Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 636.

  • Quote from jnifw3nloi: “What nonesense. The US cannot produce its own goods. You have exported most of your industry. You rely every day on the products of the entire world and any attempt you make to dissolve those economic ties will bee very damaging. Also, the US cannot remain a superpower forever. Adopting an economically isolationist stance will only damage you further and will, if anything, increase US decline.” While some industries have been notoriousely outsourced, others are still stro…

  • My opinion on Hitler is that firstly, he was a genius. He had great oratory and administrative skills as well as a clear understanding of propaganda. However, its odvious he was a madman. I think the same could be said for Stalin.

  • "Oh, he just threw a knife at Johnny, lets put him in the corner and he'll be alright". Spanking, used properly, is a neccesity. You teach children EFFECTIVELY not to break rules. If you don't punish, the behavior escalates. I was -spanked?- as a child and it did me good. Punishment hurt's the kids feelings? Tell me it isn't so! (sarcasm) The red pen and tag issues are so idiodic I wonder why anyone would grant them the slightest attention.

  • Bush has a degree from Harvard, unless you can compete with him one has no right to call him an "idiot". I am loyal to George W. Bush for many reasons. Although I do not always agree with him- escpecially on immigration- I do believe in supporting the president in the war.

  • People are poor. Brilliant observation.

  • I am 100% AGAINST the traitors- excuse me, democrats- on this. We MUST NOT pull out, or we'll face the consequences. I'd rather not be fighting the islamofacists in New York, I'd rather fight them "over there".

  • May I offer another possible scenario? Lets say a man is at home with his family. A burgler breaks in, waving a knife. The man shoots and kills the burgler. Under current laws, the man can still go to prison for ultimately defending his family. I disagree with this. Florida had a good idea in their legislation some time ago which defended the man in this case.

  • Thats a pretty weak point. Sorry.

  • Its stupid. Kids will be kids, its wrong to drug them for that. Lucky me, I fly Delta.

  • The word you are looking for is Ensign. The US military is set up between two different rank systems, E and O. E is your basic man. O are your officers. 0-1 is above the E ranks. Your duty depends on your assignment. E-4s are the speacialists for the basic ranks. Since officers are required to have 4 years of college, they don't have a specialist ranks. That said, 0-1s really are so much pageboys as roughly equivelent to E-4.

  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “Unless you have a deep connection with your virtual online life, there is no reason you should bother. With a few exception, no one seriously knows you online as much as those in real life. Most of opinions are based in assumptions and a lot of people who keep blowing their trumpets while making ridiculous claims are empty boasts.” Couldn't have said it better myself.

  • Re: Creationism

    FutureNavyMan08 - - Debate and Discussions


    This is already being debated in another topic. Racism that is. My bottem line is that there is no real proof for either side.

  • If I am borrowing my dad's laptop for 10 minutes time and needing to do mulitple things, then yes vacation does impair my ability to do research. I don't need to provide that evidence because you and I agree on most of it. My main point is that no race is alone in facing prejudice and racism, even if those feelings do not reach goverment level.

  • Yet you argued that 0-1 is the lowest pay grade. I guess that was a mistake on your part?

  • Quote from Criminal Mastermind: “wont happen to you though” Actually, it will. Learn what you're talking about, stop broadcasting your lack of understanding of military matters. You do have one thing working for you on this point. As I may or may not have mentioned before, I am hearing impaired. I'm waiting on the tests now to determine if that will be enough to disqualify me. However, I am fully eligible on all other points. And sorry, strawberry, for not staying on topic. I'll try not to stray…

  • Again, you fail to comprehend a common figure of speech. I understand your difficulty, though. Honestly. Is it true English is not your primary language? I do understand that figures of speech may be hard to translate, I'll try to refrain from using them so much. Not sure what point you were trying to make in your second paragraph, my point was rather clear. There is no proof god exists. At the same time, there is no proof he doesn't. Even evolution is not really enough to disprove the idea of G…

  • I notice you provided no evidence of any of those past comments, Neo. Isn't that the same thing you rail at me for? I do not fear socialism. Rather, I think it is an idealistic but unrealistic idea of goverment. Not to mention ineffective.

  • I must again clarify via stating the odvious. Neo, there are more races in the world than white and black. I am unable to reasearch the finer statistics at the moment, but lets use a little commen sense. Of all the races in the world- and there are many, as we agree- is it really feasible to say that no other besides white is capable of racism? The point here is just basic logic. Unless whites are 99% of the entire world population, the point you offer is logically hard to imagine. Racism has li…

  • Excuse me, but look who's talking. Its one thing for something to happen in a lab. In laboratory circumstances, almost anything is possible. The relevence is in natural processes. If it can't happen in nature, then what is the relevence?

  • To be realistic, one would have to admit that the far left wing liberals are far more facist than the conservatives. Socialist, at the very least. I hardly think the democratic party is not guilty of deceiving people. Look at Al Gore. More and more of his movie is being disproved. While I am (odviosely) a conservative, I am not a republican. Pledging yourself to any one political party is suicide. I prefer to have open options in any election.