Search Results

Search results 61-80 of 561.

  • You Should Never Date an Aquarius Freaky, unconventional, and downright strange - it's likely that any Aquarius will weird you out. And if you do happen to fall for an Aquarius, you'll probably find them too emotionally distant to connect with. Instead try dating: Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, or Virgo What Sign Shouldn't You Date? Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist

  • Re: The Taco Test

    Brighteyes - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Endearing taco.jpg You are outgoing and friendly. You always have something to be excited about. You are easy going and happy. You enjoy everything in life. You are a person of strong taste. You are adventurous in what you like. No one would describe you as hot-headed. You maintain your cool no matter what. The Taco Test Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist

  • Your Life Will Be Calm in Ten Years calm.jpg You're the type of person who takes things as they come, and you do your best not to worry. You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it. You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard. Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency. What Will Your Life Be Like in Ten Years? Blogthings: We're Not…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality



  • You're an Expert Kisser kiss.gif You're a kissing pro, but for you, it's all about quality and not quantity. You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off. And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave. When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable. What Kind of Kisser Are You? Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds

  • You Are Jack jack.jpg You are a natural but reluctant leader. People are drawn to you in times of crisis. And while the role of leader is not something you're totally comfortable with, you will fight hard to keep it. You are obsessed with fixing things and people. You can't rest until everything is better. You have complicated ethics. Doing the right thing is important to you, even though other people may not understand your motives. You are concerned with maintaining your stoic image. It hurts …

  • You Are an Organized Worker You are a very personally expressive person, especially outside of work. Your individuality matters to you. You draw a lot of inspiration and energy from your own internal world. You get bored easily around other people. You like to edit and revise. You are always improving your work, and you never turn in the first draft. You are down to earth and practical. You achieve success one step at a time, by paying attention to details. What Does Your Desk Say About You? Wor…

  • Quote from Linda: “Personally, I don't find the type of body your friend has attractive. I like some muscle, but not ripped like your friend. As long as you're in shape, I think thats all that matters.” As always Linda you've beaten me to thoughs exactly.

  • You Have an Active Imagination active.jpg Your mind is churning and producing new thoughts all the time. You are definitely good at imagining. You can visualize events pretty easily, and you're not bad at thinking up new ideas. Believe it or not, you could be a bit more imaginative. All you have to do is give yourself permission. Spend a few minutes each day daydreaming. It's good for you, and who knows what might come of it? How Active is Your Imagination? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!

  • Simple one word answer......NO.

  • Re: Thigh high boots

    Brighteyes - - Fashion


    Heather darling, with a body/figure like yours you know full well that you can pull it off, and I totally agree with Batgirl about which shorts to wear for each look.

  • Quote from DomGTR: “I meant it in the nicest possible way Heather” You have got soooooo much grovelling to do now, have you got enough years in which to do it?

  • Quote from DomGTR: “Fine! Something like an STD, smartass :p” I can't believe for one moment that you have just called Heather a smartass.

  • Re: The Poppy Test

    Brighteyes - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Considerate You are a truly loving person, and you do your best to love as many people as you can. Some may call you a social butterfly, but it goes much deeper than that for you. You tend to be a big influence on other people, but you don't try to be. You just open your heart, and as a result, people are very receptive to what you have to say. The Poppy Test Blogthings: We Have a Quiz for Almost Everything

  • Re: How could it be?

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality


    lmao...I would like to know OUR SECRET as well. :)....gosh could there really be something I don't know or haven't heard of. :confused:....please help me out here girls, after all we have to stick together.

  • Re: How could it be?

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ivaiva: “Why do you think it's so weird? And unbelievable?” Have you seen how old MG is?.....for heaven's sake he should know by now.

  • Re: How could it be?

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality


    WTF :confused:

  • You Are Adventurous You are quite adventurous and brave, but you are also reasonable about it. You don't have to be on an adventure 24/7. You have good judgment and balance. You like to try new and exciting things, but you also pay attention to risk. You're not the type of person who would throw your life away just to go on a new trip or have a new romantic partner. You like your thrills in small, safe doses. You are gutsy in all aspects of your life from career to relationships. Are You Adventu…

  • Re: Should I do it for him?

    Brighteyes - - Teen Sexuality


    You should never do anything that you feel so uncomfortable about, even if you are trying to please your partner.......Talk to him, tell him how you feel, remember that communication is the most important factor in any relationship. The very simple answer is:- If you feel that uneasy/uncomfortable, just don't agree to it.

  • You Are a Warm Person You are welcoming to everyone you meet. You are friendly and even a little touchy-feely at times. You are curious about people, and you find a lot of value in friendships. You need lots of human connections. You are bold and enthusiastic. You like to try new things, and you crave a challenge. Your energy comes in bursts, and you tend to burn brightly until you burn out. Are You Warm or Cool? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!