Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 499.

  • Re: hello hello

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    01: If u could live in only one city forever which city is it: Ummm hard to say, I have not been in many cities before so I can't compare... I dream that living in a city near London England would be nice, or living in Sydney Australia 02: Is ur parents strict: Ummm not really, but they say 'no' to a lot of things. 03: What colour is ur eyes: Hazel 04: If u could choose the colour would it be differnt?: Green or a bluish-grey 05: If u could take just one person to an island, who it would be?: An…

  • Re: Gingers??? (GUYS AND GIRLS)

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    I always liked the red head Ellie from Degrassi [ ] but I don't think I've ever liked red hair on a guy...

  • Re: 1:15am.

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? No What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? a couple months Ever been in a car wreck? Not a car wreck no. Were you popular in high school? In my social circle yes... and then many people knew my name because of my grades... Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope Are looks important? Importance is relative. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?? Not really a friend no. B…

  • No... my dad gets frustrated with me enough already and my mother is one of those people who would say it's a 'phase' and tell me not to be 'silly'.

  • Re: 51 about your #1

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1) What’s their name? Anita A. 2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend?? Nope 3)Do you get along with this person all the time? Almost all the time now 4) How old is the person? 17.8ish 5) Has he/she ever cooked for you? "cooked" lmao xD. I am the cook in this friendship 6) Is this person older than you? Nope, couple months younger 7) Have you ever kissed this person? No 9) Are you related to this person? Nope (Except if you go back several thousand years) 10) Are you really close to him/h…

  • Re: happy happy

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    [ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. <-- Edit: Oops. sorry Mäx I apparently can't read. [x] You have your own laptop [ ] You own a cell phone. [x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player [x] Your parents are still together [x] You have a best friend [ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard T 0 T A L: 4 [x] You dress how you want to. [ ] hang out with friends more than once a week [ ] There is a computer/ laptop in your room [~] You have never been beaten up. [ ] you NEVER cry more than twice a month. …

  • Probably ogling at a contestant on this music contest thing :p

  • You Belong in Generation Y geny.png You fit in best with people born between 1982 and 2001. You are cooperative, flexible, and adaptable. You know the world changes quickly, and you're eager to change with it. You are socially responsible, forward thinking, and open minded.

  • You Are Western western.jpg You see yourself as an individual - and you're driven to be as successful and happy as possible. You know you only have one life, so you want to live it as well as you possibly can. You see life as a service. You believing in serving yourself, your family, your friends, and even the world. You believe that one person can change the world, and you'd like that person to be you.

  • Re: survey . (:

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it? Maybe... if not I'll just leave blanks. 2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? I don't plan on getting married, I've never texted, and I'm a guy so my name would not change... 3. Were you happy when you woke up today? Apathetic would be more correct. 4. When were you on the phone last? And with who? Yesterday, Mary Mitchell from Scotia Bank calling about some finance stuff... 7. What are you excited fo…

  • Re: Fashion or Music?

    Tieko - - Fashion


    Music has definitely left more of an impression culturally... but I find fashion is also very important for judging a person individually as they may not be able to express themselves musically, or you may not know them enough to ask what music they like.

  • Re: Vegetarian?

    Tieko - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Skellington: “Sorry, I love steak too much. Kobe beef can cure any amount of hunger :o Just curious, what are your major sources of protein when you eat vegetarian? Eating a ton of nuts could do it but that brings in a ton of extra fats, it seems imbalanced to me.” Vegetarians can get proteins from tofu (or other soy products), as well as eggs and dairy products (assuming they are not vegans). Nuts (and seeds) have lots of proteins too, but yes they have fat. But you need fat in your …

  • ^ is overdosing, and it doesn't have to be on pills. Why would you want to overdose if you don't plan on killing yourself? No offense, but that sounds like a huge grab for attention. Also, why would you call the thread 'I want to die' if you're only planning on hurting yourself? You think you will learn something from it? Again, no offense, but that's a very stupid idea. You will accomplish nothing from your plan other than hurting those around you. What you need to do is learn to love l…

  • I actually don't think it's that bad to feel that way. Part of being a human, or any organism (except the asexual critters), is the internal strive for companionship. Aside from biological desire though, companionship helps us feel like we have a purpose- like our life matters in this otherwise pointless existence. Also, being a teen our hormones are a bit unsteady which can make loneliness even more depressing than usual, so it's to be expected to feel a bit empty if one doesn't have a partner.…

  • Re: How Evil Are You?

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 42% Evil good.gif You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. *Some of the things listed are definitely not evil characteristics though...

  • Re: So which site...

    Tieko - - Debate and Discussions


    Teen Hut for sure

  • Re: Inside Scoop Survey

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    If you could live in any other place, where & why? England, near the east coast... then I'd be in traveling distance of Europe but still be in a country of my native tongue and heritage What animal best represents you & why? Sloth? xD Haha no... ummm maybe a Dog? I have a shag like my dog actually xD I get amused easily... I will do tricks for food And I love to cuddle, especially other dogs :rolleyes: What is the craziest thing you ever did? Hmmm that's a hard one... it's all relative q: If you…

  • Re: when was your last kiss?

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    One of my coworkers randomly kissed me last night x_x

  • Re: Gaydar test

    Tieko - - LGBT


    You personally got 14 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing guys than girls. Overall, you guessed better than 60% of all test takers.

  • Re: alcohol makes guy gay?

    Tieko - - LGBT


    A) Learn to revise your work. B) Statistically 1/3 of guys will have bisexual feelings - whether they act on them depends on their personality, the severity of it, and their state of mind. Your friend more than likely is going through what 1/3 of guys go through and will not actually identify as bisexual. I suggest ignoring the situation and not mentioning it to him again as it may embarrass him. He'll move past the phase, or he'll except the new sexuality - which one will depend on more continu…