Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 360.

  • You Are a Dark Red Rose You represent unconscious beauty and deep passion. Your vibe: sophisticated and worldly Falling in love with you is: wildly carnal and forbidden

  • You Are a White Flower A white flower tends to represent purity, simple beauty, and modesty. At times, you are dignified like a magnolia. And at other times, you represent great ecstasy, like a white orchid. And more than you wish, you're a little boastful, like a white hydrangea.

  • Re: The Flower Test

    Kimm - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Rebellious You make seem sweet at first glance, but appearances can be deceiving. You are a total rebel who likes to do things your own way. You're really quite subversive. You can get what you want through charm and grace. When people are around you, they don't know what hit them. You tend to have a pretty big agenda, but you hold your cards close to your chest.

  • You Are Most at Home in the Bedroom You're the type of person who finds sanctuary in your home. Your home is your private space. While you may be a social person outside the home, it's very rare that you invite people into your home. There's nothing like spending time alone in your bedroom - relaxing and reflecting about your day. You truly treasure your time by yourself. You need to be able to recharge every so often in order to thrive.

  • Seriously why is everyone having a go about lamps? Lamp light is NOT bright enough to cause a huge lightshow in the hallway. As for those moaning that she's 20, so what? So she's not a kid she can't complain? I'd react exactly the same if my mum did that to me, easily.

  • You Are Banana Pudding You are playful and optimistic. You have a childlike innocence that you've worked hard to cultivate. You are unpretentious and real. You don't put on airs... you're happy with who you are! You are a natural caretaker and a loyal friend. When you don't know what to do, you know you can at least be there for people. It's likely that you still love the place you grew up in. Home and roots are very important to you.

  • Your Brain is Conceptual You can't help but look at the big picture. You're good at putting things together. You think long term. You always have a vision for the future and an idea of how you want things to be. You are a very intuitive person. Even though you are constantly thinking, it feels like answers just appear for you. You enjoy a challenge, especially an intellectual one. You are constantly taking the initiative and pushing yourself.

  • Firefox Prefer it to IE and it's just stuck now, not tried any others.

  • Re: Favorite place to buy clothes?

    Kimm - - Fashion


    River island, topshop, DP Can't go wrong with Primark at times also.

  • You Should Try Zorbing A crazy but low(er) key extreme sport Just get in the big ball and start rolling lmao i'm so unique

  • Re: What did you last munch?

    Kimm - - Health and Fitness


    A strawberry frube

  • Re: The inbetweeners.

    Kimm - - Films, TV and Books


    Full on squealed when I saw the advert before, can't waitttttt.

  • Re: Quiz for you. ;]

    Kimm - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What would happen if you were suddenly in bed with the last person you kissed? I'd be shocked If you were 12 and you could see yourself now, would you be disappointed? Nope, i'd be proud Who did you have a meaningful conversation with last? Meg. Lacking in meaningful conversations lately What are your plans for this coming weekend? Friends, film maybe, not a whole lot really. What are you listening to? My friend on twitcam Are you spending the weekend with the last person you kissed? Nope Have y…

  • Re: Josie won bb2010 !! Yays!

    Kimm - - Films, TV and Books


    I love herr such a lovely person. Hope she wins Ultimate, can't see anyone in there being competition tbh!

  • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

    Kimm - - Education & Jobs


    Year 8/9 maths teacher. Absolute bitch. Spoke to us like we were 3 year olds.

  • Whether it's good or bad is too general of a question I think. Obviously harming yourself isn't good. But to claim it's bad is too judgemental imo. It helps people deal with whatevers bothering them. Yeah, it's pointless when you look back but at the time it seems to help you cope. If cutting helps someone deal with their problems instead of doing anything even more stupid, then i'm for it I guess.

  • Re: MP3 Player

    Kimm - - Technology and the Internet


    I avoided getting an ipod for years then got one. I honestly don't know how I lived without it Lil shitty cheap mp3 players break quickly. I reckon you're best investing in an ipod

  • Re: What did you last munch?

    Kimm - - Health and Fitness


    Lentil and bacon soup

  • Re: the death penalty.

    Kimm - - Debate and Discussions


    I'm for it if the person is DEFINITELY guilty. But there's so many wrongly accused people, it'd be horrible to kill them then find out 2 minutes later they were innocent. Pedos need killing though.

  • I don't think they get better exactly, I just think you learn HOW to make them better?