Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 876.

  • Re: The Fast Food Thread

    isitso - - Health and Fitness


    Taco Bell and Pizza Hut combination outlets are one of the finest inventions of our time.

  • I think that it was uncalled for for him to do something to your body you did not expect, but I don't think I would be throwing the "r" word around this one. However, he certainly should not have done that if you were not comfortable with it. Make sure if you get in a situation like that again that you are clear with your boundaries beforehand.

  • Re: I am motivated

    isitso - - General Advice


    7:10- wake up 7:20-prepare horse food, let dogs out, get ready 7:50-wake brother up 8:00-get ready 8:30-review homework, check email 9:30-walk one mile to barn 10:00-horse duty, ie clean stall turn out etc. 11:10-catch a ride to a college campus 11:30-condensed college semester Biology lecture 2:00-walk a third of a mile to a bus stop 2:30-eat lunch in downtown Mercer Island 3:15-walk a fourth of a mile to community center 3:30-homework 4:00-driving school 6:00-pick up dinner at the grocery stor…

  • Re: Let's eat organic!

    isitso - - Health and Fitness


    One of the leading causes of fatigue is dehydration if I remember correctly. We need about 3 liters a day. If you drink a dehydrator such as coffee you need more than that. I couldn't resist the impulse to post a health tip, I know.

  • I don't think it should be in our pledge of allegiance/on our money. However I do not see it as a priority in the country's agenda at this point.

  • Re: psycho or socio?

    isitso - - Debate and Discussions


    I'd put my money on a psychopath being more of a hazard. They are generally more successful in life and could definitely achieve one of the highest points of authority in the village if they wanted to. They are able to plan their actions out and gain people's trust in a way a sociopath would most likely never be able to emulate.

  • Normal. You have the right to think whatever you'd like about anyone regardless of your relationship status.

  • Re: Social situations:

    isitso - - General Advice


    Yes. I believe it's partially my personality and partially my upbringing. If I didn't say something the right way to someone like I wasn't smiling when I said hello, my mother would reprimand me. It is part of my personality as well because I strive to do better in everything I do, and thus I look for areas to improve upon. It seems to be a fairly common occurrence. It helps to recognize that A) you are thinking this because you have a desire to improve yourself and B) the other person is probab…

  • If you ask me, ignorance and neediness.

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “thats because your a coward. I would rather die and atleast try fuck up the other guys a bit than mutilate somebody close to me.” No. I see greater value in a person's life over a person's body part. Did you even read the OP? It was a stranger who was at the door, not someone that was close to the mother. If you're willing to die to save someone else's dick then I must question how valuable you consider your living existence to be.

  • The key is, is he alright if you do it? Try letting your eye wander on another man when he's around and see how he reacts. If he reacts poorly, yes, I think it's a problem. If he's alright with it then it isn't.

  • Re: Maths

    isitso - - Education & Jobs


    I love math. I hate young math teachers who don't know how to teach like the mean ol' bags I adore.

  • Quote from Free Fire: “Think of it this way ladies. A woman is the one tied up. And your daughter is going to be raped unless you put a razor blade up there :/.” So you're asking women to base their decision off of personal bias? I'd rather see other women (and men for that matter) base their decision off of fact and logic. Quote from assassinROW: “if i had been the mom i would have rather gotten shot then done that, at least i know if they shoot someone then it's over.” Really? I'd rather mutil…

  • No. At age 7 the mind is still somewhat malleable, and I believe she could mentally recover from the incident. The man cannot regrow a penis. However, I am not surprised by what the mother did. One was someone she was extremely emotionally attached to, the other was a stranger. I would not place judgment on either result of that scenario. One's mind is simply not the same when one is actually living through the scenario vs reading about it in a thread. DEM: I believe you over-killed your point. …

  • Taking a study break so I might as well. Do you have the guts take this survey? I do . Would you do meth if it was legalized? No I would not. I don't do it now either. Abortion: for or against it? I'm completely for it. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? Depends on what female you're referring to. Do you believe in the death penalty? I do not support it, although I believe it exists. Waste of money, less severe punishment compared to life sentence, and risk factor of kill…

  • Re: What is your sexuality?

    isitso - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from hbic: “I consider myself to be pretty much straight. Even though I have made out with girls when I'm pretty drunk, I don't think I would date a girl” FYI, you don't have to be romantically attracted to a gender to be sexually attracted to it. It is called being aromantic.

  • Re: Is she bi?

    isitso - - LGBT


    The fact that she only showed flirtation after you told her you liked her leads me to believe she just feels flattered and is looking for an ego stroke.

  • Re: What is your sexuality?

    isitso - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from RollinRightInuit: “Straight as an arrow :cool: I like these: 29fcgeq.jpg 350pa1g.jpg 2crab6t.jpg 14ky83r.jpg 2gxjyxc.jpg And women don't have those. Usually anyway... And I doubt they'd pull them off if they did =/” You know you want it 2.jpg

  • Re: Is it rape?

    isitso - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from JamTart: “I agree and it's my thread and I decree this to be the last post. For anyone who is interested, the girl is suffering from some of the typical psychological effects of being raped, which is partly why I started investigating it - to help justify her feelings. I have come to the conclusion that it is not really important what the social or legal laws are, what's most important is how she feels about it and if she feels taken advantage of, then she was. That said, she does ack…

  • Re: Horseback Riding

    isitso - - Sports


    Quote from knhappyface: “isitso, gorgeous boy!! Do you compete?” A little bit, but I do way more clinics than shows. We're actually going to go to a 5 day clinic with Henrik Johansen in a week