Search Results

Search results 21-38 of 38.

  • Re: Metallica

    TheSteelMessiah - - Music


    Sanitarium! I can't believe Limp Bizkit did a cover of that... I've never heard it. I'm scared to.

  • Re: My music

    TheSteelMessiah - - Music


    Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Disturbed, Jimi Hendrix, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Tupac, System of a Down. Good stuff!

  • Quote from CallMeGoddess: “Yeah, I understand people who are vegetarians for health reason and because they just don't like or want to eat meat, but those who think that them not eating meat is actually helping that poor little cow or pig out there, that's just stupid.” I don't think I'm saving any animals by doing this but it makes me feel better that I'm not supporting it. Like I said, I mainly do it for health and my personal beliefs. Not for the false hope that "If I don't eat this steak, sw…

  • Quote from Torn: “I really don't care what you eat, as long as you are eating something. ("You" being the general population, not "you" as in just TheSteelMessiah)” Yeah, it's kind of stupid that anybody really cares whether or not somebody eats meat. What's really important is doing what's right for yourself and being happy with your lifestyle. I don't have anything against meat-eaters, I just wish that everybody could respect eachothers decisions.

  • Try looking at motorcycle jackets. I think some of them look a lot like that. 40994_H_SH315_MW355.jpg

  • Thanks everybody, Kat you're really nice. Thanks for that. =) To MissV, I was thinking about taping. It's really the only way to do something like that since I'm not willing to do anything extreme. I'm starting to be more okay with who I am though so I'm not sure if I'll do it still.

  • Quote from omfgidc: “Idg why people can't accept that some people don't believe in eating meat. My sister is a veggie, and people give her stick about it. Fair enough it's only jokes, but it gets on my nerves as well as hers.” Yeah, but it happens with everything. People will always find something to make fun of about others as long as it's different from them.

  • Quote from DyNaZTy JoKeR: “I don't understand people becoming vegetarians! I mean, what if someday you only had meat to eat, or else you would starve to death! :confused:” lol I doubt I will ever be in the situation where the only thing the world has left for people to eat is meat.

  • Re: Shout A Lyric !!!

    TheSteelMessiah - - Music


    My failure is so evident And I cannot hide the torment Face first to the earth Plagued by the earthly mindset I cannot escape my basement Face first to the earth Hands around my neck I might as well bow in shame Overmatched, outwitted Defeat is my only name When Darkness Reigns - Project 86

  • I started being a vegetarian for health reasons and was later encouraged by animal rights. (I believe it's hypocritical to eat something that you couldn't kill yourself) When I read about all the hormones and fake stuff they put into meat it really put me off too. Also, a study found that Vegetarians live an average 7 years longer than meat eaters. hah, Not really sure if that's true or not but, yeah. It's also better for the environment. You can look up all these things if you want and research…

  • Re: Dream Job

    TheSteelMessiah - - Education & Jobs


    I have a lot of mixed things I'd like to do but I don't think they'd ever be able to happen. I guess it'd either be Fashion Designer, Archeologist, Writer, Foreign Language Teacher, or do something with Aid Workers and stuff. I think that'd be a truly fulfilling job. I must have multiple personalities or something. lol

  • Knowing that I'm not the only one with these feelings helps because I get lonely a lot and don't have anybody to vent to but my siblings. (I'm homeschooled and basically a complete hermit) But I don't like telling them everything about myself all the time so it's nice to talk to somebody on the outside of home. What is Waking Life btw? I'd like to watch it sometime.

  • Re: GuyLiner

    TheSteelMessiah - - Fashion


    I've gotten to the point where I find it weird to see a guy NOT wearing makeup. I know, crazy stuff. But I'm basically obsessed with all these insane foreign rockstars who wears tons of it. I think it's quite gutsy for a guy to do which is definitely attractive. I like people who don't care about other peoples opinions or strangers staring/laughing at them. lol

  • My dad is Puerto Rican (Taino Indian, African, Spanish) and my mum is like a zillion things. Lithuanian-Jew, Polish-Jew, German/Swiss?, Irish, English, and my great grandfather was very proud of his Mongolian heritage. He said that he was related to Ghengis Khan. o_o

  • Any of my fellow veg-heads on here? Just thought I should make a thread for us. Post anything from tasty recipes, strugglings with the diet, why you became vegetarian/vegan, ect. =) I became vegetarian more than 4 months ago, though it's felt a lot longer. xD It was actually really easy and I don't crave meat, my sister has been one for over a year and a half (now Vegan) and my brother is trying it too. I'm so proud of him. hah I tried my hand at Veganism but found it too hard when I couldn't ev…

  • Hitsugi & Hakuei are my loves(do they count?)... A bunch of other dudes from bands and... Well I don't really like Hollywood type guys so yeah. >_>

  • Thanks so much for the comment, makes me feel better knowing that I'm not seen as a total freak to everybody. I've been trying to be more confident and comfortable with who I am. I've been exercising and eating healthy which has helped. I've always had problems with how I looked though, I guess no matter how close I reach my goals I will still not like myself because of other things. I just have to learn to let go of all this trivial stuff and be happy. It can get so hard though sometimes. Also,…

  • I confuse myself and I don't know how to talk to anybody about it without feeling strange. How would you say this? Hmm.... I wish I were a boy yet I'm not gay. I think it has to do with the fact that I hate stereotypes and the way society looks at women. I've been trying to think of ways to make myself look more boyish. (body-wise) Is this wrong? I know it'd make me happier. I hate having breasts, it's gross. When I first started getting them I cried and became depressed. I thought it was so wei…