Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 941.

  • Doctor is good, but I think I'd start with talking to her, as much as you don't want to. And possibly a pregnancy test too...I know they don't work right away but I forget how long you have to wait for it to give you an accurate reading. I sounds like its too late for that morning after pill thing they have.

  • Uh I keep like 2 in my wallet if I think I may use them, but they're not there all the time. Most of them are in the back of a drawer in my room where a blanket goes, so they're stuffed behind this huge blanket. Quote from Ambergail: “if you keep a condom in your wallet then the heat from your body will weaken the latex thus rendering the condom useless” Lol no. Between it and your body are your pants, your underwear, etc., and then the wallet itself which is insulation enough on its own. And yo…

  • Cute and sweet...I love little girls with that cutesy look =] Don't take it as a pedophile thing...Its completely different.

  • friend got a box for me. Its actually like, somewhat difficult to keep my parents from knowing...and not being within like walking distance from a pharmacy. Or pretty much anything, now that I think about it.

  • Re: ok girls got a ?

    MME1122 - - Fashion


    Hmm. Most of my shirts are tight I guess...some more than others. My girlfriend likes it =] And most of jeans are tight. Not like super tight, like as if they were for a girl, but you know. Nothing extreme. I still need some room if ya know what I mean.

  • Re: how to shoplift at stores?

    MME1122 - - General Advice


    Hmm...depends on what you're trying to take. I think I'm somewhat addicted, or just cheap. Whatever. But the most expensive thing by far I've stolen was a $15 wallet...and I mean from a rack, not from a person. Basically you need a sweatshirt or some jeans with big enough pockets so that you don't look completely conspicuous. The most imporant part is keeping your cool, not acting any differently than you normally would, and not sticking around forever. That works for small things. My friend gav…

  • Re: Sex and TV

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    We always blast the TV, its wither a movie or regular TV. Sometimes if we were playing a video game we'll just leave that on, but it gets annoying/suspicious when the same music plays over and over and over and we haven't touched it. Its so people don't notice us...and she gets noisy so its odd if the whole house is quiet.

  • Quote from Catlin: “I dont understand this thread, is it to brag? Regards, Your Friendly Baboon Dr. Catlin Wells "I don't mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain” Most likely. ME NEXT!! Lol. I made my girlfriend come twice in like 10 minutes the last time we..fooled around. Ha, she usually doesn't do that. :cool:

  • Lol, I actually think I know what you're talking about. I was hanging out with my girlfriend, her friend, and her friends boyfriend...and they got into like a fight of snapping each other...I think it started cuz my girlfriend's shirt was a kinda see

  • Psht I went to see Saw V with my gf... We go to see a lotta horror movies...she gets scared and wants me to hold her =] And we see like comedies n stuff. We watch like any movie together really...its not like there are good movies and bad movies for dates. There are good movies and bad movies, but as long as you both like it it can't be a bad date movie. We also have a collection of stupid movies like digimon and pokemon and power rangers that we watch...cuz we awesome like that :cool: And James…

  • Re: Foot fetish - What to do

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Dude go to a shoe store...

  • Thats the problem...she can't really stand up to her mom. Its just, not possible. If she even tries her mom makes her life hell. Her mom is incredibly unreasonable.

  • So, if by chance anyone remembers, this is the third thread I've posted about this problem. For those of you who don't, I'll try to keep it short. My girlfriend was involved with a guy and the problem started about a year ago. This guy is about 10 years older, and used to be a famous talk show host from the Philipines. She has a big filipino family. Her mom likes this guy, and she and her sister (my girlfriend's aunt) pushed the relationship in the first place. The two of them, most of the rest …

  • Re: Guys; why is it

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Thats...interesting. I don't do that just standing around with people... I usually have my hands in my pockets, but thats just for the sake of putting them in my pockets. But sometimes, like everyone else said, it gets itchy or out of place after I'm sitting for a while. But as a guy you generally learn to do it discreetly...and not randonly in front of girls and other people. And I don't just shove my hand down my pants...I usually make good use ouf of my pockets

  • Re: I love fries...

    MME1122 - - Health and Fitness


    I love fries too...I think I know what you're talking about, you get em like frozen in the supermarket and back them yourself right? My grandma taught me like the best way to fry them. You have to par boil them first so the insides cook. And then you get the oil as hot as you can. I think she uses canola oil or something, you can use almost any oil...whichever kind is healthier. You can slice them with a regular knife...whatever size you want. But I have this thing, i dont really know what you w…

  • Re: How old were you

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Guys can get an erection almost from the time they're other words your entire life since you were an infant. When you become aware of it is a different story.

  • Re: Anal Sex

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    O O O I have! =] Lmao... It really depends on you and the girl. and/or guy. but ya know. You're not guna get shit on you unless they like didn't wipe or something. And it isn't any messier then vaginal sex. You have the same chances of transmitting an STD I suppose, but you don't necessarily NEED to wear a condom...I guess you could get an infection, I don't really know. What it basically comes down is what you're comfortable with...if you think anything with an ass whatsoever is dirty then mayb…

  • Re: New boyfriend is a bad kisser

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Say things like 'here, try this' or 'lemme show you...'

  • Re: Brand Names. Y or N?

    MME1122 - - Fashion


    I have a couple brand name things i think...but I'd rather not. I don't want big logos and names and stuff. Actually I think the only big brand name thing I have is a vans tshirt...and an underarmour sweatshirt.

  • I think the details of these laws change in each state don't they? I'm curious too though.. I've heard that if one is under 16 and the other is over 18 (or maybe 17 I'm not sure) then its illegal, but thats about the only instance. Edit: I found this site, it has the ages and explains it a bit for each state in the US.…hart/statelaws_chart.html