Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 115.

  • I've decided to offer a bit of constructive criticism, as I've found a lot of people think I'm lacking in that area. Here we go again, lets see if I get it right this time. First things first, it's like Sabrina said. You need to find an adult, and tell them you want to kill people and yourself. People in real life, are just so understanding of this, just like on the forums. Better yet, it might just be the best idea to rely on 'meaningful' and grammatically 'correct' phrases to dictate your life…

  • Quote from jasonperson: “ So.. what is happening now? anyone tell me? and i took some balls and i kinda made it like im asking her out.” You... "Kinda"...? How is that even considered to be even remotely ballsy, especially since this is all over MSN and not even real life. Not to mention, you could have just cleaned your house, and then had a girl over ALONE, but nope you manage to put her in a social enviornment where communication will be much less "personal". If you want to get this girl, I c…

  • Re: Haircut Advice???

    Zebra - - Fashion


    Oh, and btw, if you go to a barber and ask for this, they'll just shave you bald as an egg. Go to a hair stylist. X)

  • Re: Haircut Advice???

    Zebra - - Fashion


    Okay, here's the problem. The haircut you have currently, isn't framing your face properly. It seems as though, your jaw is slightly larger than your cranium, and this is making your face look a little silly. Here's what you do. You do need to grow your hair out, about chin length, and give the top of your hair a bit of body, while razoring the tips. This will offset your slightly smaller cranium, and give your face a fading effect. Oh, and definantly straighten it dude, your hair looks pretty g…

  • Just because he's cute? Sounds like you're being a tool to your hormones, you don't even know the guy.

  • Re: Questions

    Zebra - - Friends and Family


    You people aggravate the living hell of out me, seriously. You're just going to ask, the same blatant questions... over and over... You like Fall Out Boy?!?! Yeah! Me too, HOLY SHIT, let's be best friends. ... If you really wanna get "close" to people, why not ask about their ambitions? Why they strive to do what they do? What made them want to do that? What was their childhood like? Why did they behave that way? How did they really feel about certain people? Why did they feel that way? What did…

  • Re: mums best mate

    Zebra - - Teen Sexuality


    You're just trolling.

  • Re: would you be my friend?

    Zebra - - Friends and Family


    I don't have any friends at all, and I mean that in the literal sense. So depending if you're cool or not, maybe you can be my friend. =)

  • Why waste your time with an asshole? If you really wanna be friends, or more than friends with someone, I'd hope they'd feel the same way too.

  • Re: Chuck Taylors

    Zebra - - Fashion


    I think it's because guys have big manly hairy legs and feet most of the time. Girls, are the opposite. However, there's a lot of guys that can pull them off.(Usually high tops) Depends what clothes they wear, and how they're built.

  • You might have Borderline Personallity Disorder. It depends though, if you're just trying to dress the way they are, or something trivial to equal that I wouldn't worry. If you're running around, telling everybody that's your name, and pretending to sing like him... maybe we have a problem. Generally, people learn through mimicry though, so it might just be something natural you're unaware of.

  • Re: New boyfriend is a bad kisser

    Zebra - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from chassmarie: “I know it only took me forever to get one of the worst shots on here lol. Blah, I hate chores so I don't think that would be any problem.” The only reason it's horrible is because it's not bigger, heh.

  • Movie - Funny Games Book - Twilight (Yeah, I know shut up), Or rather preferably what I've read of midnight sun... whenever the hell that comes out -__-

  • Re: New boyfriend is a bad kisser

    Zebra - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from chassmarie: “Honestly, I'm totally a female lol and as long as we don't make a chore out of it :)” Oh wow, I can see your picture now. Yeah, that definantly wouldn't be a chore.

  • Re: New boyfriend is a bad kisser

    Zebra - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from chassmarie: “completely” Then if you're really female, I bet I wouldn't mind showing you.

  • Re: Clothing style question?

    Zebra - - Fashion


    Awesome, I love Korn. I'd give you more insight, but I might say something stupid cause I just started drinking a bit ago. So yeah, I'll reserve that.

  • Re: talking online?

    Zebra - - General Advice



  • Re: Clothing style question?

    Zebra - - Fashion


    Hmm, layers won't go out of style for a while, I wouldn't worry. The difficult part is, what colors, and graphic designs are on these shirts?

  • Re: Lift off? sinking feeling?

    Zebra - - Teen Sexuality


    Haha xD Was worth the try.

  • Re: Lift off? sinking feeling?

    Zebra - - Teen Sexuality


    I beleive a lot of people would say this was a "Calling". Your life is telling you that you need to become a pilot.