Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 211.

  • That is true. but some of the things he lies about.. oh my gosh. It shouldn't make me mad if he lies about little things, I know that, it's just how often he lies, and I know he'll lie about bigger stuff; He has before.. Idk.. I wish I could just get him to see that I'm changing and trying to make it so he feels like he can open up to me.. but he doesn't get it, idk how to show it to him.

  • I agree with Laundry. I'm sorry to say it but if you rush things into a relationship, it wont end well. I've been in a relationship that was rushed and pushed on me, the relationship lasted a long time, but most of it was just miserable fighting and arguing. (We didn't know eachother well enough yet to decide if we would like eachother when we were in a relationship) I think you should try to hang out with her, try talking to her at school, just be her friend and maybe by the time the ball comes…

  • Why do guys lie?? Just why? I've been with a guy for over two years and he doesn't get it when I say "don't lie to me, just be honest". What can a girl do to get him to stop, or is he bound to be dishonest with me for as long as we're together? (I know not ALL guys are like this, just wondering if I can somehow get my guy to stop with the bullshit. He doesn't need to lie to me about anything!)

  • Ask unique questions, tell her you want to get to know her better and ask away. Ask what her favorite movie is, if you've seen it you can spend a few minutes talking about favorite scenes. Favorite place to eat, if there's a place in town you could maybe ask her if she'd like to go there with you sometime. You could also ask her if she likes going to the movie, ask her if she wants to go. Kind of slide into differen't conversations. Some girls like random questions, actually, a lot do.

  • My parents were married for like 21 years and they got divorced when I was 15. I'm 17 now. I'm against divorces, I think if you're going to marry someone you should be sure they are right for you, live with them for a while before you get married. I'm engaged now, but most of my family have had divorces. My mom twice, my grandma like 2 or 3 times, my aunt once. I'm afraid it'll happen to me but my fiance and I both don't think divorces are worth it. We've dealt with eachother and every road bloc…

  • I have talked to myself and been caught by a friend while doing so, she just laughed and said "I do it too." So don't worry. I have also had conversations in my head and laughed out loud in the middle of silence during class before.

  • I, personally, just like for the person to tell me if they like me. She could be wondering the same exact thing. Ignore Cameron, We know that's a stupid thing to say.

  • You should jump in a pit filled with starving coyotes. Seriously, stop trying to "claim" three girls. You say you like one, ask her out, if she doesn't work then don't expect the other two to be sitting around waiting. They have lives.

  • I agree with TheStrangeOne, The people who say depression is just showing weakness are very wrong, and ARE probably afraid of showing weakness themselves. My brother use to call me weak all the time because I would cut.. I was depressed and I went to him for help, he told me to go ahead and kill myself, It seemed like a challenge and made me feel like crap. There are plenty of things you can do to help yourself when you're upset. You say you liked playing football and hockey, so maybe you can ge…

  • Quote from xxjulyxx: “if its not so good whyd u put it up” I wanted input on it instead of it just sitting on Deviantart. It was written a long time ago, I have better stuff than this.

  • Quote from plax77: “i know it's bad. People change and when they do it hurts a lot. People die too. It's never f**king fair is it? Why do all these things happen to us? Why us? Why can't it f**king be that chick w/ all the money and shallow values? Why can't I not have morals and forget about her? It's because I love her.” I don't think it's fair but it happens to more people than just us. And I would never wish anything bad to happen to anyone, i prefer it to be me than someone else. I just.. d…

  • Quote from Pitiful Jupiter: “If you weren't so self-pitying, what Heather has said here could really help you.” I'm not "self pitying". I said that I am trying to help myself and I have been doing things in an attempt to get better. and that it just feels like, at this moment, nothing will get better.

  • Quote from plax77: “i feel that way too, like no one is there for you and no one can feel this way because it's too horrible... The crying wouldn't be bad if it helped, but it doesn't. The pain is too intense. Listen to me though. No matter how bad it feels if you make it through all the world of hurt your life will seem more colorful. It'll be brighter than you could ever imagine. You'll be free of the pain. I don't believe it will be colorful. EVER. I hate it. I'm losing someone because he is …

  • Quote from Heatherbby: “As a matter of fact, yes I have been diagnosed with depression. Yes, I have cut. Many times. MANY. Yes, I can spent many nights crying my eyes out over my life, and everything that was wrong with it. But when I almost lost my boyfriend, who is my best friend, the love of my life, it really woke me up, and made me start to appreciate things. I stood up, put the razor down, for good, and decided to take some initiative into my life. Don't try and tell me that I don't know h…

  • Quote from plax77: “I told my family, but they ignored me. I'm at college now, know nobody, have no friends. I'm happier when anyone will acknowledge my presence, like i've been shoved in this bubble and i can't get out and occasionally people will press their faces up against the walls and I'll give them a chunk of my heart and soul and then when they've had their fill they leave too. Is this how you feel?” That's exactly how I feel. I feel like i'm being used because I can't say no and i'm too…

  • Quote from Heatherbby: “You're not really considering the consequences of your actions. My brother attempted suicide my senior year of high school. And I can remember that night as if it were yesterday. I can tell you the entire sequence of events. I play it in my head all the time. You need to think of who you're going to hurt in the process. People like you're dad for instance. He loves you, he's your father. Do you understand what killing yourself would do to him, to your family? To your frie…

  • Quote from plax77: “they've never felt it or think that i'm not feeling the way i am... Is there this hole in your chest that constantly hurts? That consuming you from the inside out? that's how i feel” I feel like my heart falls into my stomach anytime I get sad, and I feel like I'm going to flop onto the ground and die. I feel like I can't talk to n e one because they will get mad at me for being upset. I can't talk to my mom because she freaks out and tells me to talk to a shrink, they get pa…

  • Why don't people know what ur talking about?

  • I think i just prefer attempting suicide.

  • Quote from plax77: “i feel like this right now... But I staying alive because of the 4 people that would come to my funeral... It doesn't feel worth it to me, but i promised. Plus I'd feel like a coward taking the easy way out” Yeah, girls aren't as worried about it being cowardly as males are.. I have been alive for my father.. and he tried to kill himself, but failed, so maybe i should try and see what happens, If you're supposed to die by killing urself it'll happen.. If you're not then it wo…