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Search results 21-40 of 320.

  • pretty good.

  • Kevin is right. The 'cool' people don't think about how they're gonna become cool..they're just the people that have a lot of confidence and think they're badass. What exactly do you mean? You do have's your life, and you can do anything you want to do with it. With the attitude that you want to have a lot of not the way to get girls. I promise you that. First, make some good friends. Not necessarily the 'popular' ones. If you see someone at school that looks upset, ask them …

  • Your Favorite Color is Blue You are a compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive person. You can truly put yourself in someone else's shoes. You're known to be very soothing and understanding. Your friends can always turn to you in times of need. You see the world realistically. You don't have any illusions about what is or isn't going on. You are wise and thoughtful. You don't rush to judgement, and you think things through.

  • You Are Coffee You are stubborn and tough. You tend to push yourself to the limit. So even if you've been out drinking all night, you aren't going to let it slow you down. A couple cups of coffee and you're good to go. You can push through any hangover. You're perfectly comfortable burning the candle at both ends... as long as you have a candle to burn!

  • Re: Help :/ question

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Teen Sexuality


    ^ It's completely normal...why should it matter if someone knows?

  • 20 FIRSTS 1. Who was your first love? Brandon 2. Who was your first kiss and when? Mason, last summer. 3. Who was your first prom date? haven't had prom, first dance..Brandon. 4. Who was your first room mate? neverr had one. 5. What was your first job? babysitting i guess, no real job. 6. What was your first car? haven't gotten one yett, 7.When did you go to your first funeral? just a couple years ago 9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? haven't done it yet. 10. Who …

  • Those are awesome, i absolutely love the first one and the 3rd ocean one, with the bird

  • You Are 57% Open You are a fairly open person, but you also like to maintain your privacy. You definitely will tell all (okay, almost all) to your closest friends... But strangers and acquaintances only get a peek into your life.

  • You Are Like a Virgin You have a wide-eyed optimism that most people envy and admire. No matter what happens in life, it's hard for you to lose your innocence. You love like it's the first time, even if you've been hurt many times before. You believe that everyone deserves a fresh start, including you!

  • hey This sounds like a really hard situation for both of you. If she's been in this relationship for 4 years, it's not going to be easy to just leave. She obviously likes you and she's interested in dating you. If she's asking you questions about relationships, then it sounds like she's just making sure you're serious about her, that you won't let her down. Saying that she wants to be out of it is a really big thing, maybe she just wants to leave because she thinks she should be with you, or may…

  • When I got my braces on the orthodontist said that i would need them for atleast 2 years, and then a year later he said I'm ready to get them off. She's right, just take care of them..if they give you rubber bands, wear them. There's nothing wrong with having braces..don't worry about it, it's way better to have them now than when you're an adult.:) -Hanna xx

  • Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom, or your dad? um, dad i guess. Do you know anyone who lives in Ohio? nope. Will tomorrow be better than today? maybe . What was the last thing to go into your mouth? dr. pepper Does your last ex have a job? nope. Honestly, how is your heart lately? pretty good(: Who is the best hugger you know? tori:) If your last ex said they hated you, you say? kay. Do you have a member of the opposite sex you've told everything? two:) Do you prefer to fix the p…

  • The person you love finds someone new, what is your reaction? don't even wanna think about that.. What are you thinking about right now? how he would never do that to me Will you be in a relationship in the next couple of months? i think so.:) You see someone running around naked in the street. Your reaction? :eek: picture time. Anyone you would like to get things straight with? not really. How late did you stay up last night? And why? late...on the phone:) Have you ever had a best friend of the…

  • Nope .

  • Talk to your best friend. She should understand. Invite her to your house, just her, and just have fun. If you invite her places and you pick her up, then it would be pretty hard for the other girl to get involved. Best of luck xx

  • Quote from ...Jess...: “maybe you should show them an edited version of your first post, it was quite emotional and it would be hard to remember all your points you've made in a conversation with them.. good luck ” ^ I agree

  • Quote from *DefyGravity*: “is it bad that i find guys' voices cracking hilarious? :rolleyes:” hahah i do too :p i think it's funny how embarrassed they get about it, it's really no big deal. first couple periods really sucked, i started kind of young..used to it now though.

  • Name Hanna Birthday Sept. 21st Birthplace Florida [: Current Location Florida. Eye Color Green/Hazel Hair Color Blonde. Height 5'7" Right Handed or Left Handed Right. Your Heritage No idea, i think like sweedish or something.. The Shoes You Wore Today Flip flops :D Your Weakness i dunnno. Your Fears bees . Your Perfect Pizza umm, veggie :D Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year there's lots.. Your Most Overused Phrase On Instant Messenger smiley faces . Thoughts First Waking Up i don't wanna g…

  • You Should Weigh 150 If you weigh less than this, you either have a fast metabolism or are about to gain weight. If you weigh more than this, you may be losing a few pounds soon!

  • Re: awww?

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Creative Writing


    awww ! that's adorable. i love the hat . and you're an awesome photographer.