Search Results

Search results 261-280 of 357.

  • You Shine Early early.jpg You're the type of person who does well both in the early afternoon and the early evening. You thrive with a routine, especially if this routine means waking up super early in the morning. You love to be cozy and calm. Too much excitement tends to drain your reserves. You have the most energy during the fall and winter. When everyone else is winding down, you feel inspired.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • Do you have the guts take this survey? Yeah Would you do meth if it was legalized? Nope Abortion: for or against it? I don't think it should be illegal, but I would never promote it. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? Yeah, if it were Sarah Palin. Do you believe in the death penalty? I don't Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Yes Are you for or against premarital sex? For it Do you believe in God? No Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? Of co…

  • Re: College Majors?

    Tsunkatse - - Education & Jobs


    I am going to study Archaeology and History.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • You Are Sunny sunny.jpg You are an upbeat, positive person who refuses to get too down in the dumps. You realize that life is short, and you know you're going to try to have as much fun as possible! You try to laugh, play, and love every day. You believe that happiness is a choice. You take your responsibilities seriously, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself in the process.

  • ALTERNATIVE [ ] Breaking Benjamin [x] Paramore [x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [x] Linkin Park [x ]The Academy Is... [x]Coldplay [ ]Three Days Grace [x]Yellowcard [x]30 Seconds to Mars [x] Rise Against TOTAL SO FAR: 8 COUNTRY [x] Rascal Flatts [x] Carrie Underwood [ ] Leanne Rimes [ ] Garth Brooks [x] Dixie Chicks [x] Kenny Chesney [x] Tim McGraw [x] Faith Hill [x] Shania Twain TOTAL SO FAR: 15 "EMO" MUSIC [ ] Hawthorne Heights [x] Panic! At The Disco [ ] From First to Last [ ] Senses Fail [ ] U…

  • You Are What what.jpg You are a very smart person, and you are happiest when you're learning something new. You're interested in so many things, and you feel like there's always more to discover. You're very curious. You believe that knowledge is empowerment. You do your best not to be ignorant about anything. You are well read and continually adding to your database of information. You never stop learning.

  • I hate books on tape. I usually get distracted and find that I'm not even listening to the recording anymore.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • Your Life Will Be Calm in Ten Years calm.jpg You're the type of person who takes things as they come, and you do your best not to worry. You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it. You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard. Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency.

  • Your German Name is: Rolf Lothar boy.jpg Guten tag!

  • Your Creative Power is Your Logic logic.jpg You're the type of person who is great at execution. You don't just dream about ideas - you make them happen! You are idealistic and determined, but you are also a realist. You only undertake projects you're pretty sure you can finish. You are a natural problem solver, and you actually think better when you're being challenged. You do best when you work by yourself or when you're in charge. You ideas are big, dramatic, and the best.

  • Your Love Style is Balanced love.jpg You tend to approach falling in love practically. You don't let your heart get ahead of your head. You see love as an important part of your life, but it's not the whole picture. You keep romance in perspective. You see love as a great adventure. You like to have fun with your partner, and you have a lighthearted approach to staying together. You are swept off your feet by words of love. A love letter or love poem from your sweetie can make your heart melt.

  • Re: The Coffee Oracle

    Tsunkatse - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are a Zippy Iced Coffee iced-coffee.jpg You are energetic, modern, and a total risk taker. You treat coffee as a quick way to get caffeine, and you're not about to slow down for a warm cup of it. Of all the coffee drinkers, you are the most experimental. You have no problem trying out a new coffee shop or flavor. You love caffeine, but you don't need it. You have enough get up and go on your own.

  • You Are Fairly Curious curious.jpg You tend to get into certain ideas and subjects, and for them, your curiosity knows no limits. In general, you don't tend to be as curious as you could be though. Open your eyes a little more to the world around you. Try something new every day. There's so much to learn, see, do, and be curious about in life!

  • Re: Youtube videos?

    Tsunkatse - - Films, TV and Books


    You already have a thread like this:

  • Re: Is Justin Bieber gay?

    Tsunkatse - - Gay


    Quote from Weballergy: “If he is, there will be a few lonely girls >.>” You mean there's going to be one more lonely girl.

  • Ever been torn between 2 people? Kinda Do you speak spanish? Sometimes Have you gone to a school dance? Yes What's a fact about the last person who had their arms around you? I don't remember who that was Do you have to check in with your parents before you go someplace? No If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which one? White If you could have a super power, what would it be and why? The power to have all powers Are you a lover or a fighter? I'll fight for love :p Do you …