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Search results 121-131 of 131.

  • ha sounds fun. gotta love little kids... ya so you guys deffinately look good. no worries. who cares what you looked like anyway? as long as your happy and shes happy its all good, right?

  • ha u guys look good. so whos birthday is it?lol

  • if she is just being nice, she probably just wants to be friends. if she say invites you to eat lunch with her then it might be either. if you notice her acting nervous or strange, like fidgeting a lot or maybe looking into your eyes when she talks then ya she probably likes you. -team jacob(just another girl)

  • so i talked to rydel and he said that he has decided not to ask julina out. he said that he likes another girl but he wont tell me who. ya its weird cause he always tells me...

  • first if you ever do go and meet this guy that you met online meet him in a buisy public place like the mall or a park. never go to his house until your sure that he is who he says he is. you say that the guy at your school wants to hookup with you but you dont say how you feel about him. if you like him then talk to him about a relationship, not just hooking up. if he just got out of a year long relationship, he may only be looking for someone to hookup with kinda like a rebound girl. for your …

  • Re: confused

    team jacob - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    ok if you want the full story for this thread read boyfriend, guyfriend, help! it explains a little more...

  • confused

    team jacob - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    ok so if you were dating a guy or a girl, but you like ur best friend of the desired sex, but your not sure if they like you back, what would you do?

  • haha ya right. thats like suicide. i mean can amyone at least tell me if like theres a possibility that Rydel likes me?? i mean hes always talking about other girls and all his problems to me.

  • ok so i have been dating this one guy for about a month, lets call him kealy. and i like him a lot. hes great, always pays attention to me, never does anything to hurt me or push me. but i still kinda like my best guyfriend, lets call him Rydel. so i have a class with Rydel that we are partnered in. well we kinda just always pick each other for partners for everything, AP Euro would be the class. so we have a lot of work that we do out of class and lately i have been spending a lot of time with …

  • i thought it was almost completely inaccurate. ok one for most girls, although looks do count, they arnt everything. two, i personally like long hair but long hair that is clean, preferably brushed or combed at least once a day, and please no ponytails, no spikes it makes guys look like they are either trying to hard to be cool or are just flat out jerks. one big thing that you completely missed on is that girls sometimes like it when guys do things like write a song. another thing is that if yo…

  • deffinately hair (has to be at least like 2-3 inches long), eyes (i like guys that wear eyeliner too, its sexy), lips( preferably fuller), and really cant be over weight(please no fat roles eww) oh and has to be taller than me which really isnt a hard thing to do (im only 5'4")