relaxed to talk to just about anyone, but then there was that girl.. which totally matched the description of a perfect girl (in my book anyway), and there i failed yet again. She was flirting with me, she was often trying to be along around me and making eye contact, yet i failed to make any move at all…

  • just start talking about some "other" guy, like "OMG, i've met the coolest guys ever today, he was so sweet and nice and think he liked me as well." xD or just "sry, gtg now" every time he starts a convo, wait a min or so and then go afk. Or just don't answer to his messages and pretend to be afk

  • Could they be a different age? +/- 2 years Does it matter about there social class? (preps, geeks, etc.) - umm, not really What color hair do you like the most. - red/brown What color eyes? - couldn't care less Do you prefer skinny, average, muscular, obese, other? - average How tall do you like them to be? about 170 - 175cm Would you care if they smoked? not really What if they got drunk sometimes? wouldn't mind her drinking with me most of girls i know are my drink buddies Would you date a wee…

  • well, she already told you everything you need to know tell her that you love her more often, take her out more often, etc. - just try and "fix" the things she said she's unhappy about and you should be fine

  • soooooo... i've had this "problem" ever since i know of myself it's annoying and caused loads of (heart) pain to me haha anyway, when i like a girl, i never manage to move on past "staring" point.. basically if i like a girl, i stare-flirt (lol) a lot (keep looking at her and moving my look away when she looks back..). But sadly i don't know how to get past that.. or maybe know but i'm too scared to do it? i actually had 2 cases where it was 95% obvious that girls liked me back and i still "cou…

  • can pretty much tell you from my own experience, from what you said, i had almost the same situation last year there was a girl that i liked back then, had a crush on her. All i did at 1st was to keep staring at her and of course moving away my look when she looked back (lol). Took like a month and a half to actually properly talk to her, even that was due my friend liking her best friend and when he was flirting i had a chance to talk to her. We started hanging out together (whole 4 of us lol) …

  • Sadly can't help you form my personal experience as in my case it were my parents who pretty much forced me to go and get it, but the 1st thing you need to know (since you didn't mention it i guess you don't know yet?) is the reason why they wouldn't let you have it in the 1st place. When that's behind you, you can start working around the problem and get a solution or even an advice on this forum how to get around it. Quote from kelci: “I have a license. It sucks. & over rated.” kinda agree - w…